A Saga: Nikki's 120 gallon

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Jury is still out on the clams. They have so far survived the iodine dip, and are currently in QT. The smaller of the clams still is showing pinching....the mantle is curled up. For those that want to follow along on my clam journey - here is a link to the thread: Pinched Mantle

Elmo - Rod is great, and I'm glad I made the trip. It was nice to see his set-up, and also look at the teeny tiny babies :) . Its hard to believe they start so small. I'm very happy with these two clowns. This morning the clowns were beginning to feel comfortable enough to surf the current across to the other side of the tank. The bigger one also lightly nipped at the rabbitfish's tail. The Rabbitfish did nothing in return. She hangs out with them so much, I wondered if they would have an encounter.
Nikki, that is one gorgeous fish...mine (foxface) seems to hang out with my blue tang...they are like best buds...i am still trying to get a decent shot of mine...he/she will sit watching me with my face against the glass...slowly bring camera up...whooosh to the fox cave...aargh
I wasn't going to mention anything about my new acquisitions because both of these species have not survived in my tank before. I was going to give them a couple of weeks before posting about them, but this picture made me laugh. This afternoon I acclimated a Kole Tang and 6-line Wrasse, and by this evening everyone was hanging around together. I took an opportunity to catch this picture. Why swim in all the tank space, when you can congragate in the center of the aquarium. Also, those spots are coralline on the front of the tank. I've been bad about scraping it off.

Something else encouraging about the pic is my algae. I know to alot of you it still looks bad, but I compared it to a shot from a month ago, and wow - what a difference. This area is bad in comparison to other parts of the tank.

I'll try and get the coralline scraped off and get another full tank shot and post the one from last month to the new one. I think you'll be amazed. The coralline spots on the back of the tank are about the size of a nickel. My top and bottom outputs are completely covered, and portions of the bottom of the tank are solid, too.

Anyway - enjoy the pic. I hope these fish do well this time. I really like both of them, and would hate to lose them.
Better stop adding fish now...You'll be over crowded!!

That Kole is good sized....

LOL Nick! *side bar....I'm neurotic about overstocking, and Nick knows it*

The Kole is definately a good sized fish. Didn't take it long to get comfortable and swimming about. I really hope it does well in the next couple of weeks.
I dunno...as big as he, he might feel overcrowded and go on a hunger strike....allllllll because you had to have 5 fish in 120 gallon tank.

Way to go Nikki....sigh......fish hoarder......


Alright!! Coralline growth....Woohooo!! :exclaim: :exclaim:
Way to go, Nikki! That’s a great sign! :D
I can see the difference already!
Great news on the algae!!! I like your fish!

My 6-line won't eat flake food, I buy frozen plankton and he loves it. I only feed him a speck of it because I have a lot of mini-crustaceans and pods.

He'll probably harass any shrimp you get for the tank, just a heads-up.
My six line doesn't harass anything other than other wrasses, I can't believe I still hace a cleaner & pepermint shrimp, more so because I also have a flame hawk, think the main thing is having large shrimp.
Here are my progression pics. Hard to believe the difference in algae.

The first pic was taken February 19th, second and third pics were from today April 3rd (so about a month and a half). Yes, I know my clam has fallen in the second pic. That one I've had a lot of trouble getting to stay put. I actually think it has something to do with the pinched mantle. Hopefully the treatment will work this next go around. The third pic is taken from the side of the tank (obviously), and you can get more of a feel for the way my tank is aquascaped. Oh, the aquascape is slightly different thanks to Nick/Maxx tearing my tank apart to get the anemone (which finally split in his tank). Good thing my tank is acrylic, as the rock slide he produced would have certainly crashed through glass ;) . lolol
Its starting to look very good Nikki!!

Oh, the aquascape is slightly different thanks to Nick/Maxx tearing my tank apart to get the anemone (which finally split in his tank). Good thing my tank is acrylic, as the rock slide he produced would have certainly crashed through glass . lolol

WHAT!!!! Why ya pickin on the short fat kid!!

Hey Nikki, where did all your algae go? That thing is going to be trick when you get it stocked. Like the rock work, coralines growing good. Its going to be cool.
That is great nikki! You are fighting a winning battle, bout time huh? I am very happy for you, good job :D
Thanks! It looks really good next to the pic from the end of February. I do get discouraged on occasion when looking at portions of the tank. There are areas that still get growth, but the majority is dying off....for now :) .

I can't wait to finally start adding some corals without fear of them getting covered in a green mess. The few frags I do have seem to be doing fine, and growing.
Congrats Nikki the tank is lookin sweet ! Love the fish selection so far, the color on the foxface is awesome never seen one quite like it...are you going to add any more fish ? If you are consider the Fairy Wrasses they're very active swimmers and are just beautiful fish.
Looking wonderful Nikki, keep up the good work...the more pics the better :)