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  1. surf_buddy

    Elegance coral?

    Curious... where did you hear these were not good corals? BarrierReef has a very nice piece of elegance in their display tank, it was recently fragged, and 3 pieces were sold off pretty quickly.
  2. surf_buddy

    Superglue technique...

    I've had sucess with small rubble rock in a shallow plastic food container with a mesh vail over the top. However I have a really small ricordia that is not staying put so I'm going to use the shotglass technique... it's the first I've heard of this. Thanks!
  3. surf_buddy

    Octo NW skimmer to 40scfh Mod

    I was doing a search on modding my Octo 200NW, and I found this article on RC (without the pics of course), and I reconized the Luke's name. I hit him up to see if he would share his knowledge with me and the RF community, and in no time at all the info was here. I'm impressed and very thankful.
  4. surf_buddy

    What Mandarin Gobies SHOULD look like....

    No doubt! I saw those also and they are freakishly huge, and Brie your's are amazing! I have a spotted Mandarin in my 55, and waiting for the 120 upgrade before I get a green madarin. Definetly one of my favorite fishs, but they need special care (and a well established environment) as you...
  5. surf_buddy

    Is Mighty Putty Reef Safe???

    The title says it all. I've been using RepaititQuick purchased from a LFS, and it seems like Mighty Putty is the same thing but is half the cost, and it can be purchasesd at Bartells. Does anyone know if this is RS? Thanks!
  6. surf_buddy

    DIY Frag Rack

    I use that RepaititQuick puty (from my LFS) on my frag DIY frag racks, but now that I'm seeing Mighty Puty at the local Bartels for 9.99 which is twice as much from half the cost. I wonder if it's reef safe like RepaititQuick? I'll start a new post for that.
  7. surf_buddy

    Octo NW skimmer to 40scfh Mod

    Thanks for posting this Luke... it's exactly what I was looking for!
  8. surf_buddy

    Interacting with Fish

    This is brilliant... I'm going to start tomorrow. On a side note I occasionally move rocks in front of my GBTA so my maroon clownfish has something to do. He'll do some rearranging and it always amazes me how strong he is. I started doing this to draw his attention away from a new frag rack...
  9. surf_buddy

    My favorite coral as of Now.

    I bought something just like this at BR a couple months ago. I wonder if this is the same coral I have? I'll take a pic and post soon.
  10. surf_buddy

    Winter is near

    My brother has a genrator he said I could have. Currently it's wired into his house that the previous owner used as a backup for the servers he was running out of his home. Since it's a rental home my brother doesn't need it. I'll probably pic it up in the next couple weeks, but will need...
  11. surf_buddy

    Have You Ever Tried to Save Something?

    I've saved multiple corals and fish from a couple buddies that got me into the hobby. One soft coral is a leather whose trunk is now the size of my forearm, anothers include a blue tang, a yellow tail damsel, and a maroon gold stripped clownfish. I also reacued an ausie dendro from a LFS a year...
  12. surf_buddy

    Crab Identification Please

    I learned my lesson the hard way when a emerald crab decided to shread all my xenia and other soft corals. I also had a swimming Duerma(sp) crab eat my gobies. IMO crabs are a total crap shoot.
  13. surf_buddy

    Proper sample disposal?

    Thanks Boomer.. I've never seen anyone address this and I couldn't find any archived posts on the topic. Much appriciated.
  14. surf_buddy

    feeding sps

    We are here to share our experience... I'm glad you liked it.
  15. surf_buddy

    feeding sps

    Yes... I usually feed in the evenings or in the night cycle before I go to bed. I also have my skimmer on a timer that only turns "on". I turn the skimmer off, and set it to turn on again in a few hours after feeding. This allows the food to remain in the water column for the corals before...
  16. surf_buddy

    Calcium Reactor does not raise ALK????

    My understanding is that you want your reactor to maintain your ALK and CA. Get you reactor dialed in so that the effulent is around at a minimum of 6.5, and watch for your CA and AlK to stabalize. Then raise your each to your desired levels with additives. This site might provide some help...
  17. surf_buddy

    feeding sps

    I use Cyclopeeze sparingly and phytoplankton occasionally as well.
  18. surf_buddy

    2008-09 membership cards are available now

    I was just asking about this... I'll pick one up this week.
  19. surf_buddy

    Proper sample disposal?

    I'm wondering if anyone has information on the best was to dispose of the chemicals from used test kits and samples? Are most safe enough to just flush down the drain or is greater care needed? Thanks!
  20. surf_buddy

    algae with bubbles

    It sounds like you have cyano bacteria growing in there. Siphon out as much as you can and cut back on feeding. Too many nutrients can cause this to happen. Another reason could be that your tank is new and is cycling. In both cases siphon out as much as possible and be patient. Good luck!