What happened to you with your kalk disaster is the very same reason I ahve a litermeter for top off. Making the sytem automatic and hands off is a great concept, but a flawed one when there is dependency among the automatic parts. It makes the entire tank as solid as the weakest link. About 2 years ago before I went on vacation for 10 days to the Turks and Caicos, I spent the afternoon cleaning and topping everything off in my previous system to make sure I left the least amount of things to do for my sitter at the time, which was my neighbor. He was the male 35 y.o. version of my current sitter.

I completely overlooked the fact that I had gotten lazy over the months before and had not cleaned the rollers in my LM, so I took them out, cleaned them, and replaced them. Well, over the last few months I had been increasing the rate in the pump to compensate for the dirtier and dirtier rollers. I didn't set it back after I was done cleaning. Needless to say, 48 hours later I get an emergency call from my neighbor telling me that he got home and he sees water coming out of my garage. To make the long story short, the LM, now clean, had dumped the 55g drum of top off water through the kalk reactor and into my sump overflowing the sump. Now, this is where it gets fun. Read the following with a soft James Bond background kind of music.

I asked him to look at my pH and salinity meters and tell me what it said. Before he said anything I said let me guess that it says 8.55 or so and the salinity meter says 1.022 or so instead of 8.22 and 1.025. He said yes, that is what it says. I told him to look at the tank and see if anything looks funny to him: Nope! I told him how to refill the top off container and how to reset the LM and I never heard from him for the next 8 days.
So, how did I know what it said?? Easy. I am not that smart, but I ask a lot of questions. Before I set up my previous tank, I did a very extensive search in RC about top off and kalk reactors. I found in a thread a link to a calculator that would tell you how much your salinity would change based on water addition and how much your alk and Ca (you can calculate pH from there) you change given a certain volume of kalk or 2 part solution. I plugged in the numbers for my set up volume and top off container size and that is what it came out to. So, when I set up the system I knew I couldn't kill it the way I was doing it even if the LM went crazy and disaster struck. I copied the same in this system and given the volume is twice as large I have 50% less to worry about. Now, in your case, it was a sudden addition of kalk and not over 2 days like my case, which explains why your case was so much worse.
Moral of the story is that automation only goes so far. In my case, I would value so much more my sitter with no skills or know-how and very detailed instructions over the technology that could replace him/her. If you are really interested and want to get a good laugh, email me and I'll tell you what exactly is it that I do and what instructions I leave my sitter so that they can't ever do anything but what I ask them. :lol: :lol: :lol: