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  1. warforged

    keeping some crabs from Puget Sound alive?

    I would do what he says for multiple reasons. Not that it matters to me , but isn't there some laws against us taking things from local wild life and placing them in our homes? I recall being warned about this years ago when I caught a catfish from a local pond and put him in my fresh water...
  2. warforged

    anemone wont grow!!!!

    Just place the food in the center and let him wrap around it... just hold it in place till it decides to engulf it. If it does not wrap around it and pull it in its mouth, just take the food out and try again another day.
  3. warforged

    10k, 12k or 14k bulbs sps tank

    I just wanted to know a bit more about these spectrums because I keep getting mixed information via web and LFS or not so local fish stores. 20k is more for color and slow growth as you go closer to 6.5k (uglier light) it supposedly has a better growth rate on corals as you go lower in the...
  4. warforged

    anemone wont grow!!!!

    I was reading about care for a bleached anenome. I bet yours will need the same. Does it still eat what you place in its mouth? Or have you even tried? Try feeding it some Krill and when he feels better try Silver Sides. If it will take food, just keep it stuffed...every 4-7 days feed it.
  5. warforged

    algae question????? here is a good link. Go to Info Links on Left column... then to Hitch Hickers... Then To Algae Good descriptions and pics of problem algae
  6. warforged

    algae question?????

    Cycling stages when you first start up you should see green film and diatoms but those diatoms are more deep marroon to brown color... The silky red stuff that has bubbles form under it like pimples ...even have noodly strands flowing from it as flow passes over it....that is cyano. First you...
  7. warforged

    Regarding algae (i know...) (also fan heads)

    We had several Algae threads pop up recently FYI if you want to go over the info in them. IF your tank is fairly new, You are cycling still…I doubt this but I need to cover this base. Algae loves to grow when, you provide the food it needs. Phosphates come into the tank several ways. Things...
  8. warforged

    Sump/Fuge questions before I start soon.

    The main use for the fuge is just a nutrients export. My tank is dominantly coral.. just a few fish ..very few.
  9. warforged

    Algae Problem..HELP!

    OR... Get a fuge and ADD the UV sterilizer to the outtake of the pump..and put the aptasia in there. Aptasia are great filter feeders and die hard beasts...have a Fuge full of those ...just make sure the UV sterilizer is in place or have a huge problem in the display. =p
  10. warforged

    Sump/Fuge questions before I start soon.

    Thanks...just making sure my idea was good.
  11. warforged

    Algae Problem..HELP!

    1. Cause of Algae: Main one is Phosphate, Long Photo Periods, ...high amounts of DOC's. Overfeeding contributes. Top off water from the TAP... 2. Cure: Phosphate remover, Weekly water changes, Wash Your frozen foods first. 3. Prevention is good maintenance by doing weekly water changes...
  12. warforged

    Whats is SPS versus coral versus hard coral

    I had to google your lights^^ very cool. Good lights ... two 14ks in that puppy and you would be set. well I prefer 14ks Yes the clams are pretty cool. I have to Maxima clams in my tank... I want to get more now.
  13. warforged

    Coraline algae

    Coraline is EVIL! I agree its a chore scratching that stuff off the glass.. I can't imagine those with acrylics having to scrape without scratching the plastic...gah! Thanks for the info on Mag I had no clue...I just knew that Keep alk and calc stable and in good'll grow.. I dose...
  14. warforged

    Whats is SPS versus coral versus hard coral

    Kramer with the coral I wouldn't stress whats the "perfect stuff to pick out" aka Cool and how to place it and pre plan it all like that... You will add corals well after cycle slowly and pieces at a time as you dwell in your local fish stores =). I say just go with the "flow"... Buy what...
  15. warforged

    Sump/Fuge questions before I start soon.

    OK... I have picked up most of what I need to set up now. My final addition to my plans is a 10 gallon tank turned into a fuge. (home made). The Sump itself will contain a mag5 to return to my tank...the overflow will flow into a LR holder (Oceanic Sump Brand). My SKimmer will be sitting in...
  16. warforged

    Whats is SPS versus coral versus hard coral

    What he said below me about the LPS SPS...and advise. I would like to add... Refuge addition is something I would seriously consider. Nitrate Phosphate export is something you would really want with LPS SPS tank. And follow strict tank maintenance guidelines ..strict! Nothing like losing 60...
  17. warforged

    Left 4 Dead: Zombie Game!

    Sponge you may like Spore. It has a very nice creation set up. Basics of it is you start of as a single celled organism... you evolve from that to land base creature you create...then from that to tribal stage...then to civilization...after you take over the planet you can go into space and...
  18. warforged

    Left 4 Dead: Zombie Game!

    No console play here..I am strictly PC.
  19. warforged

    Left 4 Dead: Zombie Game!

    The game is pretty freaky :badgrin: The hunters are not so bad since you can hear them scream as they hop around and crawl on ledges...I am usually first to charge them.. Its those Witches and Smokers I hate.... Smokers surprise me the most because of that tentacle tongue thing. Grabbing you...
  20. warforged

    Left 4 Dead: Zombie Game! This game is amazing so far. I tried it out last night after seeing it on a billboard by my house. It's made by Valve a company famous for the game Half-Life. I can tell you that I felt like I was in 28 days, Resident Evil, and Night of the Living dead. You start out in a...