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    Metal Halides

    I am thinking of up grading my lighting to metal halides. Any recomendations for a 36 gallon tank? What is HQI anyhow?
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    mixing shrimp

    I have 5 sexy shrimp in my 29 and they form a cool little school. From what I have read they have to be the only shrimp in the tank as any other shrimp will eat them. There are quite a few fish that will munch them as well.
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    Think you are fast?

    Geeze Louise, I am a snail in this game, I can't hear the ringtone....I think its time for the rocking chair
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    Mosquito Ringtone-Can you hear it?

    wow, I'm 46 and can't hear it at all! I blame Blue Oyster Cult
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    coraline encrusted powerheads

    is there any hope for coraline encrusted powerheads? I have a few and was wondering if they are worth trying to salvage. Soak the in vingegar maybe?
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    I caught the snail killer!

    JSM....if when you say bumble bees you mean bumble bee snails he eats those too.
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    I caught the snail killer!

    It was one of therr own. I have had a 29 gallon up and running for about a year and 1/2 and everything is going well. The only problem is I could not keep snails. The mexcian turbo was fine but all the smaller ones just kept disapearing. Then one time I saw a large hitchhiker snail looking...
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    Survivor...Exile Island!

    I can't believe Aras won....dang..... Oh well, its just a game, right? Still, I was pulling for Terry. The curse of the car, it will get you every time!
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    Survivor...Exile Island!

    I think she was smart to wait. If she threw in with Terry too soon she would have been the odd-person out. Plus no one likes her, so she would be a good choice for the final 2.
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    Survivor...Exile Island!

    now I wish Terry did not tell people he has the idol. He could throw the last challange and everyone would vote for him, then who ever he voted for would be gone! Either way I can't wait, this has been a good one. Danielle really did make a good point one time though, its really not fair to...
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    Survivor...Exile Island!

    This whole immunity idol thing has been a blast too! I think Terry can use it up till the final 3 right? If he was smart he would try to win the next challange, then give the idol to someone for a promise to the final 2. I want Aras out, he bugs me. I kinda like Cirie <sp?> , she has really...
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    Survivor...Exile Island!

    Actually, I think Terry would have a good chance with the jury. He will have Austin and Sally from his tribe, Bruce would be the kind of guy to pick on merits, so he would vote Terry and then all he would have to do is get Courtney, who is really mad at every one from her alliance. I think he...
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    RO/DI filters, time for a change

    Thanks Guys, that really helps. Sidd, I have the horizontal DI, will that work work with that package?
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    RO/DI filters, time for a change

    I have had my RO/DI filter from Aquasafe for a year now and its time for a change of filters. I talked to the folks up at Aquasafe and they only sell filters by the case. What they told me was this: The three vertical filters on the bottom and the DI resin need to be changed yearly, the...
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    What comes first fish or coral?

    When I first set up my tank I was going to stock it with corals and fish later. I had a teaming pod population at that time and spent a nice chunk of change on a frag of blue zooanthids. I watched in horror as the pods striped the rock bare in about a week. I didn't think pods would eat...
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    What could they be?

    There are no peppermint shrimp in the tank. The thing that I found strange is that something seemed to be pulling the duster back into a small hole in the rock. It started out about 3 1/2 inches long, but now there is only about an inch sticking out. Can they back themselves into a hole like...
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    What could they be?

    Well something ate my feather duster worm, one of the smaller species. My mandarin or the fire fish did not seem like lilkey suspects, neither were the 7 lazy scarlet hermits or the sexy shrimp. So, I decided to grab the flashlight and take a look late at night. There is defintly a population...
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    CPR Bak Pak Protein Hang on Skimmer

    I could never get my bakpakR2 to not produce bubbles. The way I finally got rid of the bubbles was to read reeffrontiers daily until you find someone selling a Remora and jump on it!! I have had not a single bubble with the Remora and it skims like crazy, much quieter too. Just my 2 cents.
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    Survivor...Exile Island!

    The whole Exile island thing is kind of weird, I wonder if they will keep sending the leader of each team to the island every time? That would really bite for the people who have to keep going back there. All Terry would have to do it put that rock back in place then the next downpour will...
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    Survivor...Exile Island!

    Every season a group of friends and I start a Survivor pool, put everybody in seprate envelope and pick one. The winner get the big prize and the final 4 each get a smaller one. Who did I pick this year? SHANE! What a dork. Never before have I wanted my pick to be voted off, but now I really...