ZEOvit. Lets talk

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Just so you know...

Zeolite pore size is around 4 or 5 Ã…ngstrom vs a Nitrosospira bacteria is 20-50 millionths of a meter.

Zeolite pore size:
5 Ã…ngstrom [Ã…]= 5 x 10e-10 meters
5 Ã…ngstrom [Ã…]= 5 x 10e-4 um (micrometres, microns)

Bacteria size:
50 um (micrometres, microns)= 5 x 10e5 Ã…ngstrom [Ã…]
50 um (micrometres, microns)= 5 x 10e-5 meters= 0.05 mm (millimeters)

As you can see, they are WAY off.. if we are just talking about mm (millimeters) for both, a zeolite is 5 x 10e-7 mm and a bacteria is .05 mm.
Ok Mikey, it is safe to back in the water :D

Hey Vice you are starting to sound like me on the other boards :lol: I have every zeoltie book in print,about 1,000 pages. Some pores get bigger that 5 A and then there are vugs which bacteria could fit in. Some of my zeolite rambling

The pore structure and its internal free dimensional cavities its dependent on "building blocks"

Primary-Tetrahedron (TO4)

Tetrahedron of 4O ions with a central ion (T) of Si +4 or Al+3


Rings: S-4, S-5, S-6, S-8, S-10, S-12

Doulbe Rings: D-4, D-6, D-8

Large Symmetrical Polyhedra

Truncated Octahedraon or Sodalite Units

11-Hedron or Cancrinite Units
14-Hedron or Gmelinite Units

These structures and their arrangment give them the internal pore free dimensions/ main cavities, which can be as high as 15.1 x 6.3 A ( in one I looked at). The norm is more on the order of 4-7 A, biggest dimension
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I found it his name is Ger :D

How come you can't you were there ;)

Napa, CA
Occupation: ZEOvit, GroTech & Royal Exclusiv Importer
Posts: 860
Boomer, there are definitely diffferent types of zeolite, but the one the ZEOvit method is closest too, clinoptilolite, has these properties. :)

EDIT: hey you changed your post. :)
Vin yah I added some stuff. Yah Clino as we call it, also goes by the name FW ammonia remover, kitty litter, water softener. The most mined Zeo in the world.It is the end product of the Heulandite group. Zeo types, a few hundred if you include all the synthetic ones. They say they are using three different types. Easy to find out if you have some. Take it to geology department and have them run it through a XRD :D I wonder if even they know what kind it really is.

Lots of edits, bad day on the key borad :lol: And paint fumes in the brain
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I should add not long ago Habib found a zeolite that has a high afinity for ammonia in seawater.

He is also testing and running a system ZEOvit :D
Boomer said:

I found it his name is Ger :D

How come you can't you were there ;)

Napa, CA
Occupation: ZEOvit, GroTech & Royal Exclusiv Importer
Posts: 860

yeah 2 different people Bob lives in Indiana near me and ger aka Gary lives in Napa. haha. I was wondering why you said Bob, as I told Mike not possible it was Bob, he is a Doctor and just uses ZEOvit, nothing to do with selling, not even his corals does he frag for money :D.. Whoo Hooo got that one figured out :) Bobs online name is Aged Salt
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Alrighty then Does everyone know who everyone is now??? LOL :D I am going to set one of my ground breaking rules on this thread :cool: "Lets just talk about the zeovit system???"

So to me it looks like the first part of the system is this zeolite, So now does this have ammonia absorbing properties?? Does go past that and do any other types of absorbsion??

Also you are adding bacteria culture to these rocks, (I imagine on a daily basis) whats the concept behind creating an articifal population size??


You are reading into some things some what:D

Yes Ger was dealer at the time. I had many Pm's from him telling me he was. He added that or similar to this on his sig OR he was lying to me he was a dealer. Some one turned him in to me. I took care of business with him by only PM. You are not going to find a thread on it. I have only been on two ZEOvit threads on RC

Napa, CA
Occupation: ZEOvit, GroTech & Royal Exclusiv Importer
Posts: 860

Go ask him.

I never said he was pushing anything. He was/is a dealer talking about a product he sells, about how good it was and was sticking up for, without announcing he was a dealer of that product.That is what got him in trouble. I like Ger, he, like Alex, are OK guys same for Scott. It is my job on some boards Heniz, to unmask hidden dealers tooting their wares without telling you the are dealers.

A word on Bob. I said if IIRC. I was waiting to see if Scott knew who I was talking about be his name Bob or what ever. I figured he would know all the dealers in the USA. I went lookin for Bob when you asked me to and it was Ger
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Yes Mojo. I was going to say that on my last post, that things are already going in the wrong direction like most ZEOvit threads and I do not want that and is why I asked to bring Alex here for his view and I would stay out.
How can you not agree, it is why Mojo posted that remark :D By the way, feel free to e-mail or PM Ger about our discussions
Ok new day new hour :D

Here is the pic I was looking for of Alex's tank, finally found it, took long enough :lol:

Ok let me ask this. I am just a guy that keeps reef tanks. So I dont know what the pore size of clays are, or the size of bacteria. Here is my pretty simple thinking on the matter. If this system is bad for corals it will kill it, be it quickly or slowly they will die. If this system is good for coral they will thrive. I only have these pictures to go on. I have no direct experince with Zeo products. I am all for people selling things, as long as honest info is offered as a basis for sale. I am glad the guy that came up with Q-tips wanted to sell them. More power to them.
I can take a look at the photos presented here and know that those corals look good. I cant get inside them and tell how they really feel inside. If this system can make my systems look and grow better I will use it.
Here is my question, if the zeovit system is removed from the tanks that have it, what happens to the corals? I mean is it just the skimmer and the live rock and lights and the zeovit is just extranous, or is it vital to there continued survival, or do they just not do as well, or do the actually do better?
I dont mind making myself look like a idiot, I do it all the time. LOL!!!!!!
I try new things based on what I think, quite often I am wrong, sometimes I am right, but even then often for the wrong reasons.