60 gallon frag system build

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It wouldnt be that difficult to make. Use a good cloth back sand paper. When you thread them on the mandrill put the them back to back in sets, so the grit is facing opposite of each other. The 1'' wide strips are cut 4 times in their width about 1 1/2'' deep. on both ends
If you would like more detailed pics let me know.
That plumbing is just way way to cool Frank, gotta love all this Outside the box thinking projects here on RF. Its also rather cool that there are so many of us Tool Junkie Craftsmen here as well. Now back to your Reeftank buddy!

Cheers, Todd
Nice job Frank, your skills are amazing. I'm going to have to come over and see them before you are done with them.
Thanks Todd and Chris! Yeah, I need to get some work done on this thing. This week I will try to finish the plumbing so we can get the sump going.

The Doors are right off a house on Broad St Chris, so there will be plenty of viewing going on :) I am enjoying the work. Less labor then restoring old wood flooring!
Check out my kid sister in Glamor magazine! Patti Lucci is the one your looking for. I could not copy past the article here for some reason and need to run. If anyone can figure it out, please feel free to post here section here for me. Thanks!

https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment?ui=2&ik=c01eeca450&view=att&th=1325a4ef 7d86eff2&attid=0.1&disp=safe&zw&saduie=AG9B_P91vkO 4kQTcBBjvDQxZNFDj&sadet=1315775194535&sads=M6zFL-S04JuPaXfIJ63IUiupbBs&sadssc=1

:confused: :confused:

Looks like the link goes to an attachment in your email.
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Just to cap off the door project, here is the end result. I will get some shots of them up on the house as soon as I have time. Now she has me building built in book shelves. Hopefully it will happen at her house and I can get back to my aquarium build in my shop. I plan on wrapping up the plumbing this week and moving onto the closed loop design.




Thanks Scott, yeah Jim, I don't think there is another reefing site with so many fine wood workers on it. I do get a bit intimidated by DonW and Peppie. Those two are way more advanced then me.
OK come on now, 12 pages and this tank isnt running??? You now their is a whole other part of the hobby, its called keeping livestock :peace:


Your doors turned out very very nice. It is always great to save and rejuvenate something as nice as those doors. Are you reusing the original hardware?
Those look to be well over standard height , How tall are they?

There is no way that Don W, myself, or any other craftsman on this site, or any other site should intimidate you in any way. I and Don and many others get up in the morning and put our pants on one leg at a time. Just like you do

Looking forward to your closed loop
Live stock? I couldn't even keep a betta alive in that thing, LOL!

The project has taken a bit longer then expected but I was not planning on showing the filtration like I am now, so the plans have changed.

That and that stupid skimmer thread have really thrown me into a tail spin~

I am almost done painting and clear coating the return pipes and the three way for the overflow. I will get some pictures up tonight after the coats have dried.

The color scheme is blue and green with orange equipment. So everyone had a saying in the colors. Thanks for all the suggestions!

I have decided that the Brazilian Cherry has to go. When the lights are on you cannot even see it. I am going to try bleaching with wood bleach to enhance the black graining and make the red turn white. If my idea does not work I am changing all the trim to Clear Maple as originally planed. I am hunting a bit for Rock Maple but so far I have struck out.

Hey Peppie! No, the doors are getting all new hardware, the original was replace back in the 30's and they just do not fit the doors. There still not hung up! As soon as they hang them I will get some pictures. Now I am building book shelves and a computer station for the customers. Nice location next to the fire place. This down economy is helping me learn new things. I spend most of my time at night right now learning about cabinetry building. Some of the things I am learning are pretty surprising. If I knew what I know now this tank thread would never have gotten started! LOL!

Off to work, I will plug back in later in the week, Have a blessed day everyone!

Come on Frankie, Didnt you see Todd is back at his build, along with Alex. Dont let them get the jump on you..