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  1. Witfull

    Dead Rock to live rock?

    yes i have, and most of that life will die off in a tank. no where in my statements did i say a couple of weeks, and i take offense to you referring to me (i feel i am included in your lumping of "you guys") as a disreputable person. whatever bad experience you may have had does not include...
  2. Witfull

    Phosphate build up

    ok, so we set up our flask and added one gram of limestone that is saturated with Pi. then we add 100ml of RO/DI. therefore the lime will give up .75 of its Pi to reach EQ. why does tank water test neg for P when sandbed water test higher?
  3. Witfull

    The wait is over. Tank is finally here!!!!!!

    absolutely way to jealous and happy for you!
  4. Witfull

    My Poor Car

    hey Sno, glad to have another Badge around. never had a reef tank need rescuing. but when i had a store i had friends on the force and they always called me to come and get the stranger pets most criminals have....the number of monitor lizards, snakes of all kinds, birds, tarantulas and...
  5. Witfull

    Dead Rock to live rock?

    dead rock will become "live" in a matter of weeks once bacteria and life finds it. to become "true live rock" give it a good 6 months. it will have a strong anerobic zone deep inside. so what you have in your tank is "live rock".
  6. Witfull

    New Type Of Algae

    turf algae possibly. tuff cuss-tomer to get rid of.
  7. Witfull

    Phosphate build up

    so from my understanding of P saturation,it would fall into the third model?
  8. Witfull

    How To?

    if it is kept airated it will be fine...throw a PH in each container. it would a good time to go barebottom.
  9. Witfull

    Schooling fish

    my dorsalis wrasse is an active pod hunter. i feed maybe once aweek and he is not hurting. but then again, my maroon hunts too...i guess they learned not to depend on me for food.
  10. Witfull

    Welcome Aboard

    i loved chemistry class but got kicked out for roasting hotdogs over a bunsen burner.
  11. Witfull

    This is always happening?

    a perfect tank is it apart and start most of us cant afford another tank and all that goes with it,,,so we play and tinker with what we have.,,its more of a hands on underwater playpen than a visual centerpiece.
  12. Witfull

    Schooling fish

    ok...seriously you could think about a harem of fairywrasse, not true schooling but very attractive, colorful and easy to feed, the are active hunters and need little supplemental feedings.
  13. Witfull

    Schooling fish

    mike,,,how bout a small school of bonita tuna?,,,your tank is almost big enough..:D
  14. Witfull

    The weather...

    did the same thing on this coast. saturday it was 90+ then sunday when i got up it was 65* and we only got up to 72* and it was sunny. i cursed the coming of fall. atleast now it is feeling warm again,,,but nature was giving a taste of that whicj is to come.,,,GRRRRRR.
  15. Witfull

    Whats on your bottom?

    barebottom with a healthy coating of coraline.
  16. Witfull

    Please Welcome Collin Cross

    a lil front page bump.
  17. Witfull

    This is always happening?

    after i did the DSB experoment i found out exactly what DSB really stood for "dumb son of a b%^#" ,,,LOL. the nice thing about taking it apart is the redoing of things as Nikki said, plus a tank is art and you can change the picture when you chose.
  18. Witfull

    Please Welcome Collin Cross

    greetings Dr. CW. glad to have you here! i look forward you you making my brain hurt as it stretches as it attempts to gain just a fraction of your wealth of knowledge. ..."give it to me straight Doctor, i can take it" Dr. Johnny Fever, WKRP.
  19. Witfull

    My Poor Car

    i could, its a matter of there being an opening for promotion. if you promote the gov pays for the move, if a lateral,,,i would have to pay. ill wait to promote:D
  20. Witfull

    heres one for ya

    who has time for soaking,,,lol,,,i prefer a more brutal form of reefing,,:D i also took apart my 3mdqx and it showed no signs of build up,,guess some pumps are more suseptible than others.