1000 Gallon

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That really sucks when they have your money and don't hold up their end of the deal.
Everything you've said about Mitch is what I read about him over the years.
People think they have had problems with other custom tank makers, it's nothing compared to Mitch's feedback on the boards.
I almost went with them twice, but bought elsewhere and I'm glad I did just because of what you are going through.

One thing I did read about when I did my searches on the company,, not too many complaints about the tanks themselves. Supposedly he makes a decent tank, when you get it.
I also noticed that all the custom tank makers seemed to not make dealines. All seemed to be overbooked and had to delay shipping.

Well, I hope he gets it shipped out soon and the agony of this part becomes a distant memory.
note to self do not use Bow Aquariums sorry for your troubles man but you have saved many future headaches....
I admire your patience with them. I guess i am a bit of a hothead when it comes to my money. I hope everything works out for the best. (you get your dream tank) best of luck to ya.

I had a bad experience in canada once. I was driving somewhere south of Vancouver when I needed to merge onto the highway so I followed the car in front of me and he had turned down a offramp. I was on his bumber making the left turn. when he saw headlights comming toward him he slammed his breaks and I did the same. the back half of my car was sticking out into the lane of traffic 4 cars went around and even a ambulance. when the 5 vehicle slammed her breaks turned into me and broadsided my car.. yeah my fault for being in the lane but i couldnt help it. so when the officer was writing everything up. he told me it was my fault cause americans dont know how to yield. I was like but I was stopped there was not a option to yield. 4 cars and a ambulance went around me before she hit me. he just said your at fault for failing to yield.
hmmmm why is there so much hostility against americans?
Yeah I hate Canada for the sake of the hostility towards us, my roomate and I spent a full day in the DMZ because some little punk on the Canada side decided that all 5 forms of my ID were not good enough this of course was on a Sunday and I could not get my birth certificate that ordeal only cost me $1000 and they say the Mexican border is corrupt :-(
Hey Brett,
Who recommended these guys? Alberta is quite aways to ship a tank this size. Just wondering. :) Hope it all works out for you.
Sorry, I have to step in here and defend Canada and Canadians....

With the exception of this loser at Bowe Valley Aquariums, and I'm sure other examples, people can expect as good or better customer service from Canadian companies as from Americans. I hate hearing and reading generalizations about other countries that are not accurate. I lived in Canada for 6 years and have friends and family their still. It's a wonderful place and wonderful people. I feel happy every time I cross the border to head up there.

That being said, that guy at Bowe Valley is obviously not a quality person or businessman and I'm sorry you're having to go through this. What a bummer! I hope it turns out all right for you.
Lol jan is soo right about 80% of canadians AND americans And all other races, religons... blah blah blah... are morons... Just work in customer service and you will realize it really quick... What ever happend to natural selection =)
absolutely Jan. I hadn't seen that it had turned into a Canadian slam fest. While I have never been to Canada of known anyone from there I am sure they are just like us. This company is screwing me because they are a piss-poor company, not because they are Canadian.

I love your Hillary special photo. I needed a good laugh today. My kids were very challenging and exhausting today and this help.


wow, that blows me away man, I would have done lost my patcience a long time ago with that Punk. we should all start a forum somewhere on the internet and put that loser low life out of business!!!:badgrin::lol::badgrin::lol::shock:

I did not have the intent on bashing canadians. Me personsonally I have no issues with anybody, cultures, religions, or people from specific countries. I had a experience that reflected bretts experience with the guy at bow valley. I am sorry for the misunderstanding.

brett monday is here!!! hope today goes well for ya
I am not for one to bash another country, nationality, etc.. There is a proper way to treat this incident and only Brett is the one to make these decisions.

If it were me, I would submit a formal complaint to the bbb.org in the US and the equivalent agency in Canada. But again, this is Brett's call.

thanks everyone for your compassion. Kirk, I looked into it and they are bbb registered. I might as well come down on them as hard as I can.

That being said. Today is the new ship date so well see what happens. In the mean time I'm going to pretend the tank acutally exsist and glue down the plywood to the stand.
absolutely Jan. I hadn't seen that it had turned into a Canadian slam fest. While I have never been to Canada of known anyone from there I am sure they are just like us. This company is screwing me because they are a piss-poor company, not because they are Canadian.


I feel you.... mine is nothing compared to yours but still the same frustrations.
I had my saxophone fix... and they said 1 week and it should be ready. Come 1 week, no go because they said they are burried. Fine, so when can i get it... Next week they said... Long story short... It ended up 1 month and a half. And thats BS. If they told me that they cant fix it because they are burried, I could have bring it to another store. And whats killing me is the times you went to collect the item and they give you BS. It would be nice if they will call you and say its not done yet and if you they can extend it further. But no....

Here is what Im afraid Brett.

What if they are giving you this crap because "they really cannot deliver". I mean the tank is not done yet... And now, since you are getting frustrated, they will go and rush everything up so that they can deliver it on a promised date again.... Thus, sacrificing quality.... like a half baked product...

I hope not.
I think this can tell you what kinda guy this is and me my self ( having my own biz ) if I was to talk to my customers like this, I would be out of business Quick. He replied with, "All you ****ing Americans are the same
If you paid with a credit card, call them & explain the situation, these CC companies know what to do to make things go fast, If you paid cash, the the BBB will help you get your money back or your tank whatever also, both of these can get you the help you need.

I've had issues like this before:D