You Know Your A Reefer when:

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Try sweeping Gabby...Much easier(LOL) What's for dinner BTW...Stir fry? (LOL)

LMBO !!! :lol: i didn't know if it was broom or groom or something like that, but sweeping works.

you won't believe this Krish but we're having beef stirred fry ... darn it, i told him i could cook him something nice and he said .... nawww i wanna try this again :doubt: :shock:
You know your a reefer when...
Your tank and equipment cost more than the wifes mini van
When you decide you have to move to a bigger house so you can have a bigger tank
When you spend hours in the kitchen whippin up the next batch of fish food while the kids miss lunch
When you spend hours in the kitchen whippin up the next batch of fish food while the kids miss lunch[/QUOTE]

:oops: :oops: :oops: I've never done that, nope NEVER!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

I just let the kids smell what's in the blender and they go screaming out of the kitchen, forgetting they were hungry :D
You know your a reefer when you snorkling in the tropical island of guam and your buddy says look at the starfish and your tell him its a linkia and he says look at the fishy and you tell him its a trigger fish and he tells you hey look at that shark and you tell him to get out of the way!!!!!
You know your a reefer when... your on vacation asking locals for the nearest fish store so you can take home livestock without the extra shipping charges.

You know your a reefer when...More than half of your check goes towards your tank.

You know your a reefer have a picture of your tank in your wallet and on your phone.
......when you go on a vacation and you spend more time looking up LFS's and printing out directions and mapquest maps to them than planning the actual vacation....

.....when you get come home from work and get yelled at for pausing at the tank to check it all out before continuing to the sweetie for an I'm home kiss......

......when you easily remember to feed the tank, but forget to feed the little doggie whinning loudly by it's empty bowl......:D :D
You know your a reefer when...
You screen saver slide show at home and work is 300 pictures of your reeftank.
You go to the lfs during lunch and return with bags full of water and critters that sit on you desk while you have to explain to every coworker that walks by what is in the bags.
charlie said:
Must be something about Montana women, mine says the same thing:D

I just dont think they understand... heck sometimes i dont understand myself
You know your a reefer when...

You are actually waiting on your friend to call (8:00 p.m at night tonight) to go with him down to the pet shop to see what cool fish are coming in tonight.

When one of your best friends owns the pet shop and you have him open it up after hours to get something

When the owner of the pet shop and his staff ask you questions about fish tanks to help a customer who is in the shop

When you've seen thousands of reefs so far in your life:D
When one of your best friends owns the pet shop and you have him open it up after hours to get something

hey that's so not fair :( , hmm may be i should ask the people from my lfs if they want to be my friends :p .
waiting for someone to say...You know you are a addicted reefer when you put your Wonder woman underoos in the tank to promote your clowns to breed. I am not saying any names...He he he..but I am laughing hard.
LMBO !!!! i wonder who does that :lol: :lol: , undies are quite expensive :D .
but i think just for adding some color in the tank, i'd add some red undies like the ones superman wears :lol:
you know you are a reefer, when you worry your lights would fall in the tank so you use tooth brushes to make them hold tight.
ohh and when you cut your panties and make holes just so you can put a mushroom on a rock :D .
you know your a reefer when....
you constantly have to fight with the kids to keep sponge bob out of your reef tank
Jiddy said:
You know your a reefer when you snorkling in the tropical island of guam and your buddy says look at the starfish and your tell him its a linkia and he says look at the fishy and you tell him its a trigger fish and he tells you hey look at that shark and you tell him to get out of the way!!!!!

you know when u are a reefer is went u go to the island of guam to see how it feel to be in a big a%# tank:lol:

when u say u out of the business and u come back a few mouth later.:D