A little reading: Blue Coral Method

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Here's a couple pics. the first are a little over 2 months old. the second is about 2 weeks old.


Pic. of A. tenius 2 mo. ago

2wks ago

A. Austrea 2 mo. ago

2 wks ago

I have several more, just need to move them to photobucket.
Whoooooa - wish you were closer for some trading - looking soo good!

That's some pretty substantial growth in a matter of a few months - gees!

I am temporarily on hold doing my dosage. We have a big swap this coming weekend in the puget sound area and I'm just looking to thin out my tank a bit and pick up some new pieces too. I'm planning on getting back on the band wagon next week :D
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hey hows it going read alot of this thread thought u might find this intresting
my lfs owner (marine biologist botanyst) and a friend of his put together this additive which i use to feed my corals its made by a company call Nutra-Kol this is the igredents listing for Nutraplus boost feed (with garlic) it contains
red green microalgae (dunaliella salina and nannochloropsis sp.)
chemical analysis
protein>10,lipids>9, carbohydrates>9.5, chlorphyll 0.026 beta-carotene and mix carotenoids 2.
vitamins mg/100ml (iu/100ml)
Retinol (vit A) (10000)
D3 (1820)
mix tocopherols (vit E) (3000)
K3 1.9
B1 2
B2 2.73
B6 2.85
B12 0.0143
Pentothenic acid 13.1
Folic acid 0.95
Nicotinic acid 47.6
Biotin 0.05
Ascorbic acid (Vit C) (20000)
Glucans (immune stimulants) 1000

i reackon this stuff gives u a good spread of what u need mix it with sum brine eggs or table spoon it in makes ur tanks orange for an hour turn the skimmer off and an hour later crystal clear water
i trust it cause it was developed by a marine biologist plus its cheap and he gets me crazy stuff from the great barrier reef
either Don did or one of the Italian sps keepers that came up with this methodology for feeding sps tanks. It's been a tried and true method for a very, long time in italy.
im just trying to figure out why Glutamine way picked. Glu is just one AA, and it happens to be high in nitrogen. many more AA's would be present in the food itself, but if i was looking for an AA to speed growth, i would look for something that would help with calcification also, like L-Lysine


thoughts please
GLN is just one of many. Asperatic Acid is another, the l lysine is another. The AA's is what helps in calcifiation. Most any good source of AA will work.
The L Glutamine has worked great for me. I have unbelieveable growth, much, much less skimmate, phosphates or nutrients. I may try asperatic acid in the next batch.
I'm assuming that any percieved benefit of supplementing food with amino acids is meant to be eaten by the corals and not just having the amino acids available in the water. Which are not utilized or taken up by corals in any amount from the water that could be considered of use.
While again, I am all for feeding our animals, I can not help but to laugh at the idea that the act of feeding our corals is labeled as a "method" when it is simply... feeding our animals. A recipe, yes, a method, no. Alot of assumptions were made also on what is being used and how it is being used as well. Simply adding something to water does not ensure it will be utilized by the target animal. Maybe I'm looking at it much more simplified than I should. I dunno.

It's just called the Blue Coral Method. Yes the AA's are meant to be added with the food. If added a couple hrs before feeding it will cause better polyp extension for feeding at night. I mix mine in with the food. The AA's help aid in the calcification process. No feeding your corals is not something new, but what your feeding. I never got the results I'm getting by feeding the stuff in a bottle, more like junk in a bottle!
did no one see the stuff that im using or what cause i would hardly call it junk
in all honsty the best thing to feed woiuld be to cultuer zoo and phyto plankton and sps are highly carnivourse so breeding zooplankton would be better then any thing u put in a blender
ill stick to my "bottle of junk" as theres no comparsion cause no one here uses it besides me and my mate when a sumpless tank goes from an oragne tainted water to crystal clear with no skimming or filtration i know the coral is sucking it all in as they all start going crazy realsing tenticals and opening mouths left right and center
morgan, I think the reason no one has replied is whatever you are using is probably not available here in the states, I don't even know the name of so couldn't look for it if I was wanting to try it.

I will stick to my BluCoral "feeding".
I am not trying to be offensive, but it is hard to maintain when I see yet another goofy "idea" tossed out yet again. Did it ever occur to anyone that just the simple act of feeding an animal might do it some good? Or as to why we should believe who ever came up with this? What are their credentials? Of all the statements being claimed as fact, how are those claims substantiated? If it is just some guy at a pet shop, come on now. These are the same people who gave us garlic...lol

Elevated levels of calcium, mag and so on? What is possibly the point of doing so? If a coral takes an "x" minute amount of those elements out of the water in a given day, Do you think it actualy matters if it takes it out of a 420 level or a 500 level? It doesnt.

Sugar? Very bad idea, there are quite a few studies, from actual scientists, who have shown that elevated carbon levels equate into elevated bacterial levels, all of which leads to coral pathogens (disease). This is yet another example of what I am talking about, someone hears "corals use carbon" and right away, if they use it, then providing a bunch of it means the corals will love it. Not a thought given that maybe other life forms may find it to their liking as well.

Why do the corals do well on the so called "light" formula? If the original recipe was all so wonderfull, why is there no difference shown? Then ask this, What amino acids do corals use? How much? How much is in natural sea water? What else could be using it? How do you test for it? What levels should be maintained? How do you maintain it? At what level does it become toxic? Can they be toxic? and on and on.

yes, feed your corals, they do much better by doing so, but please do not jack up elements for no good reason or add some other foreign substances to your water. Its all just voodoo science, and in most cases, just plain stoopid. Growth hormone therapy for corals..., whats next? Robotic implants? :eek:


Ciao...mi sono appena iscritto, e purtroppo non parlo bene inglese...quindi preferisco scrivere in italiano in maniera corretta piuttosto che in inglese e in maniera sbagliata....
"ReeferPatt" (che saluto..;))ha preso l'articolo che io ho pubblicato su Reef Central...
purtroppo non avete avuto modo di vedere le magnifiche vasca gestite con questo metodo, quindi giustamente, avete molti dubbi e pensate che sia il solito metodo inventato all'ultimo minuto per far arricchire qualcuno....
questo metodo è estremamente semplice, ha pochissime regole e pochissime integrazioni....è usato da almeno una 13-14 anni....
i risultati sono visibili a tutti....
io sono un "quasi biologo"(stò per laurearmi), e collaboro come moderatore sul sito:

dove si discute ogni giorni di questo genere di argomenti....
potete fidarvi oppure no, vi mostro però solo delle foto....giudicate da soli...

ciao Fabio

p.s. spero che qualcuno possa tradurre quello da me scritto....
translation of above text

Hello... hardly they are enrolled me, and unfortunately I do not speak well English... therefore I prefer to write in Italian in correct way rather than in English and mistaken way.... "ReeferPatt" (than saluto..)ha taken the article that I have published on Reef Central... unfortunately you have had way to see magnificent the bathtub managed with this method, therefore just, you have many doubts and thoughts that are the usual method invented to the last minute in order to make to enrich someone.... this method are extremely simple, it has least rules and least integrations... è used from at least a 13-14 years.... it turns out to you are visible to all.... I I am "nearly biologo"(stò in order to graduate to me), and collaborate like moderator on the situated one: www.reefitalia.net where one discusses every days about this kind of arguments.... you can be trusted or not, you monster but only of the photos... giudicate alone... hello Fabio p.s. I hope that someone can translate that from written me....
Fabio do you know where the idea to substitute Glutamine for HGH came from? and why Glutamine was chosen?

Fabio sapete da dove l'idea sostituire la glutammina per HGH è venuto? e perchè glutammina è stato scelto?