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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. warforged

    PSAS members

    ill visit from home PC when I get a free moment... Though thats the easy way to check on scheduled things... I also wondered what Unscheduled things happen .. Like do you all go out to eat together ...go bowling... sit at some brew house and shoot the breeze... you know... just out of the...
  2. warforged

    Whats your Favorite Fish kept

    My wife hates my Watchman Goby ... I keep him anyway cause i can reach into the tank and scoop him up bring him to the near surface of the water and hand feed him Krill odd fish.
  3. warforged

    dog sitters or dog hotels

    yah ... my dog traveled to Thailand this way..and back ...since my parents stole the dog and kept it =).. They just are all run down from the jet lag and stress but the drugs help curb it.
  4. warforged

    Anyone feed thier reef w/rotifiers

    Thanks so much that is very helpful learning stuff for me. I may just stick with Zoo then. I don't over use the foods thank god... I think I use too little. I have small frags all over my tank nothing huge as I am starting to get things perfected I am seeing deeper colors...colonization...
  5. warforged

    PSAS members

    To you members out there in the RF ... So what do you guys do at the meetings and what is it like? I am about to buy a membership at Indoor Reef .. I've always been a recluse since turning 30 few years being social is not my strong point nowadays. I was thinking of checking things...
  6. warforged

    Anyone feed thier reef w/rotifiers

    So what is the pros and cons of Zoo and Phyto? more info the better because I find this interesting. I just bought Rhoti foods from barrier reef on its annual sale to try out... I never really understood in detail the differences in Phyto or Zoo (i should google it more i know)..but for...
  7. warforged

    Whats your favorite LFS ?

    I like Barrier Reef and Blue Sierra ...if BS was closer I would probably go there mostly. BR has great selection of SPS and LPS. The staff is always kind. The customer service is great... BS I like a lot because of how much of everything they carry... from bulbs, corals, tanks, ballasts, and...
  8. warforged

    Green Film

    Bojangles thats great advise. The reefkeeping books at LFS will be a great help. Water Chemistry basics is what I suggest focusing on. You said the tanks a month old with tap water... That explains it. Cycling process also tap water put in stuff you really do not want at all. Nitrates...
  9. warforged

    POWERHEAD placement

    There was a nice thread made by Major Reef ..and I did try to find it for you. He discussed flow. What I gathered from reading bits of it was how GPH though important wasn't the focus. It's placement of the powerheads that makes a differences. From what I do understand...placing power heads...
  10. warforged

    MMORPG Gamers

    WoW lasted 4 years for me. Just didn't like the direction of the dev's. Soon as battlegrounds was in..I was done for. I lost interest in pvp since then. Conan was good till you got off Tortage. Then you realized how unpolished it was. I played Herald of Xotli..I Loved that demon but once I...
  11. warforged

    Its A Bad Bad Day...

    Another poster on another thread had a good point about tap water. The city water source can change over night and one day its not so bad another have elements you dont want at all. Unless you can test for metals you could be polluting the tank with things your test kits don't cover either...
  12. warforged

    MMORPG Gamers

    I am sure it would. There are many girl gamers united in that game now. Live Journal site has a section called DOTA...daughters of the horde. These ladies all combined into one large all female guild. They blog and post pics about stuff outside and inside the game.. Its actually...
  13. warforged

    water for 1st fill

    Well I am glad I asked about Tap water... good info
  14. warforged

    Its A Bad Bad Day...

    Rewording: The starfish death... use of canister filter... Dosing the entire tank... I am wondering more about. First whats your water tests say about your chemistry? You say she only has a HOB filter and now canister filter. So you are saying you dont use a skimmer at all? What Top off...
  15. warforged

    Its A Bad Bad Day...

    :badgrin: xenia can survive nuclear blasts I thinks!:eek:
  16. warforged

    water for 1st fill

    I guess I wasn't clear in the post ...i didnt proof read. I understand Tap will introduce Phosphate and Nitrates...but that isn't so bad is it? I mean you want to get the algae bloom cycle going right? Toss in some flake food once to get the amonia cycle started also. or shrimp... Since its...
  17. warforged

    Update: New to Tacoma, WA lookin to meet some new people

    If you like Online games , I can get you introduced to folks ... Otherwise I am a recluse. After hitting 30 I went from active person to love being in my living room and not moving. Thanks Krisfal for reminding me about the membership thing. I forgot about it last time I was at Indoor Reef...
  18. warforged

    water for 1st fill

    Whats wrong with adding Tap water? Since he is starting new... would it not help it cycle? Having the things we try to export in established ofcourse...but isn't that what we want? I mean people using Ro/Di to start a tank sounds like a waste of money if they buy the water. Since you are...
  19. warforged

    Getting rid of red slime algae

    ive read and read and read and tried and failed many times over with Cyano. Flow prevents not cures cyano. And I say this because once its there ...flow does nothing but spread it to some other area of your tank. It doesn't mean you will have a mass break out...i think those who used flow were...
  20. warforged

    Tank Size Upgrade and Transfers.

    Is there a Problem with using new sand? I was planning on taking new sand in buckets and rinsing it out...straight stream to stir it up and tip out the water..and continue till I have no more thick dusty water.... Once done just put new sand in the tank with base rocks....from there I was...