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3 rules

wrightme43 said:
2005 Ninja 250. I just got it a couple of weeks ago. That has to be the most fun you can have with pants on. I have been practicing my ass off. Its plenty fast with 38 hp. I cant even imagine what 89 hp - 140hp on a bike would be like. ....Got any pictures of your CBR 1000f?

The ninja 250 is a great first bike! I know a few people that ride them.
Getting the bike set up correctly for you make a world of difference.

The cbr1000 has about 135hp... more than I ever need. It is my 7th (and maybe last) bike!

I have pictures someplace... but they are all blurrrrrrry :) it is stock black.

Someone said they had an R-6 ...another nice bike.

Another said they liked the "chopper" style bikes ...they are cool... but less generally less stable to ride then a standard bike. (physics)

Motorcycle rule number
1 - Rubber side down, Shiny side up.
2 - Best insurance is Protective gear and a good set of tires
3 - Drive as though you were invisible. Never assume a car sees you!

Cant stress enough to go take the safety class!
Guppies are cool

Eric Boerner said:
Damn Kate, I never imagined someone would shell out $20 for a guppy, and then pay $30 on top of that to have it shipped to them.

Many people I know that once kept guppies... eventually come back to them cause they are fun.

Remember how fun guppies were... when they first had babies and you wanted to save them all :)

All of the kewl colours!

Maybe I will get some guppies for my FW tank...
I also am a lover of guppies. Many decades ago, made enough money raising and selling them to buy my first scuba gear in 1969, was a two hose regulator set-up. Selective breeding and developed the 3/4 black red veil tail, quite striking. First females with mostly black bodies. Was selling mated pairs to LFS for $10 a pair whsle, HUGE money back then. Sold like hotcakes. While on a mexican vacation, neighbor feeding them, as they died, kept putting more food in. By time I returned, 1/2" of food on bottom and tank very sour. Lost them all including the breeding stock. Decided was done with guppies. Moved on to raising cichlids then to keeping salt

Guppies rock, LOL
I am 26 and an electronics technician at Schweitzer Engineering Labratories (in Pullman Wa). Usually when I start telling people what I do their eyes glaze over and they change the subject.
The short version is we build all the computerized stuff that keeps the electric power on. If you ever loose electricity, call up your local power company and tell them to come buy a bunch of stuff from us, we could have kept that big New York blackout from happening.

On a more interesting note I was a bicycle mechanic from the time I was 16 until two years ago when I got done with my electronics degree. I would do that the rest of my life except I would never be able to afford food.

On the side I am working on a mechanical engineering degree.
29, urology resident in training here in seattle. About half way through my training. Also avid golfer, flag football player and father to my wonderful dog.
I'm 32 and I'm a professional idiot wrangler...at home I'm just a house monkey.

I have a 2006 Kawasaki Concours that I ride to work everyday.

Steve, have you been to the Ninja 250 forums? There is a forum for the Concours, and I've heard there is a forum for the Ninja 250 as well. Might give you some pointers on where to go with the mods you want to do on the Bike.
Just an interesting note about my job, and I mention it because I like to feel superior to the poor. I work in a hospital and the job requires me to be on call. If I get called in, I am paid for 2 hours minimum at time and a half which is abooooot 90 bucks per call back. I got called in twice last night, Sweet, money wise. But since I don't know if, when, and how many times I will get called, I can't budget in the money. So guess what I do with it? I buy corals. "In your face poor people who can't buy corals!"

Just kidding around, I hate call, but I do love the rewards.

I'm 32 and I'm a professional idiot wrangler...at home I'm just a house monkey.

you forgot to say that you got an awesome doughnut hat that Nikki gave you for your birthday, and do not forget that in your free time you like wrestling with squirrels :shock: :lol: :lol:
No on the doughnuts, yes on the squirrel wrangling. The dong is still pissed he didnt get the squirrel first.

I dont think it's possible to kill a guppy is it Kate? My daughter came home three years ago with a science experiement in a two liter bottle that had been cut in half and duct taped back together. She walked in the house with "Mom I have guppies!!" I said no way (we had like five salt tanks in the house at that time including a 40 gallon in her room). I said take them back, she said the teacher said we couldn't. So they sat in the pop bottle forever it seemed until one day I went to clean her room and picked up the bottle by the top and duh, it broke in half and they went all over the rug. I wanted to leave them there but I screamed for her and she ran in picking them up and I ran in the bathroom and added plain tap into the bottom half of the bottle and she plucked them out of the carpet and they were fine and had babies the next day. They are still there (now in a gold fish bowl) and never have water changes, never get fed (hmmm wonder what they eat), and are pretty much ignored....
I am working on my PhD. and I teach a literature class at a local community college. I have a long way to go though.
24, Manufacturing Engineer for Pratt & Whitney (Jet Engines)

well im 19 i brick clean new house with acid and high pressuer cleaners go to work at 5am home by 12 with the rest of the day to surf dive and look at my wonderful fish tanks i know people dont really like to discuss how much they make but i heard minimum wadge is like 4 dollars an hour in america? not sure if thats correct i get 90 dollars a day weather we finish at 12 or 10:30

Dude, I think min wage is almost $6/hr now.

One day I dream to work for a formula 1 engine design R&D facility.

Haha, me too dude! Howabout McLarens new facility, eh?:cool:
I don't do a dam thing I'm retired. Soon you will hear about me on national news on my trip to MACNA, when my friend gets on the plane and I holler out load Hi-JACK
i know that you guys are all jealous, but i just got a raise into 10th grade starting at the end of the month!!!!!
I am a Structural Engineer In Training...I currently work for Jacobs Associates (www.jacobssf.com). I specialize in designing underground structures such as tunnel lining systems.

In my free time I work on my aquarium and go to school at the University of Washington.
construction and service technician for the local cable and power company for 8 years and I am 26
i am 41 and work for infineum a subsidary of exxon running chemical reactors.