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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. tava716

    lighting question

    Hey gang! Would VHO or compact fluorescent be a better way for me to go in order to be able to house corals? Right now I have just your basic aquarium ballasts with 2 actinics and a 10K (nothing special) :( I am asking my family for gift certificates to the LFS for Christmas so I cna get...
  2. tava716

    Amphiprionidae (Clownfish) Workshop

    Krish, Mine look tha same as yours. One has a deeper orange thatn the other one.
  3. tava716

    Amphiprionidae (Clownfish) Workshop

    I am along for hte ride. Just got me 2 little ocelaris/perculas (not sure which they are. I guess I will find out if I follow this workshop!!!) the LFS had 2 tanks. One labeled ocelaris and one labeled percula. The fish all looked the same. went with the ocelaris (a little less expensive)...
  4. tava716

    What in the world is it?

    How big are yours? I am curious how big this one will get.
  5. tava716

    What in the world is it?

    What is this? These yellow sponge looking things started growing about a month ago. Never seen them until then.
  6. tava716

    Getting first tank - Need Equipment advice

    TRC, Welcome! Deffinetly see the link Krish provided. And Krish is right. There are a lot of friendly knowledgable people here (Even Krish) LOL :) No really.....I learned everything from these guys and gals. Glad to see you are getting back in the hobby! See you around! James
  7. tava716

    Test kits for Iodine and Iron?

    Cool. THanks!
  8. tava716

    Test kits for Iodine and Iron?

    Thanks for the info guys! Right now I use "Instant Ocean". Does anyone prefer the "Reef Cyrstals" over the regular Instant ocean salt?
  9. tava716

    Show your filtration Systems

    Thanks guys!
  10. tava716

    Test kits for Iodine and Iron?

    Wow! Thanks Nikki! I will check this out!
  11. tava716

    Test kits for Iodine and Iron?

    I was told that Iron and Iodine are good for the inverts (starfish, clams, shrimp).
  12. tava716

    Show your filtration Systems

    Funny blue things????? HAHA!! Those are my "can't aford enough live rock so I need them things"! :) I only have 55lb of LF in a 90 gallon. Figured I needed the extra bio filteration. :)
  13. tava716

    Test kits for Iodine and Iron?

    Hey all! How was your thanksgiving? I purchased soem iodine and some iron a couple of days ago and am following the directions on the bottles. Do I need to be testing (with a test kit)? If so, what should the perameters be? does anyone know of a good brand of test kit? I am also going to...
  14. tava716

    Show your filtration Systems

    Here is mine. Just built it about a month ago. 20 gallon with ASM G-3 skimmer, Phosban reactor, 2 overflows, 2 return pumps and bioballs. I call it "the tight squeeze" !!!
  15. tava716

    MOTM November 2005

    Congtats Reed!
  16. tava716

    Flame Scallop Diet

    Thanks all. The LFS gave me zooplankton. I will buy phytoplankton as well and feed both.
  17. tava716

    Flame Scallop Diet

    Hey gang! Does anyone know if Flame Scallops prefer Zooplankton or Phytoplankton? I purchased one and the LFS told me to buy "Kents" zooplankton. Just want to make sure I was giving it the best nutrition (as well as the best for my tank. I have NO corals. The scallop would be the only...
  18. tava716

    Jumpin' Jawfish

    Larry, I live in Amherst. Glad to run into a fellow Buffalonian! I grew up out near Wahington, (well sota. It was acctually Montana). I like the west. Beutifull country.
  19. tava716

    Vacuum substrate

    Mojo, About 2inches deep. Krish, Tank is doing well. I am now running 2 overlow boxes rated at 600 GPH each adn 2 return pumps. Each pump pushes through 3/4 inch PVC that shoots the flow back into the tank at a 45 degree angle into the water. How is yours doing? My2, I am using if for...