I pulled the trigger on lights, skimmer pumps, salt, and a PhosBan reactor last night. Phew. I'm going to be penniless for a while.

I will post pictures when everything shows up. I think I'm still in shock, lol.
The canopy got some attention last weekend, we removed the cabinetry and cut out 2 inches from the supports (for it clear the ceiling), reattached them, and now we're working on shimming out the cabinetry so it fits over the tile on the top of the tank. I think it's going to blend very nicely. My pukani rock is set up in the tank (after cooking for 2-3 weeks in fresh water I gave it another good pressure wash and I'm pretty happy with out it's coming out), so now it's just a matter of getting the sand rinsed and in! In case you guys were wondering, I'm getting the PhosBan reactor to help offset what the rock leaches into the tank. After all my effort to clean it, it won't be perfect. I'd rather start off on the right foot with this setup!
I'm trying to work out a quarantine/fallow plan for my livestock. I know you all probably think I'm being paranoid, as I've seen no definitive ich spots, but I feel like it's going to be a good idea to treat my fish and fallow the coral/rock in the new tank. Better safe than sorry, and I'd rather do it now than later. I've seen some increased respiratory rates and I'm worried something hitched a ride in on a montipora I got a couple months ago. Needless to say... I'm planning a coral fallow/quarantine tank in my sump room for the big tank. This ought to give my new rock a head start in the curing process, so it may work out for the best anyway. Here's my tentative plan:
-Run the tank with salt water, skimmers, reactor, etc for a couple of weeks to help stabilize the rock.
-Transfer coral/live rock from current display tank to the 520, siphon out sand to use in rubbermaid refugium.
-Ramp up Cupramine slowly over a week, reaching 4.0mg/L, treat for ~3 weeks. Run PraziPro for good measure.
-After an 8 week fallow, slowly begin introducing fish to the new display. I will probably do a small group each week.
It sounds easy when I list it out like that, but this is going to be a nightmare. I am trying to find another sizeable tank to help with quarantine space (125-210).