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  1. F

    Well no fire can keep me down!!

    Thanks, I think I might try and finr 1/4" stuff so that I dont loose my tank stand orverlap. It is designed with a 1/2"overlap but I can fill up 1/4 with the foam and then increase the size of the moulding once I see how the tank levels out. Erik
  2. F

    Well no fire can keep me down!!

    Thanks guys, so what thickness should I usw on it? Erik
  3. F

    Well no fire can keep me down!!

    So for a glass tank I shouldnt worry about the foam then? Erik
  4. F

    Well no fire can keep me down!!

    Well here are the two side panels made. They still need to be sanded and stained. The rails are 2.5 inch Oak board and the center is 1/4 inch Oak panneling. I will probably be going with a dark stain to match some of the other furniture downsatirs where the tank will be. Enjoy! Erik
  5. F

    Well no fire can keep me down!!

    Well I have a question because I have seen some others put down a layer of foam insulation on their sheet of plywood, under the tank. I am wondering 1. What is the purpose for the foam? 2. Is this a necessary addition and should I add it? Also I should be able to pick up the tank on friday...
  6. F

    Well no fire can keep me down!!

    Well here is the inside base just about done. Still need 1 more coat of paint but then its on to the facing. The entire inside is painted with Rustoleum White paint to help with any potential moisture problems and is going to be bullet proof as far as strength is concerned being all 4x4...
  7. F

    Well no fire can keep me down!!

    Well the plan is to have it all faced up with nice looking Oak on three of the four sides leaving the back open. The top will have a piece of 3/4 inch plywood on it and the base will also have a 3/4 inch base put in to set the sump on. I am also going top paint the whole inside with an Oil Based...
  8. F

    Well no fire can keep me down!!

    Nope that was not us thank goodness. My fire was contained to the stand of the tank only and really caused mostly smoke damage, which was a ton. The old tank was done kinda piece meal with w 90 galllon non drilled tank and a hang on the back overflow (which failed and spilled the water into the...
  9. F

    Well no fire can keep me down!!

    Well I have decided that I cant get rid of the tank even after the fire under the stand. Insurance has been good to me and is paying for a new set up so I have decided to go for it. The new tank is on order from Kevin at Aquatic Dreams and I am starting the stand construction right now. Ive...
  10. F

    Go do something good for the evnironment

    Hey all I found a website that has a program for all of us to do something about the CO2 problem we have in America. Go to , check it out and sign up today!! Send this link to all your friends and family so that they can make a difference too. Erik
  11. F

    I need a light!

    I actually have a 2X65 PC ballast with waterproof end caps that Im not using right now that I could sell ya. I have PC lighting on my 90 and I like the look of it. Erik
  12. F

    coral beauty

    I have had my CB in my tank for almost 3 years with xenia, zoos, gsp, shrooms, kenya tree, frogspawn, hammer and he has been a model fish. he is a solitary fish but is not aggressive to any other of his tank mates and seems content with a life of swimming in and out of the rockwork. Erik
  13. F

    Don't Know Squat

    I dont know about that MH being the closest in color spectrum to what corals need I just got done reading from another thread that linked to a review of an LED lighting system that had a single peak of color spectrum even closer to what corals need than what a 20k MH bulb could produce. So I...
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    Don't Know Squat

    I have never met nor do I enjoy most lawyers but I really like this idea, nuch to the dismay of a couple folks who hav posted on this thread who see no value in digging for truth as a means to advance the science of this hobby. I for one have gone on the best guesses and instincts of many...
  15. F

    Taking care of your tank while on vacation

    I have an auto top off and have timers for the lights and my skimmer drains into an old salt bucket. What is everyone here using for an auto feeder? I had one for a while to feed pellets but it fed too much and I came back last time to an algae problem from it over feeding. Is there a good...
  16. F

    SB, DSB or BB

    I have about an inch of small sand with crushed coral on top to help with sand storms from my PH's. I like the nice white look of the fine crushed coral. and the critters and worms and stuff like having it on top of the sand because I have noticed alot more sand critters at night since I added...
  17. F

    Two great folks to trade with

    Yeah ROCKET sorry I got busy doing some other stuff. Iam letting the rock I took the GSP off of some time to settle down cuz they arent happy about their treatment right now. It will have to be after Christmas now because I am going to Canada all next week. I will PM you when I get back. Erik
  18. F

    Two great folks to trade with

    Hey all I just wanted to tell all who trade frags with one another that I just traded yesterday with two of RF's finest. Both RETURNOFSID and delmi showed up on time and the frags i got from them were fantastic. Its always a scary thing to meet someone from online boards like that but have no...
  19. F

    Post your tank size and flow numbers

    90 gal with 1500 GPH from 5 Ph and mag 7 sump return
  20. F

    Has anyone done this DIY sprinkler wavemaker

    There is a screw on top that controls how much rotation the sprinkler does. I went to depot today and found this sprinkler head but in a different package. I also think that I will do mine with flexible clear tubing and nott hard PVC i find that its easier to go behind my tank with it. I do have...