You Know Your A Reefer when:

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

Help Support Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum:

When you have been living with 150lbs of live rock curing in your main floor clawfoot bathtub with 2 skimmers,pumps and heaters running since September.
when you worry about your fishes so much that you kick your husband out of the apartment to the petstore just so he can get you what you want :D .
...when you are willing to sell your classic BMW to raise more money for the tank

...when you sneak away from your best friend's wedding to check out the LFS because you are 3 states away from home and will not get another chance to go there

...when you get mad at the LFS for not being open at 2 am

...when your eyes hurt from staring at the monitor for so long, and yet you can not tear yourself away from the RF posts

...when your brand new digital camera gets 2000 fish pictures on it in 3 months

...when you wake up your husband at 3 in the morning to tell him about a new lighting idea

...when you set up a tank in your new house before you move in anything else, and you choose a spot for the tank and work the rest of the furniture around it

...when you are so busy typing this reply that you ignore your kids who just got out of the bath and are freezing their bottoms off waiting for their towels... oops, I gotta go!
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lol !!!!
i agree with aquarookie :D .

my son sometimes gets so mad because he wants something and i'm to busy typing :D
....when you've got superglue stuck in your hair, and your fingers stuck to the tube.
NaH2O said:
....when you've got superglue stuck in your hair, and your fingers stuck to the tube.
and the da** slimy frags are still floating loose.!
You know your a reefer when ...
you spend so much time on RF that your teenagers want another computer with internet access.
When you come home with red eyes and the munchies smelling like you just did the tango with a skunk.
Brian what do you mean when you come home... isn't your tank IN your home? :lol: no wonder you get temperature swings :D.
Just a bad joke Gabby. Yes my tank is in my house. If you do a google search on reefer you will find an alternate meaning. lol

LMBO !!!
Gab you just now got it?! I figured everyone would have caught onto that one right away.:D
when the local lfs takes in the saddest, poorest looking, most neglected corals and saves them for you cuz they know youll spring for them cuz you hate to see good coral waste away.
when you barter with the lfs for a nice fish or coral cuz your spending the last 20 bucks to your name. Who needs to eat anyway!
This ones for you wrightme43,
You know your a reefer when,
You spend the evening making fish cookies with the wife and kids!
Way to ingrain the reefer bug into them kids!