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Welcom apex. I feel kinda funny sayin' that because I got my welcome just a couple of weeks ago.

You'll love it here, everyone is really friendly and helpful. Hunt around a little and see whats what, if you don't find the answer just ask; most are quick to answer. :)
Thanks Meche. I'm on a lot of the other boards, but just found frontiers recently. Seems like a good resource without a lot of the things I dislike about some of the other forums...
Laboratory Director for the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality - Environmental and Drinking Water Laboratories.
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I'm 44, I have several jobs. My main job,midnights is at a box factory. (someone's got to make them). Then about 3 or 5 evenings a week I deliver groceries to barges along the Mississippi. That is one of the best jobs in the world. Get paid to spend someone elses money. And the last several evenings I work at a gas station. I keep trying to quit that one, but the owner keep asking me to come back, and I enjoy getting paid to stand there and B.S. with the customers. Can't beat that. But one day I will have to quit. I'm getting too old for this. Then I am a single mom to three kids, boy 21, girl 20 and boy 14. So lucky for me, they can pretty much take care of themselves.