Tweekers and PUNKS GRRR!!

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States

So today, at about 5:15, my girlfriend shows up at my granddaughter's daycare to pick her up. In and out in 5 minutes, to find the driver's side window of our Suburban smashed in and her purse missing!

My daughter comes to pick me up and take me up there. My girlfriend is on the phone with police and I'm on the phone with Paypal, we each have Paypal Debit Cards. While on the phone with Paypal, I'm asked if she JUST made a purchase at Shopko for $620.something!? NO! The purchase was made while I was on the phone with Paypal, who gives me the authorization number. I call Shopko and speak with Loss Prevention. Shopko LP is currently watching the yahoos on video and has stopped the transaction, giving the excuse that they had to rerun the card. Shopko LP was suspicious as soon as yahoos walked into the store because one of them was bleeding from about the hand and arm and went to the restroom to clean up. The yahoos leave, while Shopko LP follows them on camera. While I'm on the phone with Shopkos, above mentioned yahoos leave the store and are followed by LP, to a nearby Target. Shopko LP alerts Target LP who immediately starts recording every move they make. Meanwhile, my daughter and I are in daughter's vehicle, on the way to Target, with a description of the yahoo's vehicle. We find said vehicle in the parking lot and block it in.

I call 911, remember, girlfriend has already been in contact with the authorities. Police are very busy with a couple very sever crimes that have also happened earlier today. Target LP won't allow me to see video but Shopko LP describes yahoos to me and I hand off the phone to him, to speak with 911, while I search parking lot.

Meanwhile, my daughter, who has yahoo's vehicle blocked in, flags down a mall security person. Yahoo's exit Target and split up. Unfortunately I didn't see yahoos but Target and Shopko LP both exit Target and approach us, still on the phone with 911. Unfortunately, neither are allowed to detain yahoos. So, we continue to block yahoo vehicle. About 30 minutes later, yahoo who owns vehicle approaches us saying he needs to leave to pick up his daughter. Needless to say, we don't let him leave, telling him we'll leave once he's in custody. He won't give up names of other two yahoos, saying he doesn't know them, only offered them a ride after picking them up an a location he won't disclose.

The waiting game begins...

About an hour later, 3 squad cars show up. He explains his fabricated story, which he's had a lot of time to make up. I explain our true story. Police know this yahoo... This yahoo is starting to act real 'tweeky.'

Cuffs are applied, our vehicle is moved and yahoo is invited to sit in a squad car.

Target invites police in to view video, he's already made a copy for them.

Shopko invites police in to view video, he's already made a copy for them.

Two other yahoos are identified, also being known by the officers.

Police officers question yahoo several times, offering him several chances to change his story, which he doesn't, even though EVERYTHING was caught on video. Yahoo gives permission to search his vehicle.

Purse is recovered, but wallet is missing, containing several credit cards, check book, drivers license and SS cards.

All in all, at Shopko, Paypal card was used to buy a $620.something TV and shampoo. Paypal was attempted, along with 2 other CCs at Target, for a total of $400.something.

One bad yahoo in custody, two other bad yahoos are being searched for.

Property Crimes are through the roof in our city, with major cuts being made to the police force (especially the property crimes division), so typically these types of crimes are barely investigated, let alone ever solved.

I'm VERY happy to say that, thanks to some great timing, an alert Paypal representative, alert Shopko and Target LP agents, this ends on a somewhat happy note. Yes, we'll need to have a window replaced, yes we'll need to replace her drivers license and some CCs, but the bad guys get to spend some time in the slammer!!

Oh did I mention that there was bloody paper towels in her purse? They bagged all that up, along with her bloody purse, as evidence. They have copies of both security tapes. They also found a customized window breaking tool and some other thievery tools in the yahoo's vehicle.
Wow Michael. At least every one is okay! What a P I T A.

Oh and I had a hard time getting past the first line. Girlfriend???? I am assuming your talking about Angie. I thought she was your wife!
That sucks Sid!! Atleast you got some co-operation from the stores! Here, everyone says, "We didn't see anything." everyone is afraid to get involved on an island 21x7.

Glad no-one was hurt, but what the heck is a yahoo? Lol. Never heard of a person being called that in my life! :p

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Just wow!

You never think " this could happen to you" and in your case it did! Makes my think I'm nuts for selling all my guns....( had to afford this hobby somehow though)
lame. how awesome would it be if the jackass with the bleeding hand got some sort of nasty infection requiring amputation? Sounds like the police will catch up with the 2 that got away which is lucky for you.
Wow Michael. At least every one is okay! What a P I T A.

Oh and I had a hard time getting past the first line. Girlfriend???? I am assuming your talking about Angie. I thought she was your wife!

Yes, definitely a PITA. Angie was able to get a replacement Driver's License today as we have a DOL office open on Saturdays. All CCs have now been cancelled, insurance will be here Tuesday to get our window replaced.

HAHA, nope, Angie is my girlfriend.

That sucks Sid!! Atleast you got some co-operation from the stores! Here, everyone says, "We didn't see anything." everyone is afraid to get involved on an island 21x7.

Glad no-one was hurt, but what the heck is a yahoo? Lol. Never heard of a person being called that in my life! :p

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That's because you're too young! "Yahoo" is a very old term referring to douche bags. I was trying to be as UA friendly as possible.

lame. how awesome would it be if the jackass with the bleeding hand got some sort of nasty infection requiring amputation? Sounds like the police will catch up with the 2 that got away which is lucky for you.

LOL I had a very similar thought, last night. Then I thought about how I'd explain the bloody scalp and my own hand full of hair, to the authorities, had I caught them in the act. "Officer, I saw this guy break out our drivers window and then he head butted this other window...oh this hair, I was helping him remove his head from all the broken glass..."
yeah Krish, ya yahoo! lol. don't know how at 34 years old ( 8 years younger than sid) that you have never heard of that term. maybee its a geographical thing. when I read it, i at no time even thought of the search engine so its definately in my vocabulary i guess. grew in up Ontario Cananda even.
yeah Krish, ya yahoo! lol. don't know how at 34 years old ( 8 years younger than sid) that you have never heard of that term. maybee its a geographical thing. when I read it, i at no time even thought of the search engine so its definately in my vocabulary i guess. grew in up Ontario Cananda even.
So it would have been "Yahoo Ay..."
Yes exactly. my area was REALLY bad ay'....for sayin ay,....alll the time ay. What is interesting to me is when I talk to Canadians still today I quickly revert ansd say it all the time ay. But you would never hear it from me at all otherwise.....ay.
yeah Krish, ya yahoo! lol. don't know how at 34 years old ( 8 years younger than sid) that you have never heard of that term. maybee its a geographical thing. when I read it, i at no time even thought of the search engine so its definately in my vocabulary i guess. grew in up Ontario Cananda even.

Lol! Yea, it's a geographical thing I'm sure batty boy. Know that one? Probably not. :lol:

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Lol! Yea, it's a geographical thing I'm sure batty boy. Know that one? Probably not. :lol:

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Nope, had to look it up. here it is below from wiki.

Batty boy (also spelled batty bwoy), batty man are pejorative sexual slurs used to describe ***, bisexual and effeminate men, or those presumed to be *** and bisexual. The term is a Jamaican Patois abbreviation of the word bottom into batty; "batty boy" is a cognate of the American English "butt boy". Usage is commonplace in some Caribbean cultures where homosexuality is condemned, partially as a result of mainly conservative Christian and Rastafarian beliefs. Sex between men is punishable with up to ten years jail in Jamaica.[SUP][1][/SUP] The country is seen as one of the most violent towards *** men in particular and in 2006 Time noted it likely was the worst place in the Americas for LGBT people and one of the most homophobic places in the world.
oooooooo, right, I remember now sayin "way to go....bat boy!" but not batty boy. kinda threw me off. wonder what you were meaning.
The most disgusting, but honest thing about this whole situation is that by the time this thread was created, the "yahoo" was home having a cold one, or doin' a line of crank with his buddies. Unless you murder someone, the jail is just a revolving door and the courts and jails are so overcrowded from locking up someone for smoking a joint that there are people who are a real danger being let out on their own recog. Even when convicted, a non violent crime will get a very minimal sentence, even some sexual offenders get off with just probation!
I am sorry to hear that your stuff got stolen, and I am even more sorry to see the sad state of affairs our justice system is in!
Actually, it's funny that this thread got bumped when it did.

The original yahoo did end up doing about a month in jail. But what's so coincidental about the timing of this thread renewel is this...

Last week, we were served with subpeonas to testify in court, against the other two, who are both being charged with several different crimes, including identity theft, credit card fraud, theft, burglary, etc. They've both been in jail for some time, awaiting trial. We were originally scheduled to testify today, at a pretrial hearing, but the court date was changed to tomorrow. So far, we're scheduled for 4 different dates, in the next 3 weeks. Unfortunately, all 4 of these dates are dates when Angie will actually have to take time off of work, to be in court. So, more income
Turns out that we didn't even need to be there today as it was just an arraignment for one of the yahoos. She was released, with conditions. She's not allowed to leave Spokane County, she's to have absolutely no contact with us, she's not allowed to use ANY form of currency/payment, other than cash(no checking account, no credit/debit cards, no gift certificates, no money orders, no cashiers checks...nothing but cash), no contact with the other yahoos (I guarantee she'll break this one as soon as she gets out) and no drug use, (from the looks of her she's been a heavy drug user for quite some time).

The next court date will be Oct. 5th, for one of the other yahoos, who's still sitting in a cell.
Atleast theyve been caught. I hate crap like that! I havent had a job in 2 months and i dont have an income of my own, nut to break into someones car or home, never crossed my mind! Thats just not something i could do. Glad your all ok.