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  1. tava716

    Uri VHO bulbs.

    Well, I guess it is al tiral and error. I guess you just keep trying different ones until you get a look htat you like, and also is functiional for the tank inhabitants. I ordered last night prior to posts #16-20. I ordered one 48inch actinic white, one 36inch actinic white, one 48inch super...
  2. tava716


    Welcome to RF! If you planon doing FOWLR at first and then corals later, make sure set up your tank for coral right away. I made the mistake of saying that I was not going to get corals, and now I want them and am spending a lot of extra $$$ to get the equiptment. Once again, welcome...
  3. tava716


    Yes. and I have an ASM, which is similar to the Euro Reef.
  4. tava716

    Uri VHO bulbs.

    Krish, I will have this all figured out by the tiem you are ready to move up your lighting. I would be more thatn happy to give you advise :)
  5. tava716

    Uri VHO bulbs.

    MikeS, What would you suggest for a configuration using two 48inch bulbs and two 36inch?
  6. tava716

    Uri VHO bulbs.

    Krish, what do you run for lighting on your tank?
  7. tava716

    Uri VHO bulbs.

    Good questions Krish! Oh, by the way.... You are always welcome to hijack my threads! :) to answer your question, I think the white light is so intense that it will balance out the blues (even if it only 25% or so). I could be wrong..... Maybe someone else has a better answer.
  8. tava716


    Sorry to hear about this mistery Nikki. :( Glad all your livestock is fine. I know with my skimmer, it the air intake gets clogged, the water level in the skimmer shoots up and overflows the collecion cup, and then overflows into my sump and a little outside the sump.
  9. tava716

    Uri VHO bulbs.

    Cool! Found it. Thanks!
  10. tava716

    Uri VHO bulbs.

    Oops! Found them. THey have 50/50 actinic white. Running 2 actinic white and 2 actinic does not make the tank too blue?
  11. tava716

    Uri VHO bulbs.

    I definately hate seeing the pink in some of the tanks at my LFS. I will steer clear of that. What is considered an actinic white? I did not see a Uri actinic white on Hellolight's site. Is a 10K or a 50/50 considered actinic white? Thanks!
  12. tava716

    Uri VHO bulbs.

    Happy Monday to you all! Those of you using URI VHO bulbs, are you using the (VHO, T12) AQUA-D Blue Super Actinic R, 110W or the VHO, T12) Super Actinic R, 110W? Here are the links to the ones I am thinking of getting. or...
  13. tava716

    got live rock for x mams gift...what do I do now!!

    Well, all tests show 0 except Nitrate is still at 10. I did a 100% water change in the tote. I will now leave it be and test every other day. I hope to be able to put it into the display tank on Dec. 26th! There are snails and some little mushrooms clinging to the sides of the tote! If they...
  14. tava716

    My new tank inahitant!

    Hmmm. I guess I need to decide what to do with him. Keep him or take him back to the LFS. I am very carefull to research something before I buy it for my tank. Unfortunately, this was one of tose "impulse buys". No preliminary research conducted. Darn it.......
  15. tava716

    Answer And Ask

    Spongebob, I have a 90 gallon.......You may wnat to go for a 200.....That is what I dream of!!!
  16. tava716

    My new tank inahitant!

    mmkeeper, From what I understand, They can get up to 12 inches. This one is about 3 inches and my tank is 90 gallons.
  17. tava716

    Answer And Ask

    Most definately watch football! Unfortunately the Buffalo Bills are done! Question: Do you dream of upgrading your tank to a bigger one? If so, how big?
  18. tava716

    got live rock for x mams gift...what do I do now!!

    I sure will post photos!
  19. tava716

    My new tank inahitant!

    I got theis guy for $9.00 today at the LFS! He is very active! I think he will find his own food, but once a week I will slip a piece or shrimp or frozen blood worm under his shell.
  20. tava716

    got live rock for x mams gift...what do I do now!!

    Thanks guys! I will leave the rock in the tote wit a power head for a week or two. I went to the LFS and got another 20 LB of rock today. I frequent this LFS offten and know the owner. I know the rock I got today (and the rock my buddy got) has been in there LR tank for over a month. I will...