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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. P

    Down to one fish

    I will, as soon as I get home tonight. I did a water change about a month ago, only about a quarter. Maybe that's what killed the fish??
  2. P

    Down to one fish

    I have NO idea about live rock, that's why I got the book. I am definitly getting a new skimmer and lights! I've been saving up! If I don't need a filter, I wont get one Thanks so much. You guys are very helpful. If I lose my clown fish, I'll be crushed! Seiously, I love that stupid orange...
  3. P

    Down to one fish

    I have a protein skimmer, and I'm getting live rock soon. Thanks.
  4. P

    Down to one fish

    Actually, about the filters..I have no idea which one to get. I have a trickle filter, I am upgrading the heck out of my tank, so what do you guys suggest? I'm also getting a sump which I don't have now.
  5. P

    Down to one fish

    I am going to check it tonight, I have a real hard time getting the ph to 8.5, it's usually around 7.5 Also, I just ordered this book...The Marine Aquarium Handbook: Beginner to Breeder, does anyone know if that's a good one??
  6. P

    Down to one fish

    It's 55 gallons, only fish (I am getting live rock next week) and I've had it 5 years. The last time I had a new fish was the tang a couple of years ago, then about 3 weeks ago, my daughter brought home the emerald crabs.
  7. P

    Down to one fish

    I lost 2 fish in the last week, and I only had 3. A yellow Tang I've had for a long time, and a damsel that I've had for 5 years. The only thing different, is I added 2 teensy emerald crabs. I worry about my last fish, a clown. Could the crabs be doing soemthing diabloical? They are very tiny...
  8. P

    Trying To Get Started

    aww...isn't he cute? ((HUG))
  9. lucy


  10. P

    Trying To Get Started

    Right now, just the fish I have. I took this tank over and I want to fix it up to be a healthy environment for the fish. I would, much later on, love to learn more about coral, my friend has such pretty tanks, but that is far down the road. I don't know how muc skimmers and lights are, but I...
  11. P

    damsel problems

    Are damsels usually agressive? I have one, but I've never seen it attack anything.
  12. P

    Trying To Get Started

    Thank you! I found a place that sells cured rock. I'm going this weekend. Now, I just need a better skimmer and lights.
  13. P

    Trying To Get Started

    how do I tell if it's cured or not?
  14. P

    Trying To Get Started

    Neat! I will do that tonight! He'll be so happy!
  15. P

    Trying To Get Started

    brocolli?I've been feeding him seaweed stuff, but I can feed him real veggies?
  16. P

    Trying To Get Started

    Yes, I am. My poor tang, he's gone through so much because of my ignorance! once he even turned red all over, but he stayed with me and got better. So you see how much help I need! :(
  17. P

    Trying To Get Started

    I have a 55 gallon tank, and a sea clone skimmer, and like I said, my friend, who does reef tanks for a living says that's the worst kind! It doesn't even make foam. I have 3 fish, a yellow tail damsel, a clown and a yellow tang. My friend tells me I should get live rock, but I don't know...
  18. P

    Trying To Get Started

    I'm in MA also, and my friend told me to join this site because I have a saltwater tank (for about 5 years) and have no idea what I'm doing. I've managed to keep my fishies healthy for that long ( I even have the same damsel I started with) but I don't know how I do it. I didn't even have a...
  19. Penny

