You Know Your A Reefer when:

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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when you visit you local fish store to find that the smelly guy you see there just bought the coral you been searching for the last two months and you drive there is over an hour and a half long
You know your a reefer when...
Your whole saturday is spent doing tank maintance.
Your elbow deep into a water change when your wife comes down and demands to know what the he!! happened to her basement.
tony2005 said:
you know when u are a reefer is went u go to the island of guam to see how it feel to be in a big a%# tank:lol:

when u say u out of the business and u come back a few mouth later.:D

How funny you say that, the first time i went snorklin i picture myself swimming in my tank as a little scuba man, i guess im a reefer:)
You plan your winter vacation around where you can learn to dive to see actual coral reefs......hmmmm Bali - Belize....Bali-Belize.......
You spend more time in LFS in Vancouver than at the World Junior Hockey tourney that you have had tickets for since last Christmas and actually miss some games to go to LFS or to meet other reefers.
Wayupnorth said:
You plan your winter vacation around where you can learn to dive to see actual coral reefs......hmmmm Bali - Belize....Bali-Belize.......
You spend more time in LFS in Vancouver than at the World Junior Hockey tourney that you have had tickets for since last Christmas and actually miss some games to go to LFS or to meet other reefers.

You know, being a hockey fan myself, that might also be considered a serious party foul!!:D
Well.......maybe I should have said that I missed some games (I had tickets to every single game played in Vancouver) but not any of the really hot ticket games - I saw all of Canada's, the U.S. and most other games. I did not go see a couple of the relegation round game. BTW this was the BEST sporting event that I have ever attended - bar none. The excitement and energy was fantastic. A few idiot fans but that is probably to be expected. All in all fantastic, fast, hard hitting hockey the way it should be played.

When you have a twinkle in your eye while explaining to your family that the purple coated rock in your tank costs more than prescious metal and you don't understand why they look at you with a puzzled look on their face.

When you uncover your aquarium on Christmas to see what your spouse bought you and your family can't believe you wanted corals over diamonds.
You know you are a reefer when...

With a straight face, you explain that you're proud of yourself and your idea to drill big holes in the floor of the living room in your new house, the garage wall and outside to a drain to handle the new sump plumbing.

It seems normal to have buckets and hoses laying in the corner of your living room.

When you go diving and instead of just enjoying it, you look at the little coral or fish swimming past and you say to yourself, "hey that one's $50 in the LFS!"

When you argue with your spouse about who does most of the housework, and you can't say "but Honey I spend a lot of time and take care of everything with the reef tank" because she/he knows you enjoy it!

The real one is...
You know you've found the perfect mate when you come home and to your surprise she is pulling out some hair algae and cleaning the glass!! ( I love you sweetie)
ohh that's cute i wish my other half would do that, but then again i don't let him to touch anything because i get upset when someone even puts a finger on the glass :p .

i don't knwo if i'm the only one who does this but i guess you are a reefer when you look every five mins and if you see a snail upside down you rush to move it.
You know you're a reefer when you forget your wallet, but have a refractometer in the back pocket.

- Elmo
You know your a reefer when...
You wander in to petsmart to purchase ferret litter and have to explain to the casher that you dont have your petsperks card cuz your using it to scrape algae off the glass of your reeftank.
LOL !!! paul :lol:
you are a reefer when you start using your expensive shirts to wipe your tank :D.
or when your toddler see a fish on T.V. and starts yelling puffe fish, shimp, crabs or memo and you start crying and hugging :) .
Jiddy said:
How funny you say that, the first time i went snorklin i picture myself swimming in my tank as a little scuba man, i guess im a reefer:)

STOP your making me jealous:D hot sunny days,blue waters,white sandy beaches,party,family,night dive and day dive,saltwater big game fishing:cry: ok i better stop i'm making myself jealous:lol:
NaH2O said:
...when you refer to your children as frags.

LMAO:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You know youre a reefer when you happen to mention reef tanks at work and the local know it/do it all tries to act like he has superior knowledge and just a few questions blows his fake a** cover :badgrin: