210 shark/reef tank

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Thank you everyone so far for the nice comments i appreciate it!


I added shims under three corners of the stand. One under each of the front corners and one under the rear left corner. By that time all of my workers/helpers had left so it was just me and my father in law doing it which kinda sucked because i would lift the whole thing myself while he pushed in the shims. My back was deffinately soar after that. To answer your question about what type of shims we used i just went to Home Depot and bought a pack of shims.

"How many buckets did we haul?"
Well when we started filling it I carried about ten gallons worth before i realized that i would have to do this about another 53 times and then we got the hose.

The reason the water was so high in the sump at the time was because all of the water was flowing down from the fuge into the sump and it was a little noisey so i raised the water level so that i wouldn't have to hear it I have checked everything out and even at that height it will not overflow if the power were to go out. But yes i will agree and even my LFS agreed that there is way to much water in my sump.

Well i hope that ansers all your questions fishead77!

Well Heres a little update but i'm sorry to say without pictures.

Yesterday i installed my heaters and started to get my power supplys and chords all set up. I got hooks and screwed them in all along the top of the inside of my stand so there will be no electric wires hanging down in my way. I think that just looks bad.

And now for the bad news. I knew that when i instaled this tank and when everything went so smooth that i would run into problems and sure enough i did. So anyways i'm working under the stand and i have the doors open and as you can see in my previous pics they don't open up very far. Well anyways i go to work inside the tank cleaning up debri from the bottom and i'm moving around while i'm doing this going back and forth. Don' you know it i go to far to the left and crack one of my doors. I was like OH #$&!!!! It didn't crack off thank god but it stilled cracked the door and made it a little flimsy. So i took it off and filled the crack with glue and used a bar clap to squeeze the door tight. I'm letting it sit for about 18 hours so i'm hoping that on my lunch break i will be able to put it back on. I really would have loved to just buy another door but All-Glass discontinued that stand. So theres where i'm at now. I'll try and get some pics posted for you guys.

Thanks again for looking its only going to get better from here on out!

Nick ~shallowreef~
I just call him my father in law because its easier than saying my my fiances dad. Besides in less then a year he will be my father in law so i'm just getting in the habit. But thanks for bringing it to the surface KRISH!
I just call him my father in law because its easier than saying my my fiances dad. Besides in less then a year he will be my father in law so i'm just getting in the habit. But thanks for bringing it to the surface KRISH!

No problem man...I don't miss anything:p Well, atleast you aren't like me...I refer to my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law as my wife's mother and my wife's sister(LOL)

K...Now get your tank loaded up seeing you can because you have one:)
Soon, Very Soon! I hate looking at it empty now. i want to see something moving around in there. I was tempted to throw my fiances dog in there last night after he tried to bite me. Hes a good dog but just a little retarded. One minute he loves you and the next minute he wants to bite your eye out.
LOL...Sounds like a schizophrenic dog!!!:p Well, you'll get it up and running soon man. No sense in rushing it and regreting it later. I feel you will get your skimmer today:)
Not likely considering that the LFS i'm buying it from is closed Tuesday and Thursday. But thanks for thinking posotive for me.
Well i just went and checked on my baby and the door is dry and solid so its back on the tank and you can hardly see the crack in it. Thank god!
Your telling me. I thought that it was going to look like crap but it really turned out awesome. Of course though from now on i am going to be extra careful using it and making sure all of my doors are closed before i do anything.
I've already chipped the formica off of the corner of my canopy moving it the other day! Good thing it is where you will never see it, but I had to get some of those wood markers and fill it in just incase :shock:
Did you swear like crazy because i did. Doesn't that suck! I have had my stand for my 90 for almost 4 years and i haven't even scratched it now i get a nice stand and i can't even go three days without screwing it up. Why is that?
Well with the heaters in and running the tank is at 74. Hopefully by friday i will be at 77-78. I feel lucky and i'm hoping that my skimmer comes in today verses friday.

I don't know whos tank this is but i love it and i would like to do something similar to this with mine minus the coral.

I'm dieing to know how they were able to keep so many tangs in that tank. Was it a blood bath afterwards or what? If that is possible i would love to have a tank with that many different types of fish in it. Does anybody know whos tank this is?
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11 Tangs and several large Angels... Admire their rockwork, not their stock list.

A few months from the time that pic is taken they will be down to maybe 3 tangs if they're lucky and some fin nipped stressed out angels. I keep three tangs in my 300gal and I have found 3 to bee too many as they demonstrate their territorial pissings (figuratively).

To make matters worse Yellow tangs and purple tangs such as those in the pic are among the more agressive types. The Naso and Orange soulder tang are probably swimming for their lives around the clock.
I thought that was a tank filled with aggrivation but it was very beautiful. I actually counted 14 tangs(5 different types) and 2 angels that i could identify.