Yet another Ca alk question

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Sep 15, 2006
Coffs Harbour Australia
Ok I have a issue with understanding the maintainence of ca and alk.
I have measured my current levels - ca- 380 alk 4dKh so I would like increase these. I would like to get them on the higher side of the recommended levels to try and encourage maximum growth of my sps. I have a kalk stirrer(currently working) and calcium reactor(not currently hooked up).

I have gone to the online calculators they say I need 50 liters of limewater to reach my target. What does this mean? How much kalk do you put into this? My stirrer is connected to a float switch which automatically doses it. Is it going to be a trial and error thing ie. put a couple of tablespoons in each day and keep testing it until its right?

Thanks for you help
Kalk is a poor way to increase Calcium and alkalinity. However, it's an excellent way to maintain them once you get them to the right level.

Before any of us try to help you out, are you sure your alkalinity at 4 dKh? I bet your test kit is reading 4 meq/l. (I'm assuming the latter).
I'm with Curt on this. I think you're reading meq/l instead of dKH. That's a REALLY low dKH reading!! Once you are sure of your results, check this link out for DIY recipes that work GREAT! The second link is for a great calculator to use to determine how much of each to use. There's also a Magnesium portion to the recipe. I've been using them since setting up my 75 reef tank and it didn't take long at all to get everything balanced. Once you're balanced, then you can use Kalk to stay balanced and keep your levels up where you want them, with only occasional dosing of the 2 part recipe.
Thanks guys,

I just checked (I did another test) and its 4.5dKH or 1.6meq/l
Does this represent a major problem??

That is very low 8-11 is the range to shoot for. What test kit are you using? Tell us about your tank. Do you have ca consumers like sps? What salt mix are you using?

I've only recently set up my tank 180gal. I live at on the beach so I use natural sea water for water changes. Im currently filling the tank with sps. At the moment I have about 8 corals(sps). There seems to be quite alot of coralline algae spotting everywhere and is quite abundant on my rock(where I think the ca is being consumed).

Im using a salifert test kit
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I've only recently set up my tank 180gal. I live at on the beach so I use natural sea water for water changes. Im currently filling the tank with sps. At the moment I have about 8 corals(sps). There seems to be quite alot of coralline algae spotting everywhere and is quite abundant on my rock(where I think the ca is being consumed).

Im using a salifert test kit

Why dont you go out and test some fresh sea water and get back to us. It would help to know where your starting at.

You have a link to a CA,ALK,CA balance sheet? I misplaced mine?
Ok so I think Ive finally nutted this all out now. Im going to use Randy's Recipe #1 to raise my ca and alk to 450/11 respectively.
I have calculated that I will need 1388mL of Alk supplement and 1703mL of ca supplement.

Should I dose these with a dosing pump? Or can I just pour in 1/3 at a time?

My pH is currently around 8.16 will this get too high?

Thanks again for all your help and appologise if annoying you guys
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Ok so I think Ive finally nutted this all out now. Im going to use Randy's Recipe #1 to raise my ca and alk to 450/11 respectively.
I have calculated that I will need 1388mL of Alk supplement and 1703mL of ca supplement.

Should I dose these with a dosing pump? Or can I just pour in 1/3 at a time?

My pH is currently around 8.16 will this get too high?

Thanks again for all your help and appologise if annoying you guys
From what I've learned recently, much thanks to Don, who got me set up with Randy's recipes and the calculator and spent numerous posts educating me on Ca, Alk, Mg and the whole slew of other chemical information I needed....I'd dose the Alk supplement over a period of a few days. You don't need to drip it but because it's such a large amount, divide the 1388mL by say 4 and over a 4 day period, pour each amount into your sump or a high flow area of your tank. The Ca supplement will need to be dosed by dripping. I was in a similar situation as you but didn't have near that low of Alk.

As for your pH, did you notice that there's 2 different recipes? The difference between the 2 is based on your pH levels. One recipe is for normally low pH while the other is for pH above 8.3. I don't remember which is which but the article explains it. I'd used the one based on having the higher pH levels and you should be okay with it NOT raising your pH.

However, I'm still new to this and definitely listen to what Don has to say. He's been an enormous help in educating me and getting my tank balanced!
Thanks again, Im currently dripping in my Alk supplement via my auto top off unit. I thought this would be the safest way to do it just in case(I have only added 1/3 of supplement to the container as a second backup). I am getting my calcium supplement supplies tomorrow and will drip that in accordingly then.

I am finally getting my head around it all! I guess my next challenge will be to maintain levels once I get there.
Once you get balanced, you should be able to use Kalk to stay balanced. What levels are you aiming for? From what I've learned, you're better off to start by aiming for a stable Alk level and then balance your Ca to your Alk. In other words, pick a good Alk level and then find the level of Ca that balances that Alk level. You can use the Reef Chemistry Calculator to determine what Ca level will balance your determined Alk level. To do this, just punch in imaginary numbers to the calculator. Punch in your desired Alk level. Then when you "submit" Alk, it'll tell you what a balanced Ca level would be.

In my tank, I'd originally decided to try for an alk of 10.0 dKH and balance my Ca at 430. I had a difficult time keeping my alk at 10.0 so lowered my desired alk to 9.3 with a balanced Ca of 427. I've found it much easier to stay close to these levels.

Don't ignore Mg either. You should aim for a Mg level of 3 times your Ca level. For instance, if your Ca is 400, your Mg should be 1200.

Ignore your pH until you get your Alk, Ca and Mg all balanced. When you get to that balanced point, your pH will probably take care of itself. Also, don't dose Alk and Ca at the same time.

Another point that was made to me is that when you're finally balanced, in order to stay balanced, you really should be dripping Kalk for ALL of your top off water. I didn't start out that way and was unable to stay balanced. For instance, if you evaporate 3 gallons a day, you should be dripping 3 gallons of Kalk a day. I was dripping 1 gallon of Kalk a day and then topping off with fresh RO/DI water for the remainder. I've now tried to drip Kalk for more of my top off and it's seemed to help me stay balanced better.