Yeah they sure are spiezak. Said he had more in the back.
Got my magnets installed today. Kinda feel like I need more though.
Looks like a for sure box now. Lol
I think you're a brotha from another motha. I just started looking at your build after I posted up the beginning of mine. We have some very similar ideas and an almost identical footprint.
I am gonna put marine boat paint on some cdx contrstruction board for the under part of the stand. Run a bead of caulk around it, for the sumps. I might put the marine paint on the inside of the show wood but the outside will be trimed, decorated, and stained. Sealed and clear coated as well.
Need to buy some shelf rock, metal Bosch framing, more wood.
Plumbing tube, sand. I'm sure there's more.
Lol @hamlus. Yeah I noticed that as well.
My gf isn't open to construction so much.
Thanks man. Appreciate it. I'm going cr@zy without a tank.
I got a sheet of 3/8'' acrylic sitting out back. Will be a pain in the ass to change that sump out later. Dont hokie pokie it at this point. Do it the way you really want to do it.
2 seperate drain lines and two seperate returns. They will be "as one" hopefully on there own. Vinyl braided tubing and hose clamps to straight piping and barb fittings for quick removal.
Yes. It will be a pita to do the swap but right now i really just wanna get my fish and wat not out of the rubbermaid.
Using valves you can get one of the drains to act as full siphon ( no air) and the second to act as a partial siphon ( small amount of air) that should quiet it down.
A little surprised you didn't opt for 3 drains.
Ive done bean animal overflow before on my 75g penninsula before updating to the obd custom which used only the two.
I really just didnt see a need for a full siphon, partial, and emergency.
Now that i need that. Lol
Just as quiet is the fill siphon and 1 emergency. Herbie.
Anyways. I feel it will be safer with out the valve. I will have to check them almost daily but less likely to overflow the overflow box without it being restricted a lil from a valve....
Make sense? Lol
Pics tonight hopefully!
No pics cuz it aint done.
Maybe tomorrow or the next day.
I will be using a couple ball valves for the 2 big drains.
Idk its a mess right now. Obd mike
Came up with the plumbing plan mostly. Still need some parts.