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  1. rjarnold

    Rare Goby/Blenny ID Required

    Definitely not a wrasse or blenny... looks like something from the family Clinidae.
  2. rjarnold

    Clarkii clowns for free

    I was going to use them for an angler too :P Oh well. What kind of angler do you have dm?
  3. rjarnold

    Info for Shrimp Gobies and their symbionts

    Thank you for all the info! I am re-thinking the Griessingeri goby, however, as I do more reading about it. Thus far I've read that it hides *a lot*, but the worst of it being that it's never been shown to really form a symbiotic relationship with a shrimp... ? I definitely want a shrimp goby...
  4. rjarnold

    Clarkii clowns for free

    If these are still available I'll take them.
  5. rjarnold

    Info for Shrimp Gobies and their symbionts

    Thanks Lee! One more question - I have a fine substrate (black moon) that I was thinking about, but I thought perhaps a slightly coarser grade would be 'easier' to build tunnels in, no?
  6. rjarnold

    Info for Shrimp Gobies and their symbionts

    Hi - I'm looking for info on shrimp gobies and their shrimp partners - ie, what are the max. sizes of the shrimp, what does the depth of the sand bed need to be, what is the min. tank size for different species, etc. There are a couple of gobies I'm interested in - the spike-fin and the pink...
  7. rjarnold

    SW Shipment 7/28-8/01

    Oh sweet, you guys finally got an angler / frogfish! Looks to be Antennarius pictus (the Painted Angler), and I don't need that one!
  8. rjarnold

    SW Shipment 7/28-8/01

    What's the red warty fish?
  9. rjarnold

    just shoowing off

    Where in Oz are you located?
  10. rjarnold

    Feeding a Sargassum Frogfish

    They will eat anything the same size and/or slightly larger than themselves (sometimes it just depends on who chomps first!). In this process, they can kill themselves as well as the other fish(es). I've seen frogfishes dead from eating an eel and one from eating an angel, both with the food...
  11. rjarnold

    Feeding a Sargassum Frogfish

    Nope, but we're about to send a paper in... it's not going to be the one on my big masters thesis, but it's certainly about frogfish! :)
  12. rjarnold

    Feeding a Sargassum Frogfish

    The fish pictured is Lophiocharon sp. (probably L. trisignatus), not Histrio histrio (the Sargassum Frogfish). Most people feed them thawed silversides with a feeding stick. They do not come tank raised, only wild caught.
  13. rjarnold

    Tank Emergency

    Thanks immensely to all those that helped with this situation, especially Mike and Jeff. I look forward to meeting you when I get back as well, Jeff. Irate neighbors and ticked off management (mostly due to the neighbor I think) couldn't have been fun to deal with either. It'll be weird...
  14. rjarnold

    Tank Emergency

    Btw, I am in Northgate, Seattle (in Florida currently). Located on Meridian Ave N, just off Northgate Way.
  15. rjarnold

    Tank Emergency

    So the worst has happened - a friend of mine not very knowledgeable about tanks was taking care of my 40G when she and her brother somehow managed to make the protein skimmer 'burst' (I really have no idea what happened there...something about the top not being screwed in properly). Anyways...
  16. rjarnold

    January 19th PSAS Meeting: Fish Food Making

    So is this happening tomorrow? I'd be interested if it's later in the day (have to dive in the mid-morning here in Seattle). I also can't do January until after the 12th as I'll be in Florida :\ (well, yay for Florida but this sounds like an awesome time :)
  17. rjarnold

    just shoowing off

    Is that bottom one a german green? I've been wanting one of those =D
  18. rjarnold

    Let's See Some Zoos!

    Very awesome zoas, but what jawfish is that poking its head up?
  19. rjarnold

    SPS Troubles

    It doesn't look to be getting any worse right now, though it's already not so hot :\ Not sure if I'll loose it. There are two others that weren't happy with the move either (though they're easily replaceable) - the rest are doing great...better than in the other tank actually.
  20. rjarnold

    SPS Troubles

    Any advice on the superman monti? I fear I'm going to lose it... :\