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  1. K

    DIY "Lumenarc" reflectors

    Did you fellas end up ordering?
  2. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good

    temp was a balmy 79deg
  3. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good

    As soon as i began moving it, chunks started comin off of it......Still wonder what caused it. Was it because it came in contact with the Sebae? And yet another question, Should I even bother with getting another anenome for my 4 clowns to host in, or is the giant Sebae I have enough for them all?
  4. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good

    well thanks.......going to get it outta the tank now.
  5. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good

    "Toss it in the freezer"....As in put it outta its misery?
  6. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good I did a water check and the nitrates were high...I did a 20 gallon water change...and i took some pictures with my phone....not the greatest, but you can see how bad he looks.
  7. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good

    I just re-posted to the general discussion forum..See what happens...thanks.
  8. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good

    Hey all, I've had this anenome for bout a month. Was doing well for the first 3 weeks, had secured itself to a rock and was eating. In the past week it has started to "walk" around the tank. This am I found it next to my Sebae and its' tentacles were deflated and its base had white areas with...
  9. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good

    I wondered about that.....How can i move it without having a double post? I've been flamed before for posting the same thread twice on diff forums.
  10. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good

    Yea...thats what i thought happened.....I know its not a good idea to take anything outta the water, just had to do a smell test......Since i moved him away from the Sebae, the white areas have began to up, but one of the black percula just wont stop trying to get back in it.....would post some...
  11. K

    long tentacle anenome not lookin so good

    Hey all, I've had this anenome for bout a month. Was doing well for the first 3 weeks, had secured itself to a rock and was eating. In the past week it has started to "walk" around the tank. This am I found it next to my Sebae and its' tentacles were deflated and its base had white areas with...
  12. K

    Teeny tiny clams

    looks like a barnacle.?????
  13. K

    I want to make a hex stand for a 85 gal

    thats it, 30 degrees from the back, thank you, i wanna make a stand and cabinet, for sump room.
  14. K

    I want to make a hex stand for a 85 gal

    ok but what angle on a saw? it only goes from 0 to 45 no 120 degrees, sorry if i sound helpless here but it feels like it. anybody?
  15. K

    I want to make a hex stand for a 85 gal

    Could someone tell me the angles i need to cut? Or better yet blue prints for the stand? I keep seeing 60 degrees would it be 30? HELP!!!!!
  16. K

    chillers, love to hate em

    I heard the fridge method isnt very efficient, I saw a diy air conditioner, one that looked more reliable
  17. K

    chillers, love to hate em

    I'm using 2 250 wat metal halides, and a dual t-5 actinic strip. also a mag 18 pump for the return, I got the sps, lps thing goin so i need the lights, also i've tried the fan thing and i have a dedicated air conditioner in the "fish room" also my anyway, soo.....any suggestions on...
  18. K

    Please critique my sump/refugium

    awesome, i diy d the same sump, from melevs reef, it works great. I can send you a picture if you want, but what you have looks almost identical to mine. About the skimmer and heighth, its all about the manufacturers specs. the only thing diffrent is i have a live rock pile that the overflow...
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    chillers, love to hate em

    Its gettin to be that time, Its gettin hot down here in southern mississipi, not including the humidity. Soo i was wondering if, #1) someone could clue me into a (cough) cheap, but reliable chiller? and #2) what is the absolute minimum hp i need for roughly a 100gal reef? now I know these...
  20. K

    refugium lighting. whens enough enough?

    cool ill check em both out!