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  1. moortim

    Best LFS in Seattle area?

    I tried to go to Barrier Reef once but I got all lost and mixed up and backwards and ran out of time and came home. I wish small towns had more LFS's
  2. moortim

    ?yadot sdrawkcab epyt I gnihtyreve si yhw

    Hey Ben, You should push the shift key 5 times really fast and then hit enter.:D That fixes everything.
  3. moortim

    Insult to injury

    That's too bad, I will never understand why those fish are so dang stupid!:rolleyes: At least it didn't spontaneously come down with ich and wipe the rest of your tank out at the same time. Tim
  4. moortim

    Sherman Tank 120

    This has been some seriously cool information, my wife has a degree in math and I have taken engineering math classes and to think about the shapes of corals and their use of available space from this perspective has been very interesting. I never really thought about it before. Thanks Jason
  5. moortim

    Painting a background

    Thanks Rob, I like the idea not to paint the back of the overflow, I will probably do that as well, your tank looks nice. Tim
  6. moortim

    Painting a background

    For the sake of my wife and my constant overwhelming hobbies I am trying to simplify my reef life so I may have to take your advice and just get it done. Thanks for the help. Tim
  7. moortim

    How old would you say...

    How cured was your live rock when you put it in the tank? If it has a long ways to go to be cured it will slow down the tanks aging process. Tim
  8. moortim

    Sherman Tank 120

    Hey Jason, Any updates now that the tank has had a week to clear? I am curious about how your paintjob looks on the back, I am getting ready to paint mine. Tim
  9. moortim

    Painting a background

    Hey Gaby, The baby prep is going great, we have about all the big things we need, my wife is 6 months along so she is starting to get uncomfortable but at least she will miss the worst heat of summer. I will have to take pictures of my tank as I go along and post them, first I need to get the...
  10. moortim

    Painting a background

    Rob, Do you have any pictures of your tank? I would like to have a look at it. Thanks, Tim
  11. moortim

    Painting a background

    Hey Krish, how's it going man, It's good to hear from you. I kind of disappear for the summer every year but it's good to get back on here and see how everyone is. I am getting my 55 set back up in a very deluxe fashion;) and I can't wait to show it off. I gave the 180 I had a good attempt but...
  12. moortim

    What is a closed loop?

    When I am finished with my 55 closed loop the only thing you will see is two drains in the back of the tank and two sea swirl nozzles poking down into the water. That is the main reason I am doing a closed loop, very clean looking with no bulky powerheads taking up space in the tank. Tim
  13. moortim

    Painting a background

    I am working on setting up a 55 and want to paint the back black instead of using a background, are there any secrets for doing this? what kind of paint do you use? I assume you apply it with a roller? how do I get around bulkheads without messing up the paint or damaging seals? I would love any...
  14. moortim

    Rio Nano Skimmer

    I purchased the Rio nano skimmer a couple months ago and have had it running on my 10gal and I thought I would give a report on how it works in case anyone else is thinking of getting one. I set it up in about 10 minutes and initially had problems getting the flow right, it seemed if I tried to...
  15. moortim

    I am finally going BIG!!

    Thanks man. My 55 will be awsome, I picked up a chiller, 2 x 175 mh lights plus 2 x 36" VHO actinics with a 36" pfo reflector. I will have a hole drilled in the back for a closed loop which will return through two 3/4" sea swirls, one at either end, with a little giant pump. I took all the new...
  16. moortim

    I am finally going BIG!!

    Yeah it wasn't like I didn't see this coming I was just chasing a dream with the 180. I am actually very happy about everything that has been happening and I am way more excited about our coming baby than any new tank. Thanks Gabs
  17. moortim

    I am finally going BIG!!

    Here is the latest on my tank life: I simply cannot afford a 180, I know it's sad but we recently found out that my wife is expecting our first child:) so it has come down to a decision between having a kid and finishing my tank. Except that it isn't a decision because the kid is already on the...
  18. moortim


    Gaby, I wish my recent fish loss turned out as successfull in the end as yours, I noticed last week that my Green Banded Goby (my wife and my favorite fish) was missing after I did a water change. We searched and searched with no luck, how long does it take to search a nano anyway :confused...
  19. moortim

    Thoughts Please

    I can't understand why? :rolleyes: Don't fish like big electrical devices?:lol: I like the dremel idea, I cut some pieces off the top of a 35 gal hex tank with one once. Tim
  20. moortim

    Help with tank disaster

    That really bites! Sorry about your leak, I had a 75 gallon spring a leak once. I had to move everything to a second tank and drain the first. Sorry to say this but you are in for a lot of work. How big is the leak? 1gal/hour? 10gal/hour? Tim