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First time for me checking out the pic of the new shark. All i can say is that he if very cool looking and i do wish you all the luck with him. So how is "cupcake" doing!
Brett, I'm truly sorry for your loss!! That really sucks. I hope whatever Ray you decide to replace it with acclimates better. The shark looks amazing!! Can't wait to see it in person. So there's a Home Depot going up near you? Haven't heard anything about that from our company. Could be that we either didn't bid on it or didn't get the bid...lol.

They stopped the build of the HD. To many in the area. The puyallup HD took a hit when the spanaway went up, then a hit when the bonny lake store went up.
You know the drill :D.

First time for me checking out the pic of the new shark. All i can say is that he if very cool looking and i do wish you all the luck with him. So how is "cupcake" doing!
CUPCAKE :confused::confused::confused:

Hay Brett I will call you tomorrw. Dead fish :(:(:(:(:(:(:(. That sucks
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/O69xCdQjd4k"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/O69xCdQjd4k" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>
Simply Amazing!!! Michael (returnofsid) was telling me about your tank when he came over to help move it. Your Blacktip Shark sure has quite the swim pattern down. That is awsome!! Sorry to hear about your Ray passing.:( Good luck with a new one when you get it.:)
Cool man. Hay Brett is the tank moving in circles and the shark sitting still or is the shark moving, just Jk.
Got-a come see, looking sweet pal.
Brett, As Madisons Mommy (Angie) said, Simply Amazing!!!! Although I think you'd be the first to say "Not so simple!!!" BTW, Angie's my girlfriend back in Spokane. Your tank looks awesome!! The shark has plenty of swimming room at the size it's at. I notice incredible flow when seeing the surface of the water. Can't wait to get back in your area and invite myself over for a look-see!!! LOL
Cool video! Looks like the shark has plenty of room for now! I think I could watch that for hours on end! Have you told the tangs to not act like dinner:lol:?
Dude you have a shark! Thats so sick. Reminds me of the white tips i saw diving of the coast of Cairns many years ago. Props.....thats way better then any color coral!
So it looks like your tank is turning out alright even through all the hassle of getting the tank. Glad to see you got your shark thats awsome. Now just gett thoose fish trained to stay out his way, he swims like he is on a mission for food =)
I give two thumbs up!!! You should do a video with that beast eating!

Thank you for sharing!

sorry everyone else and i still love yaw but dude thats the best tank ive seen on ANY site thus far man

Can u please tell me what kighting you use for it who made the tank for you what kind of warranty it has and about and around how much its gonna run me for the tank and the stand

whats it sit on a semi lift, lol

Can we see a pic of the sump in action too please

what kind of skimmer do you have also please