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  1. stuntkiteflyer

    Help Me Identify this Zoa please

    Just let me know!
  2. stuntkiteflyer

    Help Me Identify this Zoa please

    Oh my goodness those are gorgous! If you do end up splitting them, I would love even one. Um...what do I I can take pics or something of mine and see if there is a kind you want. My tanks are still bareish but i might have a color you want. :oops:
  3. stuntkiteflyer

    My New Baby 180

    Things are going well. Mom won't let me set up the big one. So I have my 25 and 35 instead. Trying to figure out what to do with the 35. It's fairly bare still. Has three anenome's, two clowns, and one citrus goby. Not sure what to put in it as far as fish and such.
  4. stuntkiteflyer

    My New Baby 180

    Awww he's so cute! A little chubby but adorable...I'm a girl, what can I say, I'm allowed to call a fish adorable. :lol:
  5. stuntkiteflyer

    My New Baby 180

    :confused:What happened to the lawnmower blenny?
  6. stuntkiteflyer

    Which of this Group of 10 do you like the most?

    Gobies for Yasha is the cutest thing, and he is very smart. Has learned to recognize the person who brings the food (he comes out when ever I'm around the tank to see if it's feeding time, the pig). Plus his little expresson reminds me of a bull dog. :)
  7. stuntkiteflyer

    Again we play good or bad?

    Gotta love super macro on digital cameras!
  8. stuntkiteflyer

    Again we play good or bad?

    Oh thank goodness, this poor tank is having a rough time and another infestation would have broken me. hahahaha
  9. stuntkiteflyer

    Again we play good or bad?

    I'm so sorry to keep doing this to you all, but I just noticed a bunch of these things wondering around my tank and I would like to know what I should do about all the little buggers...and I mean little. I had to put the camera on high macro to get the pics. Any info would be awsome!
  10. stuntkiteflyer


    I haven't seen the clown goby in a good 4 days. I assume he's dead...somewhere. So if I decide to rinse out the tank what do I do with the ans. and the two clowns?
  11. stuntkiteflyer


    .:sobs:. My whole tank is infected? I don't know what I would do with the clowns so the tank can get rid of the ick, none-the-less all the ans. and zoos, and other little random stuff I've picked up. I tried to set up a sick tank for the little yellow one yesterday but this morning he was...
  12. stuntkiteflyer


    Two clowns, whom I'm watching very closly. The infected fish was in the tank for about hrs, so I'm hoping that it won't spread. Should I be worried about my anenomies?
  13. stuntkiteflyer

    My Zoo's aren't opening

    I would check it at night with a flashlight and make sure you don't see anything swimming around in there. I found one of these in my Zoo and they are VERY hard to see because as they eat the zoo they adopt the color of it. Sometimes if one of my plants is being tempermental I pick him up and...
  14. stuntkiteflyer


    I don't have a hospital tank (lame I know) so for now he is in a tuberware container ontop of the tank so he gets the heat from it, until I can call to fish store tomorrow where I got him. Thanks for the link.
  15. stuntkiteflyer

    My Zoo's aren't opening

    Most local fish stores should do those tests for you. Some of my zoo's are tempermental too, mine don't like to be in direct flow, and medium light. Are they all closed or just sections at a time?
  16. stuntkiteflyer


    I got a new fish today, I think he is a citrus goby (I think that's part of the name) anyway, I was looking at him while he was sitting on the rock and he has little white dots on him, that seem to be on him, rather than part of his it ick? What can I do? Thanks.
  17. stuntkiteflyer

    Green Clown Goby and Anemone Crab shots

    Those are very good! I have never heard of that kind of crab before, and I just got that exact kind of An. today.
  18. stuntkiteflyer

    My New Baby 180

    How's the tank coming, haven't seen any pics as of late.
  19. stuntkiteflyer

    210 shark/reef tank

    That is a very beautiful tank, and a cute bunny! Can't wait to see more pictures.
  20. stuntkiteflyer

    Red Sea Max: Good for beginners?

    Laurent, I just bought the Red Sea Max myself. I have a 24 that I set up at the begging of this year, but decided to add another small one to the mix. Since I'm a student and hopefully will be moving here in a couple years I'm staying away from bigger tanks (do I have a 75 in storage for when...