Time for another one... Custom 300 Gallon setup

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2009
After a year of being in a 29 gallon HQI biocube, I'm officially bored with it. Thus sparking the idea to get a 300 gallon custom system. After getting a bonus at work ive decided pull the trigger on it. Specs as follows:

The tank will be made from Jason at CFI, He is in the process currently working on it and it should be done the first week of december.

Dimensions are roughly 50"X40"X26" Tall, I know they are weird but its the exact room i had to work with so i went as big as i could. Its setup to be a peninsula style tank with one of the shorter ends being black acrylic and having the overflow box on it.

The stand and canopy are being started this weekend and should be ready the same time as the tank.

Sump:Eshopps R300, with a few slight custom mods

Frag Tank: 40 gallon breeder attached to the system under the stand

lighting:3 Ecotech Radion LED units

Flow: 2 Vortech MP40's

Return pump:Mag 100PXX

Skimmer:SWC 250s2 Cone

CA Reactor: Dual 6.5" Extreme Octopus Reactor

Biopellet reactor:Extreme Octopus

Carbon Reactor: Dual BRS reactor

There will be about 150lbs of live rock, and still undecided about sand or not.

Pics of the equipment coming soon, should be a fun build!
Thanks guys. I will definitely post as many pictures as I can! I will start on the stand tomorrow after I stop by Barrier, Then Blue Sierra, then saltwater city... LOL by that time I might not get anything done. :tongue:
Thank you, i will try t post some pics of the equipment soon.

Do most people add corals or fish to their systems first?
Looks like a fun build! Fish are the usual first additions. This is the time those unwanted fish are added. Then corals go in and fish pick on them, and we get stuck with fish that are hard to catch ;)
Its a tough choice but i suggest doing the coals first and being very picky about the fish you introduce.

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Just got teaser pics from Jason! Cant wait to get it setup! He said he will be posting pics soon.

Mp40's, plumbing, return pump, and frag tank, will all be coming today, along with some other random things. slowly but surely coming together nicely!






here are just a few more to come
As i was posting those pics, some stuff came from UPS, sooo... here are more pics :D






more pics coming tomorrow as more stuff comes.
Definitely was hoping that would hold my tank together?! :D LOL

Its for Xmas, the whole wrapping of gifts and such.
Its confirmed that the tank is arriving tomorrow!

Stand not finished=fail on my part lol