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  1. gary shandling

    DYI 400 Watts MH

    A 400 watt would be about 40 bucks extra on your monthly bill. 400 watts is alot of light. But what is it hangin above. What size tank? Whats the setup , FO or FOWLR or mixed reef or SPS tank?
  2. gary shandling

    bio tower on fish only tank questions???

    Salt water? If so a skimmer is much better for removing disolved solids. That would help remove uneatin food and other debris but you can controll this from your feeding habits.
  3. gary shandling

    Gobie Problem

    Your tank is pretty loaded as is. What do you use for water flow?
  4. gary shandling

    cycling with established tank water.

    Useing the other tank water would help but if the LR isnt fully cured then this will cause a cycle. I would wait atleast 4 weeks in either case. Let your beneficial bacteria population grow.
  5. gary shandling

    Brown stuff on the sand

    Your ammonia is a little high and this would stress the fish out and could kill them if it gets to high. I dont see nitrate dropping even after " cycle " its only getting higher. Mixing up all the debris could have caused this to rise. What size powerheads do you have? Whats the water source?
  6. gary shandling

    Derassa VS Toadstool

    If the clam covers the poylps then its food source will be effected. So moving the leather might be best. Thtey like good medium flow and medium light.
  7. gary shandling

    Help with Zoos coloration

    SPS perfer good water current over high lighting but do well in higher lighting. If you upgrade your light then dont go full time. Start with a few hours of main light and bring up slowly. This will let stock adjust to higher lighting and prevent any algea blooms.
  8. gary shandling

    OMG, zoos predator

    I dont think your urchin is the culprit. But he could bother them alot. Of course without any info on your tank its all guessing. Like tanks size and age?Water readings? Stock? Equipment used?
  9. gary shandling

    Will this light work for SPS?

    SPS perfer good water flow over high lights. THese lights would be fine and give better placement ability. Just place it high above the water surface.
  10. gary shandling

    chocolate chip star and starburst polyp

    If you want i reef tank then its all about the coral and your controll. I wouldnt keep any with caution stock. It might be fine for months but as he grows and his appetite grows then you have a much better chance of unwanted results. Remove any and all with caution stock.
  11. gary shandling

    Question about adhesives

    A C clamp.
  12. gary shandling

    Derassa VS Toadstool

    Ide be more worried as to why he moved? I dont think this will cause any harm as long as he is happy. If any trouble i would move the leather.
  13. gary shandling

    Brown stuff on the sand

    You added stock before you should have. You might not see a cycle but your still waiting for your beneficail bacteria's population to grow. Adding stock slow there growth from having to handle a larger bio load. Then i would get the powerheads lower. You want them to disturb the top of the sand...
  14. gary shandling

    Malnutrition Cues

    Its hard to match there natural food source. So supplying a well mixed diet is best with feeding them more often smaller amounts. Feed flake in the morning and differant type of frozen 1 or 2 times more throught the day. They would also like nori 2 or 3 times a weeks. Then good oxygen levels...
  15. gary shandling

    ID Please!

    Use something to scrape some off. Is it hard or soft , does it move , is it on the flesh pr just the rock below?
  16. gary shandling

    sun coral hitcher

    Peanut worm will retract into themselfs and wont move to often. If it is then its ok. But hard to tell from description. If ever unsure then a freash water dip or high salinity dip should drive it out. Better safe then sorry.
  17. gary shandling

    gen-x 4100 pumps...

    I think one is submersable and one is external. I guess it depends on the skimmer your hooking it to.
  18. gary shandling

    sun coral hitcher

    First link must be down but it will come back up. Second link goto the left side colum and click info links then goto to hitch hikers tab on same side to bring up list.
  19. gary shandling

    sun coral hitcher

    Sounds like a peanut worm but really hard to tell. Look here.
  20. gary shandling

    Lighting question

    A 29 is kinda small for any anemone and with so many types of fish to choose from and with a limited number you can add why would you want only clowns? Did you see that movie?