To reef big? or not to reef big?? LOL

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Dave, my thoughts on a double or multiple sumps. I'm planning on having a minimum of 3, one very large fuge one large sump for skimmer & filter media and one large tank for a time-out/grow-out area. I plan on having each one driven by an appropriate size (gph) external pump and plumbed to display tank in the fashion of closed loop systems avoiding the need for unsightly powerheads if possible. Time & money will tell though as most of my plans are fluid.
Looking forward to seeing/reading about your progress.

I currently have my 180 display plumbed into a 75ish gallon refuge/ skimmer area that drains into another 75ish sump that I had planned on using as a grow out area. I am having problems with it though. It seems to build up red slime pretty quick. Not sure if it is just because it is the low point of the system but it is really starting to get me angry. So things to think about when building your sump systems.
Wheeeew, I new MH did crazy unnatural things to the power meter, I was worried if the utilities where 3X without and just pumps and accessories LOL
Todd...Ill be looking more into the sump idea, currently this one has 2 sumps, 1 was a skimmer, other wasnt installed yet, but the guy was going to use it for a cal reactor.

I absolutely will have a Fuge for certain....the media reactors and such is above my current reefing head LOL
I went from a 75 mixed reef to a 180 mixed reef. i was happy to do the move up to the bigger tank. only wish what i know now and i would have did one with a sump.
You'll never look back...LOL...

After 7' you'll start lookinga second big tank then the 10'ers then just one more... LOL

Lighting is the biggest headache on longer deep tanks, but if your not planning on growing SPS on the bottom of the tank, your options are wide open. I think LED is just about there as far as tech, price will come down soon enough

The worst part of big tanks (IME) is that it can let you be a little lazy for a while, but once things get out of whack, takes more to get them back in line.
I'd say read thru my build before you take that leap so you can see the possibilities of things getting messed up along the way. :) Its great having a big tank but there are quite a few things different then with a smaller tank. Just take it slow and TEST everything that you get for the tank to ensure that it will be good to go when you decide to put it to use.

Oh yeah my thread is :
Also knowing the set up in question (having most of is scattered around my living room. It won't be difficult to plum one sump in to the other w/ 2" pipe (both sumps are drilled for it) so that the water level stays the same easily. W/ the closed loop, it also will make it easier to hide all the goodies in the sump..

Then you put a little frag/grow out on the side with another pump... LOL.. I'll toss the 50 in... be perfect of it. And its acrylic... easy to drill.

I love being a bad influence.
As far as power goes, if your planning on going LED's, you won't see a huge spike. The reeflo darts are 3600gph at like 140 watts of power and 2 of those will be plenty for you. I'd look into buying a back-up dart just in case one goes down or loses a seal. They are great pumps but a back-up is always nice to have. And if you go with like Koralia evo 1400 power heads they only draw like 6.5 watts at 1400 gph. A lot of skimmers use sicce pumps which are 23 watts. You will need like a 400 watt heater, but depending on your home's temp it may not be on that long. Now as far as halide lighting You'd be looking at like 1000watts compared to probably 200 watts of LED's. On a side note I bought the skimmer off of this tank you're looking at. I will sell it back to you.
Alot of work imo is needed for a system like that. Floor support, a ton of plumbing, more salt/water changes, And bigger, more expensive equipment is needed. But if you are ready to plan a system like that, can support it and are passionate about the hobby then why not!
I say go for the big one lol, but only if you can support it pretty much. I have had both small and medium (total of 150 gals) and I want to go bigger but will wait my time till i have a house of my own. But I would utilize both those two sumps one as a huge fuge and the other for the equipment. Lighting I would look into LEDs or maybe something else. I dont think the Koralia evo 1400 would do you any good I have the 1050 in my 120 and I just have it pointed to the surface because i dont even feel it a couple of inches away. My maxi jet with sureflow mod does 2200 with the one prop i just had to put the other one on for 1600 to much flow lol. But make sure to take it slow and plan it all out. slow and steady wins the race or builds the nice reef tank.
MH don't cause as much power cost as the pumps.....running 24/7.

All the info about size=water volume=stability is accurate.

As is the caveat about cost; both utility and maintenance.
Don't forget scale- the larger you go with this, the more expensive everything (large) becomes. From the larger pump, to the inclination to try 6 yellow tangs instead of only 1 "just because I have the space".

That said, I like having the greater water volume.
When you go big, there is noooo looking back !!

When I got my 375g system, there were two things that I carefully decided on.

1. Don't go cheap on a skimmer
2. Automate water change system.

I have both, and they have served me well.

The skimmer is the lifeline of your system. Depending on your fish bioload, research and get the best damn skimmer you can afford; you might send a Pm to Skimerwhisperer he is the guru of skimmers.

Also, if you can, automate your water changes so that you can ENJOY your big system, instead of having to clean/maintain it every other day.

this is my .02
Thanks for the food for thought all :) I will and fortunately as I grow older get less impulsive, and do read and research things well.....I do like input, and opinions. add it all together then I make an informed decision

You have an open invitation to visit my system anytime, just give me one day notice...I can show you my water change system for my tank, may give you some ideas..
the only thing that concerns me is who is the tank made by I heard horror stories of a local guy that built tanks and bailed out with alot of peoples money and issues and from time to time some come back on here looking for him. as there sump or tank just blew out. so knowing who made the tank is a bonus as this is an issue you do not want to deal with on that much water on the floor....

being that said I say go for it you will love the bigger tank and it will not stop there I am already planning a bigger tank and one that I can fit in my house this time so i will have to build a stand inside opps on the last one owell. I still get away with 2 mh over my tank and you can get away with 2 over yours with the right reflectors may have some dark areas but going that big main cost will be equipment to support it. and as said before the skimmer you do not want to skimp on. there are alot of choices but your skimmer will have to based on live stock.. as in how many fish you plan to have and size of the fish potentially full grown as I alway look at it and get a skimmer that will support that plus some extra volume. quality flow and live stock power heads closed loop is an option I choose that route some do not like them I have no issues with mine. but mine are on the back wall not the bottom of the tank.
wellllll I gave the verbal YES to this deal :) Lvssuckerfish, this tank looks very well gaps or bubbles seen in any seam that I saw.

cleared a space in garage for now LOL
So with that, that brings me back to question.... the multiple sumps, is there an advantage over a larger longer sump that is baffled or partitioned?
I theorize in my head that multiple sumps requires more pumps, and if drilled, more opportunity for leaks should bulheads, etc. fail.

another thread spawned my curiosity to Plasma lighting....but I have not researched that topic yet......Hows that for pulling this thread to a multi faceted questionaire LOL
NC2WA, just realized I missed your invite 1st read thru.....I would love to come by sometime....actually lived in Bothell for about 6 months as I transitioned to live in wa permanently, bout 3 years ago now.
I actually head southward fairly frequently, 'specially now that I found barrier and red sea LOL