A little reading: Blue Coral Method

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Im defintly no expert either, but I trust Sanjay's measurements. I only looked it up because I was planning on using 12k reefluxes on my future tank and wanted to see exactly how they stacked up.
Most definetly, Sanjay's the man in the lighting department.
So I looked at the site again, its kind of ambigous when it comes to the 10k coralvue bulbs. It lists a 10k SE 1 which i cmoapred to the 12k SE 1. There is also a coralvue 10k SE 2, and a coralvue reeflux 10k SE 1. Unfortunetly he does not list the difference between all of these...
So I looked at the site again, its kind of ambigous when it comes to the 10k coralvue bulbs. It lists a 10k SE 1 which i cmoapred to the 12k SE 1. There is also a coralvue 10k SE 2, and a coralvue reeflux 10k SE 1. Unfortunetly he does not list the difference between all of these...
I may be wrong here, but I think it's the 10 and 12K Reeflux where the big differences are. From what I understand the 12K has to be replace more often due to par loss. Especially if run on a hqi ballast. That's why I went with the 10K, should be able to get 10-12 mos. out of them. I know Kevin Pockell runs them most all on hqi ballast for that long. That's what I'm using is the PFO hqi. So far I love it. Now if I could just find a Aqua Connect 14k bulb. I'd never run any other bulb again. Of course they're about $145 a pop. have been looking for months, with no luck. No one carries them here in the states anymore:mad:
My 10k reeflux are at 1 year next month and I will be replacing them. I have not lost 1 bit of color due to loosing par with age and this is the first set of halides that I have not had that done.

I am also going to feeding every 4 days like Robert has done. Last night was my first feeding besides saturday nights.
So yesterday was my first time adding the new food concoction. I added AA's about an hour before and the corals polyped out a bit. then I removed the adjustment tube on the skimmer so that it wouldn't skim, but would still bubble and keep the oxygen levels up, but check it out, not a huge deal I don't think, but look what happened to my ORP readings...


That pretty big dip in the middle is right after I added the stuff. Let me know if you think I have anything to worry about.
So yesterday was my first time adding the new food concoction. I added AA's about an hour before and the corals polyped out a bit. then I removed the adjustment tube on the skimmer so that it wouldn't skim, but would still bubble and keep the oxygen levels up, but check it out, not a huge deal I don't think, but look what happened to my ORP readings...


That pretty big dip in the middle is right after I added the stuff. Let me know if you think I have anything to worry about.

Nutrients will do that. Actually thats what you expect to see, another reason to monitor the system closely.

So Ben, You still want to get your tank up to saturation levels with this food?:lol: I don't think so.. Remember this stuff is super high in protien:D :D
I'd be interest to see if over orp climbs over a period of time after starting this. It seems to be having a good effect on bacteria, almost seems to have improved water quality. Ive noticed clarity and reduced skimmate. I think ReeferPat is seeing a chaeto die off.
Class Clown would you post your orp readings again in another week or so?

That's to be expected.

If you add a Carbon source as well as nutrients, bacteria will go nuts. It becomes a problem when you stop the dosing. Some bacteria will go into stasis and others will die which will change the organic phosphates (bound in an animal or plant) into inorganic phosphates where it will be a free-for-all as to who nabs the liberated P.
I'd be interest to see if over orp climbs over a period of time after starting this. It seems to be having a good effect on bacteria, almost seems to have improved water quality. Ive noticed clarity and reduced skimmate. I think ReeferPat is seeing a chaeto die off.
Class Clown would you post your orp readings again in another week or so?


will do again in another week or so.. but here is a continuation of the first graph which includes day 2 .... I've only had the orp probe hooked up for a week now and I don't have ozone running so still a newbie to the ORP world, but the ORP is now higher than I've seen it yet (273). Very interesting

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it's goona keep on climbing,,,good oxidized,/with out 03,will take little dip in daytime when ph higher and will up again at night, will be more clear in the water,looking pretty good,,keep on posting.
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I have also noticed reduced skimmate and a water clarity that I haven't seen as true before. The skimmate I get is super stinky, gunky. And the water is crystal clear. I said last week in looking from one end of the tank to the other it's like there is no water. The rock and corals are just sitting there.
so do you just put the food unthawed in the water or do you thaw and administer with a turkey baster or something to that effect
so do you just put the food unthawed in the water or do you thaw and administer with a turkey baster or something to that effect

you know.. that's a great question.. so i'll share what i did and also ask for other folks input too. Initially, I put the frozen cube in the display in like a chip clip thing, but then noticed it wasn't really breaking up much. I figured it would dethaw and then just break up into a bunch of small pieces and kinda melt away, but it didn't. So I took it out of the clip and put the thawed cube in a cup and used a turkey baster to help break it up and then i squirted it in the tank. The pieces still weren't as small as I would've liked, so if others have a better way to administer, please share.

Shannon and lisa - are you giving it a try too?:p
i want to but i am in the middle of redoing the tank(more flow) so i want to learn all i can and start after it is redone
what I do is take the cube and thaw it in a cup of tank water. I let it thaw for about 30-45 min. Then I pour it into the tank right in front of a powerhead. I pour about half of the melt on 1 side of the tank and the other half of the cup on the other side. I don't see where turkeybasting and/or direct feeding would do any better.