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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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    suicidal snowflake

    She's looking good today. She's been in there a year and a half, and this is her second time jumping (first time I swatted her from biting me and spooked her, so it doesn't really count). But I may look into a hood, now.
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    suicidal snowflake

    I had a friend come over to check out my tank today; I couldn't find the snowflake eel. Then suddenly, under my chair, there she lay. Figuring her a goner, I picked her up to bury and there was a twitch! I quickly put her back in the tank and she is again functional, but slow to be back to...
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    clown tang

    any idea on what I should feed him? He hasn't been biting anything, yet... so far I've tried flakes and a bit of lettuce... He's active, but I just haven't seen him go for any food.
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    picasso clown

    I meant to make a new thread, not a post in here... so any photos of the guy yet? ::sheepishly bows out of thread::
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    Yellow Tang and Purple Tang together?

    That emperor is going to need a bigger tank once he moves out of juvenile stage...
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    New Store

    Went in today and picked up a couple things. Small store, and selection is low right now, but their live rock is superb, the display tank is great looking, and once they get up and running, they should be a very good addition to the town.
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    odd little growths

    no shells on the barnacle-looking things, as far as I can tell. They're maybe 1-2mm tall, 1-1.5 mm across. Fairly certain they're not limpets, though. All the limpets I've ever seen on the coast don't have feeder tentacles.
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    odd little growths

    unfortunately, none right now. I'll try finding a camera in the next few days.
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    odd little growths

    These have showed up around my tank and I'm kind of curious. The first thing are, as best I can describe, similar looking to barnacles. They have a pasty-white pyramid-like base with arms extended outwards. They don't grow quickly and haven't spread greatly, and I haven't even seen them...
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    Anyone have a tank for sale?

    You've kind of piqued my curiosity, as well.
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    Nitrate problems

    I pulled the bio-wheels anyway and threw a bag of these nitrate-removing pellets into my main filter. Hopefully that'll help out. Maybe with birthday money I'll pick up a skimmer geared towards 250 gallons.
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    The 240gal about 1.5yrs later...

    wow, only one silverside every other day for the shark? My eels eat like 2-3 a day, if I give them the chance. Sometimes they'll eat even more. Freakin' pigs, they are.
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    Nitrate problems

    If I have to move the tank, I'm just going to move it to my parents house, where I know it can be stationary for a few years. With college and all sorts of jobs popping up around the area, I just don't know one area where I'll be stationary long enough that it makes sense for me to move it into...
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    Nitrate problems

    It was an unlit, unmarked road in the middle of nowhere. Came out of one corner to find a sudden 90 degree turn. Tried stopping and turning at the same time, but it was snowing/raining and I only slowed enough to not get seriously injured. I might have bent the frame though, so I might be in...
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    Nitrate problems

    To start off, I removed the biowheels so it's just a charcoal filter and a pump now. Hopefully that'll help lower ranges. I think a lot of the jump in nitrate started around when I installed the filter. I'll look into a bigger skimmer when I have some more funds, but holidays hit me hard, and...
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    Nitrate problems

    okay, breakdown of everything Livestock: 5 blue chromis 1 yellowtail damsel 1 snowflake eel (14") 1 banded eel (12") 1 maroon clown 1 hawkfish 1 coral beauty angel 1 brittle star 2 turbo snails (need to get more real soon :-/) Corals: 1 tubastrea (sun polyp) 1 basically dead korean tree, but...
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    Nitrate problems

    I've been doing one to three water changes a week for the last month or two, and my nitrates will not go down from around 80. I have an 85 gallon tank, putting in about 13 gallons each time. I skim pretty dry, so I increased the amount of flow today, hoping that might speed things up...
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    any homebrewers?

    I'm going to begin brewing in january, or so. I have some of the supplies so far. I just need to figure out where the brewing shop is in bellingham. I haven't been able to find it for the life of me.
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    That could be a lot of fun. I may be getting extremely busy in the coming months, but I don't know what my schedule looks like for now. Unfortunately, I'd have to put a club towards the back of my priority list. But I'd definitely get involved, I just don't think I could be a main organizer...
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    As I said, I'd love working extensively with this. I've been involved with the Skagit Valley Highland Games for about a decade, and I'm more than likely managing a campaign for state legislature starting in January, but this sounds like a great project to be working on, as well.