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  1. kriswaters

    Earthquake Footage.. Reef Tank Wavemaker

    crazy...I liked the lady trying to mop up the water with the towel as the whole room was shaking! I'd been a freak! Kris
  2. kriswaters

    rose anemone propagation

    I have a green BTA that met up with my Hydor PH two nights ago. It is in the sump recovering and it is nice to hear that others have met with the same fate and their BTA's have survived. Along the path to finding out info on injured BTA's, this link was given to me. Hope it will help with the...
  3. kriswaters

    Skimmer suggestion please

    I did about 2 months worth of research before buying. I found that any of the Octopus models were the cheapest and modeled nearly exact to the ASM. There are so many out there (trust me). Go with a size that is rated higher for you tank. For instance, I have 55 gal display and 22 gal...
  4. kriswaters

    Raising Calcium

    Don did help out alot. I have had only fish for the first 2 months, and now the addiction to coral has grown with the addtion of the suncoral, the trees and the xenia. I now have a favia and a devils hand, not to mention the zoas. We will see what the next few days bring, after I raise my...
  5. kriswaters

    Raising Calcium

    Refractometer. I have since the beginning. Kris
  6. kriswaters

    Raising Calcium

    Understandable. I mixed up the SW and got an initial test of 300. I did the reference test on the kit and it came up -5mg/L so 385 instead of 390. I will retest the gallon of water in 24 hours. I understand that it can take this period to have accurate measurements. I also tested my SG in...
  7. kriswaters

    Raising Calcium

    I just bought the test kit yesterday. The dating is good...I will test 1 gallon of IO water. Kris
  8. kriswaters

    Raising Calcium

    I do 20% changes every two weeks. Top of with RO water as well. I have quite a few snails, some hermits, xenia, tree coral, suncoral, etc. I use IO for salt with the water changes. SG at 1.025. Unsure as well why the decrease in CA. Using a Seachem test, and tested twice. Once with RO...
  9. kriswaters

    Raising Calcium

    I have recently purchased a calcium level test. My reef is about 5 months old and I have added a few soft corals and zoas in the last month. My total volume is 73 gallons. Currently: PH 8.2 Temp 79 Alk 3.5 meq Ammon, Nitrite and Nitrate 0.0 Calcium 275 ppm I know this is low, and I need to...
  10. kriswaters

    Couple questions about my new setup

    PVC is cheap. Use the pipe type, not the vinyl, soft type. I assume the tank is drilled in the bottom...I would use an 1 1/2" bulk head on the overflow, that will attach to a fitting and then to a piece of PVC pipe that will go directly in to the sump. For the return, it will depend on what...
  11. kriswaters

    Couple questions about my new setup

    Wow, all of this talk about closed loops makes my mind start turning. Scratch the fact that you have to have the tank would be best to have DIRECT lines without any turns in the plumbing. Now the idea is popping into my head of a closed loop.... Hmmm. External pump with the...
  12. kriswaters

    Couple questions about my new setup

    It's all good. How is the sump set there a fuge? As for the overflow plumbing, check out this: It is an easy modification and will make things less noisy. Any turns in your plumbing should be a 45 elbow instead of a 90.
  13. kriswaters

    Couple questions about my new setup

    Cool...just saw the size as well...75 gal. I haven't seen those the overflow in the middle or on the side? As for a CL...if it is a glass tank, it will need to be pre-drilled for you. Kris
  14. kriswaters

    Couple questions about my new setup

    CL is closed loop. The water is drawn into a pump and then returned directly to the tank without any pit stops. Consider them to be "plumbed power jets". You are correct about the flow from the display, through the overflow, into the sump and back out through the return. Is your tank...
  15. kriswaters

    Skimmer suggestion please

    Octopus....the NW and recircs kick some booty. I have a NW150 on my 55 and it works fabulous. It was totally plug and play with hardly any "break in time". Even get more bang for your buck! Good luck. Kris
  16. kriswaters

    best way to treat red slime?

    I just went through this...mine may have been cyano though. I shut down the lights for 24 hours and ran carbon for 4 days. I didn't do a WC, as it occurred right after I did a 20%. I also pointed my power heads straight down from the top of the euro brace to the sand. I have hydors k-1's and...
  17. kriswaters

    Help with condylactus

    Cynical the Tenticle, as named by my daughter Rylie, is now safely in the hands of my LFS. Scott took the zip lock baggie, containing the glorous long tenticles, dotted with purple and said "For me?".... It's good to no he will end up with a good home eventually. I was torn...he stayed in one...
  18. kriswaters

    Help with condylactus

    " Purple Condylactis Purple Condylactis, Condylactis gigantea, is known by many names, including the Atlantic Purple, Caribbean, or Haitian Purple Anemone. Because of its price and the fact that it will tolerate (although not thrive in) less-than perfect water, it is a common starter anemone for...
  19. kriswaters

    Help with condylactus

    already chowing on mysis shrimp.
  20. kriswaters

    Help with condylactus

    Yes, I have him in the sump...trying to find a home for him now. I have heard several stories of folks having them successfully...I guess I fear taking the chance. Kris