Why the new rules??

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They still have to wait for 30 days to post in the for sale forums. That's a long time to wait if you are just trying to offload some stuff. That's probably more dedication than some people have when they can find a site just for selling stuff without the wait.

In that case, those people should go to the site just for selling stuff without the wait. Reef Frontiers is not a site for selling stuff. Most other forums, that have similar rules, have a 90 day wait.
I guess i have one more concern here.... What about people posting less then quality post to make it to the 50? It's pretty easier for me to weed though the sale forum.

If people are making blatant posts to just to boost their post counts.....

We'll find out about it. Ya know how you can hit the "Subscribe to Thread" button underneath the "Thread Tools" button at the top of the page? Mods have subscribed to all the forums as well. So when we see the same person posting on 10 different threads and they're just boosting post counts, then we can delete their posts, and reset their post count. Its been done already...

If people are making blatant posts to just to boost their post counts.....

We'll find out about it. Ya know how you can hit the "Subscribe to Thread" button underneath the "Thread Tools" button at the top of the page? Mods have subscribed to all the forums as well. So when we see the same person posting on 10 different threads and they're just boosting post counts, then we can delete their posts, and reset their post count. Its been done already...


I think that is a good idea but for people like me who have been a member for 2 years and does not post much well I still can not sell anything:( Now I am forced to get my post count up to 50 so I can sell something if I want to. I have bought a few things from local reefers in the Seattle area but I do not get up that way much anymore.
Hi, I'm pretty new to reeffrontiers, but I just wanted to say that I agree with the new rule. I don't even have enough posts to put a WTS or WTB post up and I'm for the rule. I know a lot of other reef sites that I've looked at 50 posts seems pretty intimidating when you look at the responses a "newbie" question gets, but I just wanted to say that this site is different in my opinion.
I'll admit I was a bit nervous to post on here when I first joined, because I was scared that I'd ask a "stupid question" and then get flammed for it. But every question I've posted on this site has been helpful, supportive, and informative. Thanks to people like Sid and Cross. I look forward to contributing more to this wonderful group.
To me this new rule is actually very helpful for new people because it gives us a little shove to go ahead and ask the "stupid questions" that we were worried about posting. Thank you all for this great site!
Sorry thing is if you want to buy something you can not even post for it?
Sorry thing is if you want to buy something you can not even post for it?

1...Send a PM. They are time/date stamped just like posts so if the selling party has any integrity, he/she will respect that. If not, who's to say the item you're trying to purchase is in working condition anyway?

2...You have 52 posts and have been a member since June 2007, its not a problem for you anymore.

I think that is a good idea but for people like me who have been a member for 2 years and does not post much well I still can not sell anything:( Now I am forced to get my post count up to 50 so I can sell something if I want to. I have bought a few things from local reefers in the Seattle area but I do not get up that way much anymore.

I agree with this. I've been a member for a while, and now want to offer a few free frags and a trade, but can't. :(
As has been said MANY TIMES. This rule was put into place to weed out NON Contributing members. I'm sorry, but IMO, if you've been a member for a year, and haven't reached 50 posts yet, you really aren't a contributing member and don't deserve to be rewarded.

This may not reflect the opinion of others, but it sure is my opinion....take it however you'd like.
Maybe adjust the rule.... make a lower threshold for those who have been a member for more than a year?
I still don't understand why people complain about this new rule. It is fair and it is also very easy to get your posts above the 50 post mark.

Ask questions, answer questions... etc... etc. Very easy to do :O) And I am sorry but if you've been on RF for over 2 years and still don't have over 50 posts... Then I think you're not asking and answering questions enough.

People are suppose to enjoy RF for the knowledge one can attain while browsing the forums. I for one enjoy asking the stuipid questions and I also enjoy helping others when I can in answering questions.

Sure there are great deals to be had on the buy sell but those IMO are just bonuses.

Off my high chair I come. Sorry if I've offended anyone. Just getting really tired of all those complaints.
Maybe adjust the rule.... make a lower threshold for those who have been a member for more than a year?

I'm actually in favor of the post count requirement being raised, OR the membership time being raised to 90 days, as it is on almost all other reef forums. As I said, part of this is to reward CONTRIBUTING members. Adjusting the rules, lowering the "threshold" for those who've been members for more than a year, and STILL don't have 50 posts, would NOT be rewarding CONTRIBUTING members.

I can't believe how often this has already been said and how many people are still questioning it. Keep it up and Chuck will just do away with the selling forums for everyone.
50 post counts aren't that hard! Heck I use to make about 50 posts per day :lol: But seriously, it's crazy how people are worried about a 50 post count requirement when I've seen WAY worse on other forums. You guys don't know how good you have it here on RF :rolleyes:
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I'm actually in favor of the post count requirement being raised, OR the membership time being raised to 90 days, as it is on almost all other reef forums. As I said, part of this is to reward CONTRIBUTING members. Adjusting the rules, lowering the "threshold" for those who've been members for more than a year, and STILL don't have 50 posts, would NOT be rewarding CONTRIBUTING members.

I can't believe how often this has already been said and how many people are still questioning it. Keep it up and Chuck will just do away with the selling forums for everyone.

Well put and couldn't agree more.
Is this thread really still going on? LMAO :lol::lol::lol:
For those that is here griping about it here. It is better off if you just join in on other discussions post up some pics of your system or what ever other than griping about this very lenient rule on this thread. Like what others has said 50 post is a piece of cake if you contribute to the cause.
Keep it up and Chuck will just do away with the selling forums for everyone.

Muwahahaha. Then you'd have to post on CL or better yet. Join your local club and go to the frag swaps and equipment swaps to buy and sell your goods. That would be horrible, you'd actually have to leave the house and meet the people your buying from. :lol:
I have no objection to the rules.
For the length of time I'm on a forum, I post little.
It's not because I don't want to contribute, but if I haven't had the problems a lot of people have, then I have no experience to offer a solution.
If the problem is something I've experienced, then I still don't post if someone else has already stated what I would have, especially when it has been done better than I could do.
As for posting with questions to solve problems I may have, the first thing I do is use a search feature on the forum, and almost always, the answer has already been provided.
I WILL post however, if my experience in dealing with a specific problem has been different than what someone has already posted.
That being said though, all the forums I visit are free to set the rules they find best needed for that particular forum. If I'm not happy with the rules of a forum, I'm free to go somewhere that has rules that I am happy with.
Forum owners don't owe me a thing, but I certainly appreciate the ability to read other input on my hobby.
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