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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. plack

    Please help!!!!!! Heellp!!

    Mens Room Ale--- That name is Sick-- Just to offensive to even think of. Even AS it is meant as a Joke is Just too much like Little children Picking there nose in public and eating it then showing off.. Closest thing !! I voted for you cause you asked--I feel bad that I did though.
  2. plack

    two metal halide bulbs?

    Generally You get a more Intense light for deeper tanks or just certain high light coarls. The Reason to add more Halides is Because the Most intense spot is Directly underneath it and as you go farther away it gets Quickly dimmer. Adding a second light of the same type would make almost all...
  3. plack

    Saltyfish's CR Build!

    Question where did you get the black foam-- I need some !! I have never seen holes in the intake pipe -- I hpe media does not get sucked thru those holes and get Stuck in the impeller--Inspectors see every potential problem :-0 And is that grey valve--looks very nice/precise and that to me is...
  4. plack

    One last attempt to see if I could get any type of assistance at reeffrontiers

    A dart 2500 GPH assuming little head loss still needs this : Calculators->Drain Size Calculator Using the following input parameters Gallons per Hour = 2200 Drain and Overflow sizes are calculated as Recommended minimum drain pipe diameter = 1.94 inches Recommended minimum linear overflow...
  5. plack

    One last attempt to see if I could get any type of assistance at reeffrontiers

    Well you wanted advice but 2 people here have told you that this is TOO FAST for a RETURN.!!! "I told mark of the pump and it has a output of 1.5" and I asked him that, what if I ran all the piping at 1.5", would this prevent a backup, and he said that I should do find with that. " Are you...
  6. plack

    High Alk Question

    Kinda hard to give any answer without knowing more but in general usually the answer would be yes. No having said that--- I really should know What a new batch of your saltwater reads-- BEFORE you add it to your tank. Recently Ran into a HIGH CA and ALK bucket of reef crystals (over 13 DKH and...
  7. plack

    Seattle/Eastside Fish Stores

    One more is : Blue Sierra Exotic Fish & Supply 90 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 :-) Paul
  8. plack

    Yellow Clown Goby

    I second myteemouse's comment. With SPS Colonies---Only One or you'll be sorry ! I have one and he nips at healthy sps tips and then they grow back --Kinda doing there own trimming !! A Better fish I like and am thinking of getting more of is the Indigo Dottyback--They are peacefull Blue and...
  9. plack

    Looking to change lighting

    "Rule of thumb for the HQI DE MH is 150w HQI DE MH - Tank depth 24" - 2' by 2' area 250w HQI DE MH - Tank depth 30" - 2' by 2' area 400w HQI DE MH - Tank depth 36" - 2' by 2' area" HOWEVER--- it seems allot of people eventually want the 20K lighting--- and they want the growth and intense...
  10. plack

    Copper question

    "what people's opinions are on using a used tank that had copper used in it once" IT CAN KILL EVERYTHING IN YOUR REEF SLOWLY !!!
  11. plack

    Help! Need advice on cleaning

    You Need to use a mixture of Muratic acid ( sold in hardware stores to clean brick's) and water. Maybe 4 times more water than the acid and use rubber gloves and be carefull and do this outside as he fumes are VERY strong. :-) Paul
  12. plack

    One last attempt to see if I could get any type of assistance at reeffrontiers

    You First Language is not english. Many People have had a very difficult time understanding what your questions are. Most people here Do want to help you BUT DO NOT KNOW HOW. An Example: "for I need to still know in what im to look for or even try to buy " You dont not state what you NEED.Or...
  13. plack

    Reefkeeper 2 or Reefkeeper Lite??

    Wow ? Don't know I can see it--Tried a few times with and without compatability mode. Eventually once it do do as you said after I switched windows then came back?? I saved it as a word Document. I just need your e-mail ! :-) Paul
  14. plack

    Reefkeeper 2 or Reefkeeper Lite??

    Hey Kirk ! On this website they have people who own the reefkeeper elite and the newest aquacontroller apex or there older one's aquacontrollers comparing there experiences. Might be a thing to help you decide-- I think which ever you can get a good deal on is best !! Also If you wanna see...
  15. plack

    Reefkeeper 2 or Reefkeeper Lite??

    I agree with ben as his is a good choice. I think it's a good idea to have a controller for you. I also have the PROPER Stuff to Calibrate the ORP probe with so If your going to do that let me know as I could do yours and mine at the same time ! :-) Paul
  16. plack

    Reefkeeper 2 or Reefkeeper Lite??

    Why Measure Salinity this way? I ask Kirk cause if your auto top off is good and you have a refractometer to make sure the new water you make and your tank are the same your salinity will not change. Salt does not evaporate only the water does !!! If you really must have one your best bet...
  17. plack

    In Wall - going for it! - seeking your ideas/feedback/advice

    POST NUMBER 1194-- most I've ever seen !!! Thank's for the Fantastic Deals Ben ! All Your's coarls look good You even have nice coral growing on the bottom on the Locline/bulheads. Your frag tank has a nice selection of very colorfull sps. Sad to see it go But glad I could get a few items...
  18. plack

    My 750 gallon fiasco build

    How's your health doing? are you able to do all the work on your tank? I know you'd want to but could understand if it became a problem ! Yes this is a very very short version !! :-) Paul
  19. plack

    skimmer help...Its down

    So you removed the mesh and zip ties---Did you put them back on? Won't work the same without it back on ! When was the last time you cleaned the motor? Have you ever taken it apart ( Impeller out of housing and front cover) and let it all soak in a bucket of muratic acid and water(quick ans...
  20. plack

    Very high PH

    I would guess it is a bad test or test kit. If it stayed that way for a length of time things would not look good some would die. Step 1 retest it. Step 2 go to someone or some store that has a test kit and have them test it as well. :-) Paul