2006 - 2007 Tentative Calendar

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I have no fish.
Oct 8, 2003
Lovely Lynnwood
Here is the tentative calendar as sketched out so far. I need to confirm with Wink about a seahorse talk and Aaron for the dive meeting and go from there. Let me know what you think. Ed is wanting a go on Frank Marin (speak up Mark i dont know him..)

July 22 2006: Summer function - Kahuna Corals 2pm and Indoor Reef with Leng Sy at 5pm

August TBA but probably 3rd Sat. as usual): Summer function - Shark Reef picnic and a DIY presentation by Brian from IAP.

September 16, 2006: Scott Michaels - This will be our major renewal and will need the new cards ready. I want to begin our membership roster with this meeting. And then, for each meeting forward have a prepared list so people can sign in, and add new people as we go along. This will stop the people who seem to refuse to purchase a card. Meeting will be at BCC.

October 2006: Reserving this meeting for an old fashioned frag swap.... I'm inclined to having it at Paul's if he wants to; as the members just love meeting there. I have PM'd him to see his interest. The other super fun time was at the salsa factory. It was a hoot to bring home a case of salsa.

November 2006: Tentatively Seahorse presentation by Wink (Vicky) and perhaps Steve Yong (wolfesbane - previous events coordinator). Am checking into meeting at the aquarium and having a tour at the same time. More on that later. If not aquarium, hoping a sponsor store who will preorder some seahorses at a good price. I want some.. :)

December 2006: HOliday shin dig.....

January 20th 2007: Dive presentation by Aaron and the store he works for. Need to confirm this month will work for him. Just confirmed with Aaron date/time and needs to be at BCC for a computer presentation. He is good to go!

February 2007: Open - Ed, plug someone in here!!

March 2007: Open -

April 2007: Open -

May 2007: Open - ooops... CHarles Delbeek

June 2007: Annual fund raising picnic

That's what I see so far everyone. Are we having fun?
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Mike Palleta

Mike Palletta can come out and bring frags to auction on April 20-21st of 2007.
His cost will be 250 per talk and 100 dollars for expenses besides flying him out and motel.
He said he would bring frags to help out with cost.
I am finding out that people are charging money for talks a lot more...
sorry...I did not give him a answer but he asked that I get back with him.
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$250 for the talk, airfare, plus hotel, plus 100? Wow, that's more than Borneman.

I'll have to have the rest of the gang convince me he is worth it. Seriously, this is where I need help knowing if these guys are worth the money when we have only had one (Borneman) ask for a fee.

If he brings out frags, wouldn't he have to fly in the same day as the talk since he's bringing frags....
Well he can if he wants but we wont pay for the entire shindig.. lol... I dont have a problem with two nights hotel and airfare but beyond that everyone needs to convince me why it's worth it when others dont require that.... :)
I finally heard from Blue Sierra and Jonas said he wants to sponsor a meeting so I'm going to talk to him. Mark, what do you think we are likely to get? I dont want to aim too small but dont want to sounds like an idiot... lol..

I am going to see if Portland will share Marini. Frank Marini still would like to stay four days for vacation.
Ed, good luck with the Portland club. And just a thought...airfare from Seattle to Portland is just silly, so I'd make sure someone could drive him or he'd be willing to take the train.

Personally, I don't think the total cost for Palletta is worth it. He's an entertaining speaker, and does speak well to hobbyists, but ouch. I know you could get Steve Pro for less. Talk to Bob Fenner; he knows lots of guys who are dying to get on the speaker circuit.

Just my little $.02 ;)
Thanks for the two cents Alice. I've been on the fence about it. Maybe Ed can talk to Steven Pro again, and talk to Ed about those wanting on the "circuit". It feels like a circus sometimes.. lol.. Seriously I think we need some new names and new blood to hear... that is come feedback I've heard recently.

Ed do you want to check that option out?
finishing the year

So Ed and I were talking....

Sounds like we can work out Frank Marini for Feb 24/25; Ed will work with Portland to let them know he's coming and might be up for visiting them. I will work with Frank on expenses.

March: open

April: open

May: Charles - writing him a letter to confirm visit and finances.

SO Adelaide gets one of those months.

Ed and I were talking about a vendor night. SInce I've been involved we had one that was a lot of fun with raffle that brought in a lot. And, we had a lot of vendors but I heard their sales were disappointing. I think we need better planning for this to be successful.

Ed and I think we can get the PFO company and perhaps Randy Reed out for a night like that so we have a more national companies also.

What other companies do you think we have the potential on getting? We can offer them a free table at a BCC room... lol and no fee.. lol Donations hopefully to encourage a good raffle.

Josh you might be good with working on this, what do you think? You know all these people/companies....
Ahh, I found on the PSAS site that he was Feb. Too bad! Yes, I've enjoyed reading his advice, he translates to a nice person. Thanks for letting me know guys. I am sorry that I haven't been around as much as I should...