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Nikki was complaining that her MBV was making a wretched noise when she first set it up. She contacted Hayward and complained, so they sent her some lube for the MBV. It was pretty quiet when I saw her tank, two weeks ago.

When I had the 3 hayward actuated valve running on my tank there wasn't any noise from the plumbing. Just the annoying electric pencil sharpener sound from the valves themselves.
The valve themselves don't make much of any significant noise. It is my plumbing that does make the noise. Part of it, if not all, I think is the fact that the discharge side for the plumbing is pretty long. The main reason why I want to change them however is because I need more water flow. The valves have done exactly what I bought them for. It is the final result I am not satisfied with.

Thanks for the suggestions though.

Well, things have been going well so far. I did have a few fish die as I said before, which sparked a pretty good algae bloom. However, that has pretty much dies out and now there is some cyano taking its place. My cleaning crue has pretty much disappered (300 snails and 300 crabs). I think the crabs took a few snails out and the mystery wrasse did a number to the rest.

I am very happy with how well things ahve colored up or retained their colors. It seems almost every single frag I have added or even small colonies have taken up so much color. Growth has been there in just about everything in the tank, but it has been somewhat slow to moderate. Some things have taken off though.

The rest of the equipment instal has been slow to say the least. I will finish the chiller the day after tomorrow (been saying that for months now). The redo of the close loops to take out the MBV will likely have to wait for a week or tow until I have a full weekend off. I kill too much time while doing this kind of things.
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These are my carbon and PO4 remover media installed inside the sump. Have not added the media yet for I want to wait until I plumb in the chiller. They are both fed by the same pump.

That is it for now. More later on.
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Nice looking corals. I also have echinapora mammiformis. What is that in the first pic of the first post.
It is an echinophilia. I actually have 2 different colors of manniformis. The one pictured has a tinge of purple to it while the other is actually greenish.
Alberto, This is an unusual looking coral, what is it?


Echinophora manniformis. They were pretty hard to come by until they started to aquculture it a few months ago. I am looking forward to them coloring back up again as they ahve lost some color. They have been in the tank for about a 4-5 days only.
Very cool. Of course I now feel dumb for asking you guys about the EXACT coral y'all were just talking about...but thats okay. None of you live close enough to me to make fun of me in person anyway.
I just got a few fairy wrasses and will slowly add to the small collection. I already had the mystery and have now added a male flasher, yellow fin, long fin fairy wrasse, labout's fairy wrasse, exquisite, and a solorensis. They all look great and are all getting along. However, these bastards spend 98% of the time under the rock work and I can barely tell they are there and alive. I also look at the floor around the tank every so often as if I am going to find one of them tile surfing.

I will be adding a few more as availability allows. This is my future get list:
-Red Sea eight line flasher
-male carpenter's flasher
-african royal flasher paracheilinus angulatus
-male fairy flasher wrasse p. piscilineatus
-temminck's fairy wrasse cirrhilabrus temminckii
-male japanese yellow flanked fairy wrasse c. lyukyuensis
-shoals fairy wrasse c. randalii
-orange back wrasse c. aurantidorsalis
-lubbock's fairy wrasse
-male lineatus
-diamond tail fairy c. rhomboidalis
-australian male scott's fairy

While doing some research on fairy wrasses, I found the following:

Solar Fairies
Scott's Fairies
Temmnick's Fairies
Blue Scaled Fairies
Black-finned fairies
Exquisite Fairies

All these fish tend to lose their colors a bit if they don'y have a harem of females. When I say they lose colors its primarily their beautiful nuptial or courtship colors. Obviously without a mate to court the darker colored fairies (blue's/browns/greens) tend to

The in-between group - this means they may fade a bit but not alot:

Rhomboid Fairy
Pyle's Fairy
Pink-Margin Fairy
Goldbar fairy
Yellow-flanked fairy

Here are the fish that tend to keep their colors well, regardless of wether or not there is a harem:

Social Fairy
Conde's Fairy
Lineatus Fairy
Yellowfin Fairy
Lubbock's Fairy
Rosy-fin Fairy
Orange Back fairy

(It seems to me that the fish that have the red-orange coloration or the hot pinks & yellows tend to keep their colors better than the blues & greens)

Anyone have any substantial experience with these fish that would care to add something? :)
Alberto, I dont know what you consider substantial experiance....but Ive kept flame wrasses before.
Neat fish real peaceful, really kinda reminded me of a fish in its own little world as nothing really seemed to bug it much. Unfortunately, something did cause I found it on my floor one morning...
I had it about 5 months and didnt notice any significant color changes. It was a little more pale in the mornings when the lights first came on, but that's about it.

If you dont mind my asking, where are you getting these from?

Thanks for the reply. I got them from a LFS. However, there are notoriously good wholesalers when it comes to getting fairy wrasses and fish from Australia. Sea Dwelling Creatures is one, so if you want some of these, ask your favorite LFS to order them from them for you.
How are these Fairy wrasses compatible with a greedy Sixline? I had a rainbow years ago in my 30 & loved it but it got sucked up in the hang on skimmer :(, I was thinking of adding along my sixline & hippo, about 4 more of the fairy types, any suggestions of comments welcome, not to turn off subject matter, sorry.

You should see/read the first link Nick put above. It truely says a lot more about fairy wrasses than what you'll read anywhere else. These fish are extremely peacefull, but some are outright nasty. The 6 line being one of them. I ahve one that now lives in my cube tank that single handedly assassinated 3 different mandarin gobies and a royal gramma. They are quite the nasty fish. The mystery wrasse is actually in the same family as the 6 line and some people have reported it to be nasty as well. My experience and the one of a few people I know has been quite the opposite.

I would seriously get rid of the 6 line before adding any other wrasses there if you are to give yourself a chance to a good start.
Alberto I dont know alot but here are some general scenerios

Anampses family are tough to get to eat and like sand

Bodianus family are a little more nasty and are territorial. thye also like shrimp

Cheilinus and Choerodon are the same as the Bod... but hide in cave and dont burrow

Cirrhilabrus are the most common, and will cacoon themselves or wedge into the rocks. They are all jumpers though so beware

Coris can be nasty and like to sleep in sand

Halichoeres family are a solid choice, just watch your tube worms.

Leopard Wrasses is a hit and miss, they will either be a solid fish or will waste away

Oxycheilinus family will eat everything in the tank, lol except for corals

flasher wrasses again are jumpers so make them the first add

Anyway some general notes
