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Yea those are the fair weather fans.
Me, I have been a Bears fan since before coming to the USA, there was only 2 TV channes back in Mexico and on sunday one would show AFC and the other NFC games, I always love to see the NFC and the Bears. Even when they sucked I like them. It is like being in love, you cannot change how you feel, you just have your team. As far as the White Soxs, I had been to both ball parks in Chicago and found the Old Comiskey park so nice and fan friendly, loved to go eat at the concession stand by the outfield were you could see the game ground level. Hated the new stadium when it first opened.
So I have been rooting for those teams for over 20 years. Believe me I have seen bad times also. They just happened to be up now.

Now that's a fan hehe, i like fans that stick to their teams even if they suck... and still say .... Go team !! when they already lost :) .
yeah, it seems like now we have a lot of bears fans ..... i feel tiny with my Seahawks right now :p :D .

yeah Nikki, you suppose to like the Colts :p .... so i don't knwo what's up with that :lol:.

Hey Lue just tell me...did you ever watch soccer in Mexico? if you did who was your favorite team? :D .
Little Luey said:
I am also glad to see a sponsor that actually gets involved with what's going on in the forum not just selling stuff. That's cool.

Thanks Lue, I appreciate the word.

NaH2O said:
OMG - I almost fell out of my chair from laughing so hard. My dad turned the TV off, too!! Then when the remote controls came out, he would hit mute first....then turn off the TV if it got worse. Somehow that practice rubbed off on me. As if muting the announcers makes the game any easier

Niki OMG, I used to get so frustrated girl Being ghe ever optimist I would say they could comeback. Dad used say Piss on em.... LOL I used to get a kick out of it. But now with DTV I can watch em and never have a interuption, I am in Heaven. LOL
spongebob lover said:
Hey Lue just tell me...did you ever watch soccer in Mexico? if you did who was your favorite team? :D .

My dad loved Cruz Azul and I kind of like them but also Pumas, loved their uniform. I have not really watch soccer much anymore.
ohh boy Cruz Azul eh, my step dad used to be a huge fan of them hehe.
I'm more of a Las Aguilas del America, pumas and chivas :D .
Soccer? Whats that? Hmm Sounds like something you hang on the fireplace at Christmas. Is that the sport where sling the ball with a Bannana Leaf looking thing? LMAO
Speaking of Soccer, the World Cup is about to start in a few more days, June 9 I believe. This is trully a world event since countries go thru elimination rounds for about a year or so before the the tournament. It will be in Germany.
Soccer is catching up here in the US now, the level of play is a lot better than 10 years a go.
Soccer? Whats that? Hmm Sounds like something you hang on the fireplace at Christmas. Is that the sport where sling the ball with a Bannana Leaf looking thing? LMAO

LMBO!!! yeah but you eat the banana first, then you do the monkey dance and after that you get a chance to kick the ball :lol: .

Speaking of Soccer, the World Cup is about to start in a few more days, June 9 I believe. This is trully a world event since countries go thru elimination rounds for about a year or so before the the tournament. It will be in Germany.
Soccer is catching up here in the US now, the level of play is a lot better than 10 years a go.

i know .... yuuhuuu !! :D ..... i doubt Mexico will win it :( but i'll keep my hopes up :p .
I agree with the U.S. getting better, they also beat Mexico last time i believe:doubt: :( .

Well all i know is that i hope Brazil doesn't win again!! :doubt: .... darn Brazilians ..... they need to stop that :p :lol: .
Yeah, and they can't even speak Spanish!

LOL!!! yeah .... their accent is kewl though :p and i'm sure everyone likes brazilian women :lol: but still..... no more winnins for Brazil !!! 5 times... come on... they should give the other countrys a chance, I think Mexico hasn't even had it once :p :lol: .
After a 12 hour night shift

Ok working on gas turbines is fun! But a guy does get tired after 12 hours can you say sleep!
Hey spongebob! What's wrong with Brazil winning again?

We are good at it, let us win :)

Actually, go to fifa.com and you will have all the World Cup history there.
Ah, why did you have to start all the soccer talk, you got me going now!
Can't wait for the world cup to start.

Hey Trevor, looks like you did your homework. Most Americans I meet think we speak Spanish in Brazil.
Watch out for Germany, home ground advantage and they a big tournament team.

BTW watch out for 2010 - Soccer World Cup right here in SA :)

Can't wait !!!!!!
kewl picture Jeff .
i like how you're smilling.... at least some of us still smile :p .

Hey spongebob! What's wrong with Brazil winning again?

hmm that Brazil has won 5 times .... i think that's why .
sheesh you want more :eek: !!..... now that's just wrong :lol: :lol: .

Actually, go to fifa.com and you will have all the World Cup history there.
Ah, why did you have to start all the soccer talk, you got me going now!
Can't wait for the world cup to start.

Hey Trevor, looks like you did your homework. Most Americans I meet think we speak Spanish in Brazil.

lol !!! hehe that's the point.. to get you start going :D ... besides we need some football i mean soccer.

hmm i don't know about Germany, it all depends on how good does Brazil this time :p .
All i want is Mexico not to suck that bad this time :p but doubt it.

Hey Recife dood, do you happen to make any brazilian food at home? In Canada i had a friend who was from Brazil and her mom used to make such a drooling, tasty, juicy, finger licking good food, the same for the chocolates she used to make :D ... so if you know any or your wife .... you gotta share!! .
My husband by the way went to Brazil about 5 years a go to "explore";) :lol: and he always like to talk about Brazil, he went into the jungle with some of his friends and ex girlfriend... he said it was awesome and that it's a very pretty country.