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  1. SaltwaterNoobs

    Tank Mate Advice Please!

    Hey reefbob! So I think you may have had the same problem we had when we started our tank - false information from the wrong people. I have a feeling you were told 14 gallons was enough space for a tang? Some people we had talked to said, "Oh yeah, general rule of thumb is 1 gallon of water...
  2. SaltwaterNoobs

    What is this on my life rock?

    Sounds to me like you have some spaghetti/hair worms. I have a bunch in my tank on two pieces of live rock. They really don't do much, but aren't bad to have in the tank. Pictures always help with identification, but it sounds like you have spaghetti worms :)
  3. SaltwaterNoobs

    6 Line Wrasse

    We actually were just talking about getting a 6-line wrasse for our tank and found this website to be extremely helpful: Biggest points I got from it were that the wrasse needs to feel "welcomed" to the tank (thus why it's suggested to let...
  4. SaltwaterNoobs

    Mystery Crab

    That could work! We know which hole he lurks in, so maybe we will try to selzer water. Otherwise bait it is! Thanks for the advice! :)
  5. SaltwaterNoobs

    Mystery Crab

    I'd thought about doing a trap like this, but I have hermit crabs (of all sizes) in the tank as well, and I don't want one of them getting to the bait before the other crab. Would a freshwater dip harm the zoas on the rock if I chose that route?
  6. SaltwaterNoobs

    Mystery Crab

    But will the freshwater dip harm the zoanthids on the rock? There are two green poly's also growing on it.
  7. SaltwaterNoobs

    Mystery Crab

    Found yet another hitchhiker on our new piece of rock (4th one found 3 days after purchase). Not so sure what this guy is, though. He's a small crab that likes to hide inside the rock during the day and come out at night (caught him last night when I turned the moonlight on to check for...
  8. SaltwaterNoobs

    Nudibranch Confusion

    Very true. I consider incidents like this lessons in salt water tanks. We are newbies after all!
  9. SaltwaterNoobs

    Nudibranch Confusion

    Since we only have one small rock of zoas, I think taking it out and quarantining it to treat it would be the easiest and best option. We just bought the rock two days ago and this is the second pesty hitchhiker we've found in the tank. I think we know where NOT to buy liverock and zoas now...
  10. SaltwaterNoobs

    Nudibranch Confusion

    So would it be beneficial to at least try that in my tank now, just in case there are more we haven't seen? (I did just find the nudi and we disposed of it) If so, do I need to remove anything from the tank that could be harmed by the flatworm treatment (fish, zoas, xenia, etc)?
  11. SaltwaterNoobs

    Nudibranch Confusion

    What is a flatworm treatment?
  12. SaltwaterNoobs

    Nudibranch Confusion

    We bought one piece of rock that had zoas on it, and another piece of liverock from a liverock tank, so the nudi could have come from either one of those. It was from our local fish store, though, so doubtful it's a nudi that was introduced to the tank. As soon as I see it I will remove it...
  13. SaltwaterNoobs

    Nudibranch Confusion

    Just found a nudibranch hitchhiker in the tank last night, and before going to bed, noticed it attached itself to the back of one of the astria snail's shell. When checking on it this morning, it's still there. I just want to make sure the nudibranch isn't a threat to the snails in the tank...
  14. SaltwaterNoobs


    Good luck to you sir!
  15. SaltwaterNoobs


    Is the slow leak dripping into a sump underneath? To me, that doesn't seem like it's a huge issue. From another point of view, I can see potential danger in the crack getting bigger with more weight on top of it (i.e. water, decorations, live rock, sand, etc). However, a 260 gallon tank is...
  16. SaltwaterNoobs

    Funky Spot on Brackish Puffer

    So that spot that looked like it was healing up? It's not. Reduced in size, but still there, and now I have a bigger issue - it looks like another one is growing over his eye. The eye started getting cloudy-white yesterday, and this morning it looks like another one of those wart-looking...
  17. SaltwaterNoobs

    Smallest Reef on RF Thread! 0.5gallon Zoa Tank!

    WOW!! Those look great! Glad to see you fixed whatever problem you were having before that was causing your zoas to be so shy. Now everything looks perky and happy! Wtg!
  18. SaltwaterNoobs

    Pylei Wrasses macro, and Multifasciatus Angel

    O_O WOW!!! Great pic of the wrasse!!! Oh what I wouldn't do for a macro lense! >.<
  19. SaltwaterNoobs

    Anyone know about Brackish?

    We keep our little guy in brackish, too, with no intention of putting him in complete saltwater. The place we bought him from said the conditions in which our little guy was raised suggest we go no higher than a 1.004-1.005 in salinity. So far, he seems to be perfectly content in his...
  20. SaltwaterNoobs


    After reading about and seeing pictures of what majano anemones look like, I highly doubt that's what I have. The anemones on my liverock have clear arms with white ball-tips and have all the behaviors of club-tipped anemone. It actually looks exactly like the picture of the glass-anemone you...