210 shark/reef tank

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Well my skimmer should hopefully be in today and i can get started this evening.

A little update,

I must have jinxed myself about how good Marineland heaters were. Because yesterday i was working on my tank trying to get all the dirt/debri off the bottom of my tank and i got shocked real good. I knew right away that it was my heater doing it too. The reason i knew was because when i first installed the heater everything was working just fine. My tempature was rising at about 4 degrees a day and holding well at night in the cold basement. By Wensday afternoon i noticed that my temp had gone down two degrees and the indicator light on the heater was off. so i tapped it a little and it came back on. Yesterday afternoon the temp was down another three degrees so i readjusted the thermostat and it kicked back on, I had a feeling that i had a faulty heater. I should have just unplugged it at the first sign of trouble.

Well i'm getting the skimmer today and i am shutting down my small tank (35 hex) and i am adding that rock to my tank tonight. Hopefully by Sunday i will have both tanks shut down and have my tank looking like an aquarium. I have a lot of work ahead of me in these next couple of days. I will snap as many pics as i can to show my progress and the finished product. I most likely won't post em till Monday but will see.

Till then,

Well i got the skimmer and was about to put the finishing touches on it when i noticed something that was a big problem. I couldn't put my skimmer cup on the skimmer. There just wasn't enough room to get it on the skimmer. What happened is that my 75 is to tall and my stand has a brace right over where the skimmer cup was suppose to be slid through in order to remove it and clean it.So now i'm set back even longer. I hate when this kind of stuff happens. It always happens when you want something realy bad. Did any of you guys/gals ever notice that? Well anyways i'm going to leave at 8:30 to go back to my LFS and get there before he opens so i can get back home and finish the install and start to turn this glass box into my dream tank. I have been taking pics and i will post them later on.

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Another update

I got the skimmer all set up saturday afternoonand it is up and running nicely! Saturday afternoon was kind of a depreesing day because i had to close my tanks at home. I will miss looking at them when i am at home. But i pretty much spent the whole day making trips back and forth to my fiances house to drop off live rock. I started around 10:30 and finshed everything around 9:00. I was pretty exhausted. As of right now i have all the rock situated except for a few pieces in my holding tank at home for my fish. In a couple of weeks they will go back in the 210. Yesterday i rinsed all my new sand and added it to the tank along with about 60lbs of my own sand. All together i probably have about 2 inches of sand across the bottom. The sand really put the finishing touches on it. Last night at 10:00 it was still pretty cloudy from when i put the sand in at 7:30 but you sould see the back and everything. My temp is at 74.6 and sloooooooooowly rising. I hope to have it at 76 by this afternoon. We do have some livestock in there that krept in on the LR. Just a few snails and hermit crabs and a few feather dusters. So far everybody looks happy but i'm going to test the water to see how good my chemistry is. My salinity is at 1.026 so thats good. I will post a lot of pics today afterwork. I'll keep you guys posted.
well dood i'm glad to hear that you got your skimmer and that you even got some snails and hermits in there hehe.
Well it's summer so you better watch out with the temperature :) .
Can't wait to see the pics dood.
Thanks Gabby,

Yeah about the tempature i really don't think i'll have to worry about that. The basement its in is at 64* year round so if anything i think i will have to worry about the water gettin gtoo cold verses too hot. I will be monitoring this closely though. I do not want to repeat any of my previous mistakes that i had with my 90.
Yeah about the tempature i really don't think i'll have to worry about that. The basement its in is at 64* year round so if anything i think i will have to worry about the water gettin gtoo cold verses too hot. I will be monitoring this closely though. I do not want to repeat any of my previous mistakes that i had with my 90.

kewl !!! but don't forget that tanks can make basements like a sauna, ask Jesshimom about that :p .
I don't think that will happen. This is a really big below ground basement so i don' think this tank will do much of anything to the temp in the basement. I will keep an eye on it.
Okay i know its late but here are the pictures.

These are of the Precision Marine Bullet2 Skimmer Which is awesome!!! And the collector Cup.
And then came the sand. But first i snapped a couple of quick shots of a feather duster that i had in there that was attached to my live rock.

The first shot of the tank is 10 mins after i added the sand the second is a half hour the third is an hour with halides on it and the last is two hours with just actinics.
a continue of pics

Sorry the one pic is of halides and no sand. the second is two hours after adding sand and actinics.

See you guys tommorow and good night!
Man, it would be a waste, Nick, if you didn't put some corals in that tank! I would give my right newt to have a tank that size....you got the lighting and everything for a reef, hell, I'll come out to help you set up the corals everytime you bought one. Don't let this go to waste....Mike.
Well to make you a little happy there are going to be some coral in there once the rock cures. Its not a permenant stay its just till i can find someone to buy them. But yeah i only kept the lighting for the tank because i love the way halides put that shimmer in the water. I still am going to do some coral but they will be in my fuge (mostly xenia). If i do do any coral they will deffinately be soft coral or LPS only. I'm done with SPS! Once the curing is done i'll snap some shots of the tank when i put the fish in.
Looks great Nick! I love the aquascaping and how you left room for the fish to swim. That skimmer you have I almost bought, but decided I didn't want a skimmer with all those screws on it. Looks really nice though...Make sure you update some more photos once the sand settles completely and the tank clears up:)
I tried to take some more pics on my lunchbreak and i think i broke my camera because it won't take any pictures??? As soon as i can get it fixed i will show you the tank all clear. It looks so awesome!
Battery is fine, the camera lights up and i can se the screen but when i try to take a picture nothing happens.

Yesterday afternoon i noticed that i have a small chip (about the size of a ballpoint pen tip) on the right side of my tank on the out side. Its a minor chip but none the less its a chip and it sucks! I did freak out when i saw but was assured by my LFS that it should be fine. I have no idea how i chipped the tank but i will be extra cautious from here on out when i do anything my tank.