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  1. fishoutofwater

    Seattle Shop Tour

    qt's aquarium. Not sure of address but they are on the corner of Jackson and 5Th in china district.
  2. fishoutofwater

    Getting algae off acrylic

    I use a magnet with some special pads. Check out there web site for the info. I have been extremely happy with there product and it would be the last magnet you will buy. Much better than the shark or hammerhead magnets. these use velco to secure the pads and felt so they are easily replaced...
  3. fishoutofwater

    Balanophyllia, Dendrophyllia, or something else?

    i got my balano for $14. I did not realize they when for a ton more until I started looking into them. I have seen them sell for 35 per head. mine has about 10.
  4. fishoutofwater


    Just rinse. It will be fine. It will float and what doesn't your filter pads will catch it.
  5. fishoutofwater

    Balanophyllia, Dendrophyllia, or something else?

    here is a thread on the differance between dendros and balanos...
  6. fishoutofwater

    Olive drums?

    I have used v8 juice to help remove the odor. I have a few 15 gallon dr pepper drums and the one I did not use v8 juice in and just bleached it still smells a little like dr pepper. I also have a pickle barrel that I use for my ro water and all I did with that one was rinse with fresh water.
  7. fishoutofwater

    Balanophyllia, Dendrophyllia, or something else?

    I have both dendros and balanos and yours are balanophyllias. Google them and it will show you that they r balanos.
  8. fishoutofwater

    Marlin's 130gallon

    wow. looking good my friend. Overbuilt? LOL. no doubt. better safe than sorry. if you need any help lmk. keep us posted.
  9. fishoutofwater

    yes i do still have some

    yes i do still have some
  10. fishoutofwater

    ID for these macros

    cant tell the first one but the 2nd i think is halimeda, 3rd is razor and last is bubble caulerpas.
  11. fishoutofwater

    Baby Cleaner Shrimp; Help?

    my peppermint have had several clutches and the last set have survived now 8 weeks I believe. my cleaners have eggs all the time but with no luck on surival. good luck.
  12. fishoutofwater

    getting out. 90gal

    wow you are asking on a FS add that was dated 2007. i think its probably gone.
  13. fishoutofwater

    How to "FINE TUNE" Megaflow overflow

    can you move the elbow to more of an angle than straight down?
  14. fishoutofwater

    Snails with white spots...ID help

    I have alot of those in my tank too. Never had any issues with them.
  15. fishoutofwater

    125g Dual Overflow Design w/pics

    check pool/spa supply, home depot or lowes. i would run the first one and use gate valves on each drain. I am running a similar on mine.
  16. fishoutofwater


    I have always run a garden hose to it for 10-15 minutes until it runs clear. I cleaned 5 buckets of sand this way. I also used a sifter to pull out any larger pieces of debri. Why throw it out and be wastful when it's completly fine to clean and reuse. Jmho.
  17. fishoutofwater


    another cheap remidy for killing aptaisia and mojanos is pickling lime. pick it up at walmart. make it in to a paste and feed them with it. works everytime.
  18. fishoutofwater

    Well look what we have here.

    oohhh thats a pisser
  19. fishoutofwater

    Tank Transport Help

    good luck. I5 traffice is a mess with the road construction. there was a 5 mile back up yester in fortlewis. so it will def be more thana 2 hour drive. just thought you might want to know,