What should be the next step to more coral growth?

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Nov 25, 2012
spanaway washington
So I've been running my new 75 gallon for 9 months now and the coral have really started growing over the last few months but I'd like to see a little more growth out of them. Not sure which direction to go now. Thinking a reactor possibly. I've heard of dosing but not sure how well it'll work out and I don't want to do it incorrectly and kill everything.
Need more info. Like type of corals? Lighting? How many fish & what are you feeding how often?
If you're already getting good growth why change anything?
Do you test? I suggest testing alkalinity , tempature, salinity, calcium even. Hths.
...You may need to dose a two part to keep your alk and cal levels up and in check.
Lighting I have ocean revive LEDs. I have three clowns, two tangs, and melanurus wrasse. As far as coral go I have mix of different LPS, plates, and softies. I feed them frozen brine shrimp once a day everyday. Occasionally throw in some frozen alge or seaweed leaf. I'm just wanting to get a little more out of them. Have them reach full potential I suppose.
First of all....frozen brine shrimp is very low in nutritional value. I highly suggest you try something like LRS Reef Frenzy or Rods. Both are frozen both great foods. Also try a Veggie Clip with dried Seaweed for your Tangs.

As for your corals? IMO good lighting & fish poop are sufficient. Along with steady balanced parameters.
You could target feed your LPS with the frozen Mysis Shrimp occasionally. Much better then the Brine Shrimp.