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  1. W

    Going Natural

    I am particularly interested in this part. I want to do some collecting to improve the bio-diversity in my tanks. I'm curious about where to collect so that the life I bring home, IS able to thrive in the "closed" environment. Thanks, > Barry :)
  2. W

    My notes from Bob Fenner

    And this is supposed to mean that "No amount" of Phosphate or Nitrate or alkalinity is going to present a problem ? Yeah, right. :lol: Did Bob explain what he considered to be toxic ? #1 Bob is not lying to us. The conspiracy is coming from somewhere else, and for a different objective. #2...
  3. W

    My notes from Bob Fenner

    #2 is a bit "hard" to swallow ( pun intended ). I have 4.5 meq/L alkalinity in my tap water, and in my tank. It is too high, and I can't get Calc. over 360 to save my soul. RO/DI water should cure this. I put tap water with 1.0ppm Phosphate in my tank from the tap, and the tank brings it down to...
  4. W

    :) Cheapskate friendly Calc reactor :)

    Luke, could you estimate the volume of media in your reactor, and your tank size ? Is there a reason for the suggestion for "large" chunks of skeleton vs say, small to medium rubble ( 1/8 to 3/8" ) ? Also, could you give a bit more detail on your "pump chamber" consrtuction and installation...
  5. W

    :) Cheapskate friendly Calc reactor :)

    I think I have a fairly good understanding from your diagram. How often might you need to add the marble chips, and how do you get to their cavity to fill ? > Barry :)
  6. W

    Hmmm anyone want to talk about this one?? AGAIN

    I was laughing at the guy wheeling wheel barrows full of manure across the border, because he was "burning the wheel barrows". Then I coudn't catch my breath for quite a while when he was caught because of the "smoke" ! ! ! ! ! :p > Barry :D
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    Hmmm anyone want to talk about this one?? AGAIN

    The "cwp" IS the "flushing toilet" ! Elsewise take out the carpet and the beds, and walk and sleep on glass ! ! ! > Barry :p :)
  8. W

    The cheato ONLY method of reefkeeping

    Another vote for the Calc reactor thread. High performance and inexpensive DIY, I love it ! > Barry :)
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    Hmmm anyone want to talk about this one?? AGAIN

    From the 2nd article: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The greatest differences among experimental treatments were observed as decreased buffering capacity, and higher final phosphate concentration of aquaria with coarse sediments relative to those with...
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    Hmmm anyone want to talk about this one?? AGAIN

    Sp? Yes ? :p > Barry :D
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    Hmmm anyone want to talk about this one?? AGAIN

    The words are not kind. and my nose isn't brown either, they are accurate, and I am honest. People have a hard time believing that there isn't some "hidden agenda" behind my statements. There isn't. Barry ( HC ) Yes. Prolonged writing style, yes. Interminable argument, until the truth comes...
  12. W

    Let's Talk About ~Algae Control~

    I am the most Non-political person you will ever run across. BB, DSB, even Plenums, run very well when set-up and operated appropriately. I don't happen to care much for standard plenums, since even their originators explain that they operate properly "Only with LIGHT bio-loads" and "No sifters...
  13. W

    Let's Talk About ~Algae Control~

    Sure it is. It could be diatoms or something else, but don't worry. Just see what happens for several weeks. It will probably subside on it's own. If it gets thick enough to become a "mat" that extends for a couple of inches or more, then remove some of it gently, or throw in some snails. Maybe...
  14. W

    Krish's New 75 gal "Thing-a-ma-bob"

    Krish, your perspective in that picture is Hilarious ! ! It makes it look like a 120 or something ! ! Congratulations on the glass, you will love it. The advise on drilling is worth considering, really ! I just hate "overflows" ( CPR "type" ) ! ! ! ! Best of luck Bud ! > Wave98 :)
  15. W

    Hmmm anyone want to talk about this one?? AGAIN

    I'm not "that" new to "the list", but I haven't posted that often on RF as of late. I think RF a great "board" just the same. I started a wasting plenum 1 year ago, based on a single post from your thread that I "stumbled" upon a link to. It may have been your own site at the time. I don't...
  16. W

    Hmmm anyone want to talk about this one?? AGAIN

    [/B] The errors point in several directions including death rate, and many aquarists are not any where near as astute as you are John. "Others" could take several wrong meanings from the "results". [/B] Exactly John, most people are going to see the trees, even when a forest is there. [/B] Again...
  17. W

    Let's Talk About ~Algae Control~

    Here is the political agenda: Quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We did not test bare bottom tanks, but the data clearly suggest that the shallower the sediment, the higher the mortality rate, and you can't get much shallower than a bare bottom tank...
  18. W

    Let's Talk About ~Algae Control~

    This first article is a GREAT read ! This second article and the "study" it represents, is "Highly tainted" with poor technique, and Political agenda. I suggest this article be ignored as so much "balderdash" ! ! ! I have run across the higher phosphate "release" from larger media elsewhere...
  19. W

    Sand Stirring substrates

    Are there any critters that are of benefit to keeping the substrate surface clean and "mixed or stirred", that are not considered to be "overly predatory" to the "infauna"? Such as cucumbers, or starfish, or nassarius snails. or "whatever"? Any reccomendations? > Wave98 :)
  20. W

    Sand Stirring substrates

    I have used about 1 1/2" of 1-2mm above my oolitic sand, and have not experienced a "crusting" problem, but I also have a good bit of predators there ( as in crabs and cuke and bristle stars ). I think there needs to be a careful balance of sand stirrers vs "fauna", and I can't say what that is...