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  1. plack

    Steel cages stimulate coral growth in Maldives (08/18/2009)

    Here I wonder why no one has hooked up a Wave Generator and or with solar to generate all electricity for free and just coral farm this way. One could see some of the local aquaculture places doing this say Pacific East or some other facility. Wonder why no-one yet has jumped on this as The...
  2. plack

    Sick Plate Coral?

    Kinda hard to tell But the height of the coral looks allot taller- Have you fed him small pc's of silversides or other meaty foods. If you use a turkey baster and lightly puff around it does the exterior change. It almolst looks like it caught a tiny fish or sompthing and ate it then expelled...
  3. plack

    In Wall - going for it! - seeking your ideas/feedback/advice

    You kept a Majesti Angel and it did not eat anything??
  4. plack

    Internal overflow box for 360g reef

    Wow 3 feet wide that souds nice. If you have your heart set on korrilas then try just 2 having one placed 3-4" below the top on the center of the right and left on timers every 10 minutes throw in a little flake and you should see a strong vortex. The key to it's strength is the speed along...
  5. plack

    Frag Swap.

    I will have a 2 or 3 headed Frag of a Purple and Green Acan and maybe anothe single headed one. Possably One very small blue tipped stag. Wish I had more ! :-) Paul
  6. plack

    Internal overflow box for 360g reef

    Are you coming to the frag swap the Psas is having on Sept 19th ? Also the top holes if cut with LARGE radius's in the corner's instead of the almolst sharp looking ones will give it more strength why risk a future crack from the stress points. Not exactly sure what the second smaller set of...
  7. plack

    Internal overflow box for 360g reef

    The 6" Front to back will kill allot of lighting space. The clear acrylic will become a great fuel sorce for algae go with solid black. I ran over 1700 GPH Actual return Through one 1.5" Drain fairly quiet hough not silent for years.Before slowing it down to about 750 GPH !! Sompthing to...
  8. plack

    Humphead wrasse, quite endangered species

    Yea I especially noticed this part in case you wondered about How different nation's were treating this issue. "Indonesia allows an annual capture of 8,000 individual humphead wrasse — none for local consumption, all for export —"
  9. plack

    light question?

    "My tank is in a built in cabinet. There is 15 inches of clearence an a fan venting out the top." So is that like a canopy ? If so when a canopy is closed it can produce more heat than when left open or than a hanging pendant with a fan blowing the top of the tank. What do people in your local...
  10. plack

    CO2 Scrubber?

    Yes, I at one point had a refegium and still had low ph even with a stronger bulb. I eventually restarted my refegium and tweaked my reactors and added kalk and got up to 8.15 without the refegium doing much yet ! Low ph is why allot of people with Ca reactors run a kalkwasser reacator. And...
  11. plack

    CO2 Scrubber?

    and they dont even say you will get a .2 increase
  12. plack

    CO2 Scrubber?

    Have you tried running a kalkwasser reactor 24/7. Have you tried dripping the effluent right into a cup with an airstone in it. Have you tried a second add on reaction chamber to your CA reactor . Try these first :-)
  13. plack

    CO2 Scrubber?

    I'll Tag along---But I think its proprietary--- Did they say patent pending for the media ?? I also agree at $30 a month (assuming you have a modern skimmer) for a minimal rise in PH financially it's to much.
  14. plack

    Reccomend a skimmer for my 40b?

    I agree I had a aqua remora Pro on a 55 and it was terrible close to useless. :-) Paul
  15. plack

    Help with alk and ph

    You are Welcome :-) Paul
  16. plack

    Letting sleeping wrasses lie ?

  17. plack

    Lighting question

    "So on to the second question, are the stock ballasts included in the light systems pieces of junk?" Not necessarily--- I belive I said--- "You could end up getting good used electronic ballasts and pendants with used bulbs. Then buy some new bulbs." That would be because the BULBS, not the...
  18. plack

    how many holes for non-rr 120

    " for returns. I like to plumb my returns over the top with pvc" I,ve Done this for years :-) Ever notice how many sps reefes have Tunze's or Vortech's !!! This way no holes and Lot's of flow !!! I Preffer them over an O.M. unless you have it hooked up to a M.B.V. but it is still allot...
  19. plack

    Lighting question

    CIAO HI, For your size and depth You have room for allot of corals! Do you have a canopy? Are you O.K. Hanging pendants ? Do you want to be able to get almolst any kind of coral Then Halides.(250 Watt DE or 400 SE) Do you like LPS and Softies Then T-5's (lots) I see you are new ( at...