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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. G

    schooling fish in a Reef Tank.

    I think a group of flasher wrasse's would be a good substitute for anthias.
  2. G

    wholesale to the public?

    You don't need a marine biology degree to run a lfs. A simple business degree would be better. You can easily learn a lot of things in this hobby by reading articles and talking to others.
  3. G

    wholesale to the public?

    You don't have to sell cats and dogs, but reptiles go well in fish stores. They even have an awesome return business on feeders. I know of one place that pays damn near all of the rent with crickets and rats. This allows them to keep livestock prices low. Thats if they would actually order it...
  4. G

    wholesale to the public?

    I've given up on LFS in my town. They make stuff harder than it is. Like trying to get a food they normally don't stock, but can easily order. They want to do stuff like back in the early 90's. They can get nice fish, but it takes to much effort to get what I want. Going online is easier. One...
  5. G

    Grow Baby Grow

    Growth is dependent on too many things to make real generalizations, even among genera. Although I believe that Lee has stated that in the first 2-3 years a fish grows around 75% of its length and it significantly drops after that. That may not be exact but I believe its close. At best he would...
  6. G

    overflow kits.

    The black overflow box is part of the tank. The kits are just the plumbing needed for the overflows.
  7. G

    Decompression Time

    I completely understand the depth vs price issue and thats one thing I like about keeping fish is that the price is reflected on how hard it is to get to market. I'm mainly talking about the deeper water fish that are only found at that range. So what your saying is that the collectors take a...
  8. G

    Decompression Time

    I was reading a thread and I thought of this. A lot of fish we keep are caught at deep depths. From what I've seen the typical procedure is to just slowly bring up the fish over a bunch of hours. Thinking back to my frontosa days and reading an article about collecting the Zaire variant, which...
  9. G

    2 Angels

    Are any of the angels I've mentioned tough to keep. The multi is the one I'm concerned about.
  10. G

    2 Angels

    I would prefer not to have to get all of them at once, I just assumed I had to add them all at once.
  11. G

    2 Angels

    Would a multicolor would work with a eibli and vrolkli. Also how should I QT them. I obviously need to buy them all at once, and I should be able to get them from one supplier. My main QT tank is a 40bdr Would I have to build egg crate dividers or can I keep them all together and the lack of any...
  12. G

    QT Sponge Filter

    I went to a couple places. Petco didn't have crap. The LFS had some, but they were 16$ for the largest one, which wasn't near big enough. I got another sponge and all the other parts. I can't wait to see this thing work.
  13. G

    QT Sponge Filter

    I need to get a sponge filter going so I can QT. For some reason I can't find any sponge filters around. I have a pump from an old HOB skimmer. Could I put a piece of pvc on it with a cap on the end. Then drill holes in the pvc. Then fit a sponge over top of it. Here's a quick drawing of what...
  14. G

    2 Angels

    I should easily be able to change a few rocks around. Would more than 3 dwarfs work. I know that they like macroalgae, but is it necessary to have it in the display.
  15. G

    2 Angels

    I still have hiding spots, my tank though isn't completely packed with rock. I think 3 dwarfs might cool particularly a eibli, vrolki, and nox
  16. G

    2 Angels

    I understand what your saying. I have heard that majestic's have a fragile mind. I have fashioned my tank to more of an open scape to allow for more swimming room. This has worked really well for my butterflies. What angel would work well in my tank then. The scribbled has caught my eye before.
  17. G

    pellet foods for marine fish

    I'm gonna say go with spectrum. I've been feeding them to everything I have for the last 4 years and always go good results.
  18. G

    2 Angels

    I never mentioned this forum specifically. I can see where I may of implied it, but I didn't mean to. I try and visit many websites and get many different opinions when doing anything. I've seen more experienced aquarist give bad advice before, so I won't take one persons word for anything.
  19. G

    2 Angels

    I'm not saying this about anyone, but the older experienced aquariast's aren't always correct anymore. They may recite information from a previous decade that is outdated. You also have the problem of getting multiple opposing opinions and thats not only from relative beginners, but also the...
  20. G

    2 Angels

    If a 125g is to small for a majestic, then why would a purple tang be ok in a 125g. Looking at body structure and feeding habits it seems backwards. Lee, I know you've recommended those sizes before for imperator angels and I can easily see why, but why so big for an angel that has a much small...