Thanks Mike, now we will see how long it takes one of the Commercial units to catch up/catch on on to our builds...
OK sounds good Guys, so if you both come over to help this will be done in no time at all.... Floyd that technique of yours seems just right and if you were to show me how by doing the first 45 then Alex could show me his way of soldering on the next 45... then I'm sure I could take over from there. One of each technique just to prove I could have done it all by myself. Since I'm a wood worker with no fine Electronics skills I could have it all jigged up and waiting for you. Are either of you buying this yet ???
Cheers, Todd
Alex, I could just go with five chips each as this was the original plan... just have extra chips that I'd like to use if safe enough. Am I correct in thinking that a resistor could curb forward voltage to a safe level to be able to run six without any problems ??? I already have the power supply and splitter for the fans and will be on same timer (16 hrs ON / 8 hrs OFF) reverse lighting schedule. Speaking of fans... maybe you could bring over your latest creations to see how I may incorporate them (ones just like) into my canopy build.
Cheers, Todd