I believe the common name is Cauliflower coral. The Pocillopora Coral is a SPS coral. I understand it has also been referred to as Bird's Nest, Lace, Cluster, or Brush Coral. I have two frags. The smallest one is red and I believe to be not so common. The other is brownish but has hints of green/blue. I think this is the most common.
Okay here is the first pics of a pair of cleaner shrimp I picked up. They are hanging mostly in the cave but have come out a couple of times together. They seem to be buddies... once they found each other after the first night, they haven't separated.
Okay it has been almost a month without posting to my own tank project thread. Not because I have been dormant but rather because of my day job and lots of research on where to take my tank next. I can say thanks especially to Dang, and to Flo and Andy at Saltwater City, I have added some more fish and coral to my tank which was definitely ready for some new inhabitants!
I have to say that taking pictures of corals is 100 times easier than fish! Composition, focus and timing is very difficult with fast moving fish.
Here are a couple shots of my recent additions. Not necessarily in order of introduction. Here are a few shots taken the last couple of days.
This one thanks to Dang! I traded some of my blue legged hermits and he surprised me with this birds nest. Dang promised me the 'official' names later.
This Green Slimer (Bali Tort) is from Barrier Reef. I hope this someday looks like Class Clown's! I haven't yet decided exactly where to mount him and I also want to add some more LR so he is still resting on his 'peg'.
My first hammerhead... I have been made aware that I should have some 'moving' corals in the tank as well. This coming from a female that says, "all you men seem to like the sticks and boring ones". So to answer that I added the following. This one under the actinics only.